
In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

author:A collection of fairy tales
In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now
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In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

In the late autumn of 2017, hurried footsteps and nervous shouts echoed in the dense forests of Hekou County, Yunnan Province. Zhang Hao, a 19-year-old armed police soldier, is chasing a group of vicious gangsters.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire cut through the silence, and Zhang Hao felt a sharp pain, but he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

This is no ordinary manhunt, but a major encirclement and suppression related to border security. What Zhang Hao didn't know was that 13 steel balls had been embedded in his body at this moment.

Despite his injuries, he continued to fight and eventually managed to subdue a gunman.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

This thrilling experience not only demonstrated Zhang Hao's fearless spirit, but also opened the prelude to an action against cross-border crimes. What is the force that sustains this young warrior to still charge forward in the face of life and death? How will his story continue? Let's unveil this legendary experience together.

Hekou County, a small town on the southwestern border of Yunnan province, was supposed to be a busy and peaceful border crossing. However, in the second half of 2017, a series of shocking truck robberies shattered the tranquility and cast a shadow over the border town.

The geographical location has become a hotbed for criminals. Every day, countless large trucks carry priceless goods through the border.

These vehicles are like flowing gold mines, attracting the greedy eyes of criminals. Some local villagers with an unbalanced mentality saw this "opportunity" and chose a dangerous path.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

These criminals usually choose to commit crimes after nightfall. They set up ambushes on both sides of the road and made a surprise attack when the trucks passed by. By the time the driver realizes that something is wrong, he is often surrounded by a group.

Faced with the threat of weapons, drivers can only sacrifice their money to save their lives. Such atrocities are becoming more and more rampant, and the number of victims is increasing.

The news spread quickly, and many truck drivers chose to take a detour to avoid danger. However, as the Chinese New Year approaches, some drivers have to venture down this dangerous route again.

This has undoubtedly heightened tensions on the ground.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Faced with an increasingly severe security situation, the Hekou County Public Security Bureau in Yunnan Province realized that decisive action was necessary. They decided to launch a comprehensive crackdown to thwart the arrogance of criminals and ensure road safety.

However, the lack of ordinary police presence has become a major problem.

At this critical moment, the Public Security Bureau requested support from the neighboring armed police force. This decision not only changed the fate of Hekou County, but also opened a thrilling life course for 19-year-old Zhang Hao.

Local residents are looking forward to the operation to completely clear the darkness that has entrenched in their homes. However, no one knew how difficult the battle would be, and no one expected that a young armed police fighter would write such a touching heroic chapter in this operation.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

The story of Hekou County is not only a security dilemma for a small border town, but also reflects the challenges and determination of the mainland in combating cross-border crime and maintaining border security.

The fate of this small city will affect the hearts of countless people, and it will also witness a thrilling battle of justice.

Zhang Hao's story begins in 1997, when he was born into an ordinary rural family in Yunnan Province. However, fate seems to be particularly favored to test the family's tenacity.

When Zhang Hao was only two years old, his father died of illness, leaving his mother alone to shoulder the burden of raising two children.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

The hardships of life are like a boulder, weighing on this family that is not wealthy. However, the adversity did not break them, but sharpened their maturity beyond their years.

While the other children were still playing carefree, young Zhang Hao and his sister had already begun to share the housework for their mother with their immature hands.

Despite her family's poverty, Zhang Hao's mother insisted on educating her children. She believes that knowledge is the key to changing destiny. With the encouragement of his mother, Zhang Hao and his sister studied hard and never interrupted their studies due to financial difficulties.

However, just as junior high school was coming to an end, Zhang Hao made a decision that puzzled both his mother and sister: he planned to give up the opportunity to go to college after graduating from high school and choose to join the army.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Behind this decision is Zhang Hao's adherence to his father's last wish, and his determination to change the fate of his family through his own efforts.

At first, the family thought it was just because they couldn't afford college. But as Zhang Hao explained repeatedly, his mother and sister gradually understood his deep motives. They saw the firmness in Zhang Hao's eyes, which was a sense of responsibility and mission that transcended age.

In 2016, Zhang Hao enlisted in the army as he wished. However, reality has given this young man with dreams a blow to the head. Due to his poor physical fitness, he repeatedly fell behind in training and finished at the bottom several times.

In the face of setbacks, Zhang Hao did not retreat, but worked hard to improve himself with extraordinary perseverance and determination.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Every day before dawn, Zhang Hao began to practice. He gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his muscles, and pushed his limits again and again. Gradually, his fitness and skills improved significantly.

The comrades-in-arms were surprised to find that the recruits, who had always lagged behind, were growing at an astonishing rate.

Through unremitting efforts, Zhang Hao gradually grew into an excellent fighter. His performance not only won the respect of his comrades, but also laid a solid foundation for his later participation in major operations.

Zhang Hao's growth process not only reflects his personal perseverance, but also reflects the dedication of countless soldiers. From a poor teenager to a fearless soldier, Zhang Hao used his actions to interpret what responsibility is and what is responsibility.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

It is this spirit that sustains him to remain fearless in the face of life and death trials, and to fight for the safety of the people.

This experience became the most valuable asset in Zhang Hao's life, and also laid the groundwork for his heroic deeds in the future.

At the end of 2017, a tense atmosphere was in the air in Kawaguchi County. Zhang Hao arrived at the designated battlefield with the public security police team and immediately threw himself into the operation to crack down on truck robbery.

After days and nights of searching and investigating, they finally locked down a group of recalcitrant criminals.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

On the day of the operation, the sky was overcast, as if to foreshadow the fierce confrontation that was about to take place. When the criminals realized that they were surrounded, they did not hesitate to choose to flee into the nearby dense forest.

Faced with this situation, many people may hesitate, but 19-year-old Zhang Hao resolutely chased after it.

The dense forest is dimly lit, the terrain is complex, and the branches and foliage are horizontal. The criminals are far more familiar with the environment than anyone thinks, and they nimbly weave from tree to tree in an attempt to escape the pursuit.

However, these difficulties did not stop Zhang Hao's firm steps. He nimbly jumped over fallen logs, slipped through bushes, and always clung to the criminal's tail.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

During the chase, Zhang Hao's heart beat faster, his breathing was short, and sweat soaked his clothes. But his eyes remained steadfast, and the muscles in his body tensed, ready to deal with possible dangers.

Just as he was about to succeed in capturing a criminal, the unexpected happened suddenly.

The criminal jerked around and pulled out a hidden powder gun. At this critical moment, Zhang Hao did not flinch in the slightest, but accelerated and rushed forward. The gunshots exploded in the forest, and Zhang Hao felt a sharp pain in his body, but he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

In a state of high tension, Zhang Hao did not immediately realize the severity of his injuries. An adrenaline rush temporarily masks the pain. Mistakenly believing that he was only scratched by a branch, he continued to pursue with all his might.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

After a fierce struggle, Zhang Hao finally succeeded in subduing the gunman.

At this moment, a sudden feeling of weakness hit. Zhang Hao realized that he had been shot. He looked down and saw that blood had oozed from his uniform.

Fortunately, Zhang Hao was wearing a bulletproof vest and avoided fatal injuries. But later medical examinations revealed that there were 13 steel balls in his body. This discovery made everyone gasp and realize what kind of danger Zhang Hao had experienced.

In the face of such a serious injury, Zhang Hao behaved extremely calmly. His first reaction was not to worry about his injury, but to inquire about the overall outcome of the operation. When he learned that he had successfully captured several criminals, a smile of relief appeared on his face.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Even on the stretcher, he was still concerned about the safety of his comrades.

This heroic deed quickly spread and shocked the entire Yunnan Province. Zhang Hao was awarded the title of National Outstanding Police Officer and was awarded a second-class meritorious service. However, for Zhang Hao, the biggest reward is not these honors, but being able to contribute to the safety of the people.

In a later interview, Zhang Hao said calmly: "I didn't think about it so much at that time, I just knew that I had to catch them." I am an armed police soldier, and it is my duty to protect the safety of the people.

This experience not only demonstrated Zhang Hao's bravery and fearlessness, but also demonstrated the important role of the armed police force in safeguarding national security and fighting crime. It tells us that heroes in peacetime also need to face the test of life and death and pay great sacrifices.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Zhang Hao's story will forever inspire more people to work hard to protect the security of the country and its people.

In 2018, with the adjustment of the military establishment, Zhang Hao faced another important choice in his life. With his outstanding performance and heroic deeds in the armed police force, it is not difficult to find an enviable job.

However, to the surprise of many, Zhang Hao chose to stay in Yunnan, where he was born and raised, and became an ordinary police officer.

This decision represents a whole new challenge. From a mighty armed police soldier to a grassroots police officer, the change of role requires great courage and adaptability. As an ordinary police officer, Zhang Hao faced many and trivial problems.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

He needs to learn how to communicate with all kinds of people and deal with all kinds of complex social contradictions. But Zhang Hao did not back down, but threw himself into his new work with the same enthusiasm and sense of responsibility.

In the spring of 2020, when the new crown epidemic swept the world, Zhang Hao once again showed his courage and responsibility. During a patrol, he noticed that an elderly man who was in his late teens had suddenly fallen to the ground.

Faced with the possible risk of infection, Zhang Hao rushed forward without hesitation, putting his personal safety at risk. He quickly administered first aid to the elderly and contacted medical personnel, and finally succeeded in saving the elderly's life.

This behavior once again proves that Zhang Hao's heart of always serving the people has never changed. Whether in the military camp or the police barracks, he has always practiced his original intention of protecting the people and serving the masses.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Zhang Hao used practical actions to explain that heroes not only exist in thrilling battles, but also exist in ordinary daily work.

From a 19-year-old young armed police officer to today's grassroots police, Zhang Hao's life trajectory shows the responsibility and responsibility of a contemporary youth. His story is not only a personal growth legend, but also a hymn to the motherland and the people.

Today's Zhang Hao is still sticking to the front line at the grassroots level, solving problems for the masses. He was not complacent because of his former honor, but always maintained his original intention of serving the people.

In his daily work, he treats every little thing with the same enthusiasm and care, and interprets the oath of "the people's police for the people" with his actions.

In 17 years, 19-year-old armed policeman Zhang Hao was hit by 13 bullets when he arrested the suspect, and what treatment does he enjoy now

Facing the future, we have reason to believe that this young hero will continue to write an extraordinary chapter of life in an ordinary position. Zhang Hao's story is the epitome of thousands of public security policemen who have silently dedicated, and they have built a solid line of defense to protect the people's safety with their selfless dedication.

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