
"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old


1981 was a year that made countless Chinese blood boil. In this year, the Chinese women's volleyball team passed all the way in the World Cup and finally won the championship, which is not only the glory of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also the pride of the whole country. And Song Shixiong, as the commentator at that time, his passionate and infectious voice became an iconic symbol of sports commentary in that era.

I remember that at that time, every family sat in front of the TV, staring intently at the screen, waiting for Song Shixiong's familiar and exciting voice. Whenever his voice sounded, it always caused one cheer after another. He is not only commenting on the competition, but also telling exciting stories, vividly showing every exciting moment in front of the audience.

Song Shixiong's commentary style is very unique, he is good at capturing every detail of the game, and then using his magnetic voice to connect these details to form a moving picture. In his voice, there is a love for volleyball, respect for athletes, and a desire to win. His commentary is not only a description of the game, but also a transmission of emotions and a kind of spiritual encouragement.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

In that era when there was no Internet and information dissemination was relatively closed, Song Shixiong's commentary became a bridge between the arena and the audience. His voice made those spectators thousands of miles away feel as if they were at the scene of the game and felt the tension and intensity of the game. His commentary allows those who don't understand the rules of volleyball to be attracted by the charm of the game and moved by the fighting spirit of the athletes.

Song Shixiong's commentary is not only a retelling of the game, but also an artistic creation. He used the power of words to give new meaning to every moment of the game. His commentary makes the game no longer just a sports competition, but also a cultural inheritance and a spiritual embodiment.

In the 1981 World Cup, the girls of the Chinese women's volleyball team showed extraordinary strength and tenacious fighting spirit. They braved the competition and went forward bravely, and finally won the championship. And Song Shixiong's commentary added a special color to this victory. His voice has become a memory of that era and a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Whenever I think back to that exciting era, people will always think of Song Shixiong's passionate commentary. His voice, as if still ringing in his ears, inspires generations of Chinese to pursue their dreams and create their own glory. And the story of the Chinese women's volleyball team is also forever remembered in the long river of history in this explanation.

Speaking of CCTV's "famous mouth", the first name that comes to many people's minds may be Song Shixiong. His fast and clear commentary style has not only made him a benchmark in the world of sports commentary, but also influenced the understanding and appreciation of sports competitions for two generations.

Song Shixiong's commentary is like an audio-visual feast, and he can always convey the essence of the game to the audience in the shortest possible time and in the most concise language. His voice, like a sharp sword, goes straight to the heart of the game, allowing the audience to grasp the main points of the game in the first time.

In the process of commentary, Song Shixiong was always able to accurately capture the key moments of the game, and then used his rhythmic language to mobilize the emotions of the audience. His commentary is like a well-choreographed symphony, with every note just right and every turn gripping.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Song Shixiong's commentary is not only a simple description of the game, but also an in-depth analysis and interpretation. He can always analyze the game from different angles, so that the audience has a deeper understanding of the game. His commentary is like a beacon that illuminates the audience's perception of sports competitions.

During Song Shixiong's commentatorial career, he has witnessed countless exciting competitions, as well as the rise and development of Chinese sports. His commentary has become a part of the history of Chinese sports and a good memory in the hearts of countless people. Whenever they recall those classic moments, people will always think of Song Shixiong's passionate voice and his deep-rooted commentary.

Song Shixiong's explanation is not only an art, but also a kind of inheritance. He has used his voice to influence and inspire generations of Chinese. His commentary makes sports competitions more vivid and interesting, and makes more people fall in love with sports and sports.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

In today's society, although the way of information dissemination has undergone earth-shaking changes, Song Shixiong's commentary style is still loved and respected by people. His voice has become a memory of the times and a cultural symbol. Whenever people mention CCTV's "famous mouth", they will always involuntarily think of Song Shixiong and his fast and clear commentary style.

Song Shixiong's commentary is like a bright pearl, inlaid in the crown of CCTV, shining with eternal light. He used his voice to write a legend and create a history. And this history will always be remembered and praised by generations of people.

Everyone's growth trajectory is unique, and some people's growth stories are full of challenges and miracles. For example, in the case of such a person, his language development was particularly slow in his childhood. While other children are already able to express their thoughts and emotions fluently, he is still groping for the mysteries of language in silence. It wasn't until he was 6 years old that he uttered the first words of his life, which was not only an important milestone in his personal growth, but also a great joy for his family.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

This child's childhood was full of curiosity and exploration, but it was also accompanied by confusion and challenges. He looked at the world around him, and his heart was full of questions, but he couldn't put them into words. In his eyes, there is a longing for the world and a yearning for communication, but whenever he tries to speak, he always feels powerless. This silence made him feel extremely lonely in the crowd, and it also made his family feel extremely anxious.

However, the child's silence is not indifferent, but deep down, there is a fierce ideological struggle. His inner world is rich and deep, full of imagination and creativity. He expresses himself in other ways, such as drawing, gesticulating, and even making eye contact. These non-verbal expressions, although they cannot completely replace language, have become a bridge between him and the world.

Over time, the child, with the patient guidance of his family and the help of his doctor, began to slowly try to make sounds and learn language. The process is difficult and challenging. Every attempt is accompanied by countless failures and setbacks. But he didn't give up, and neither did his family. They believe that with perseverance, one day, the child will be able to express his heart in words.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Finally, at the age of 6, the child said the first words of his life. Although this sentence is simple and immature, it is like a ray of light that illuminates the world of him and his family. This sentence is not only a big leap in his language ability, but also a huge boost in his self-confidence. From that moment on, he began to be more actively involved in language learning, and his language skills improved by leaps and bounds.

This child's story is a story of perseverance and courage. It tells us that no matter how difficult and challenging we face, as long as we don't give up, we will one day be able to break through ourselves and realize our own value. His story also inspires children who encounter challenges on the road to growth, making them believe that everyone has their own rhythm and way, and as long as we wait patiently and persist in working hard, we will be able to usher in our own spring.

In the world of sports broadcasting, Zhang Zhi is a well-known name, and his passionate and infectious commentary style has made countless sports fans crazy. And among his many followers, there is a young man who, because of Zhang Zhi's influence, developed a strong interest in sports broadcasting, and eventually became Zhang Zhi's apprentice and started his career as a sports commentator.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

The young man has been a sports fan since he was a child and has a passion for all kinds of sporting events. Whenever there is a big game, he always stays in front of the TV early, looking forward to the start of the game. However, his interest is not only in watching the game, but also in commenting on the game. He liked to imitate the commentators on TV and describe every moment of the game in his own words, even though he didn't know how to express it at the time.

Until one day, he heard Zhang Zhi's explanation. It was a new experience, and Zhang Zhi's voice, speed of speech, and emotion deeply touched him. He was attracted by Zhang Zhi's passionate commentary, as if he had found his own direction. From that moment on, he made up his mind to become a sports commentator like Zhang Zhi.

In order to realize this dream, he began to study hard, not only to learn sports knowledge, but also to learn interpretation skills. He repeatedly watched Zhang Zhi's game commentary, imitated his language style, and learned his commentary skills. He knows that in order to become a good narrator, it is not enough to have enthusiasm, but also to have solid professional knowledge and superb presentation skills.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. By chance, the young man got the opportunity to meet Zhang Zhi. With excitement, he expressed his admiration and desire to become a narrator to Zhang Zhi. Zhang Zhi was impressed by his sincerity and enthusiasm, and decided to take him as an apprentice and teach him the experience and skills of commentary.

Under Zhang Zhi's guidance, the young man's commentary ability has been rapidly improved. He began to participate in small-scale sports events and gradually gained experience. His commentary style has also begun to be recognized by people, and more and more people have begun to pay attention to him and like his commentary.

However, becoming a good narrator is not an easy task. He needs to keep learning, keep improving, and keep challenging himself. Under Zhang Zhi's strict training, he gradually overcame his own shortcomings and formed his own unique commentary style. His voice began to make its mark in the world of sports broadcasting, becoming a rising star.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

The story of this young man's growth is one of dreams, perseverance and hard work. He used his practical actions to prove that as long as you have dreams and determination, you can achieve your goals. His story also inspires more people to pursue their dreams and face life's challenges bravely. And Zhang Zhi, as his mentor, is also extremely proud and gratified of his growth. Their story continues, and this young man's career as a sports commentator has just begun.

1960 was a time of hope and dreams. In this year, a young man with a dream of broadcasting, with full of enthusiasm and infinite longing for his career, joined Zhongyang People's Broadcasting Station. His name soon spread in the broadcasting industry and became a new star in the broadcasting industry of that era.

This young man has not only made remarkable achievements in his career, but also reaped sweet fruits in love. His story is like a warm and inspirational movie, which makes people feel the beauty and happiness of life in the aftertaste.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

After joining Zhongyang People's Radio, he quickly showed his talent and potential. His voice was warm and magnetic, and his expression was clear and infectious, and he quickly won the hearts of a wide audience. His programs, whether they are news broadcasts or feature interviews, attract a large number of loyal listeners. His career, like a rising sun, radiant and illuminating his future.

However, the success of his career did not make him complacent, and he always maintained a humble and dedicated attitude. He is well aware that as a broadcaster, he needs to keep learning and improving in order to gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition. He delved into the broadcasting business, constantly exploring new ways of expression and means of communication, and striving to make his programs more accessible and attractive to listeners.

While succeeding in his career, I would like to say that his love life has also ushered in spring. By chance, he meets a beautiful and intelligent girl. His temperament, talent, and kindness attracted him deeply. They quickly fell in love and became the most important people in each other's lives.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Their love story is full of romance and warmth. They have experienced many memorable times together and faced many challenges in life together. They support and encourage each other, and become each other's most solid backing. Their love is like a beautiful poem, which makes people feel the beauty and happiness of life in reading.

The young man's career and love have yielded fruitful results. His broadcasting career not only won him honor and respect, but also allowed him to find a stage to realize his self-worth. His love not only added color to his life, but also made him feel the true love and warmth of the world.

His story is a story of dreams, struggles and love. It tells us that as long as we are brave enough to pursue our dreams and persevere, we will be able to succeed in our career and love. His story also inspires more people to pursue their own happiness and create their own beautiful life. And 1960, this special year, also became an important turning point in his life, opening a new chapter in his career and love.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

In the passionate and dynamic field of sports broadcasting, he has won wide recognition and respect for his professional skills and clear commentary. The narrator, let's call him Li Ming, is a journey of love, focus, and achievement.

Li Ming's love for sports began in childhood. Whenever football, basketball, or other sporting events are shown on TV, he is always glued and engrossed. Not only did he enjoy watching the game, but he also became interested in the passionate commentary of the commentators. As he grew older, Li Ming's love for sports gradually translated into the pursuit of the art of commentary.

When he was in college, Li Ming chose to major in journalism and communication, which he believes is the best path to his dream of sports commentary. On campus, he not only learned theoretical knowledge such as journalism and communication, but also actively participated in various practical activities, exercising his language expression skills and on-the-spot adaptability. His voice began to emerge on campus radio stations and student activities.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

After graduating, Li Ming joined a local television station and began his sports broadcasting career. At first, he only did some basic work, such as editing, recording, etc., but he never complained and always devoted himself to every job with full enthusiasm. He knows that this is the only way to gain experience and improve himself.

Over time, Li Ming's professional abilities were gradually recognized. He began to have the opportunity to participate in more sporting events, from local events to national competitions to international competitions. Every time he broadcasts, he brings wonderful explanations to the audience with the fullest enthusiasm and the most professional knowledge. His voice, clear and infectious, is able to accurately convey every detail of the game, making the audience feel as if they are there.

Li Ming's commentary style is known for his professionalism and clarity. Not only is he able to accurately describe the course of the game, but he is also able to analyze the tactics and strategies of the game in depth to provide a deeper understanding for the audience. His commentary is not only a retelling of the game, but also a transmission of sportsmanship and an interpretation of sports aesthetics.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

In the field of sports broadcasting, Li Ming gradually built his reputation. His commentary was not only loved by the audience, but also recognized by his peers. His name began to spread in the sports broadcasting world and became a trusted and respected brand.

However, Li Ming was not satisfied. He knows that being a sports commentator requires constant learning, improvement, and innovation. He continues to delve into sports knowledge, pay attention to the latest sports trends, and constantly improve his professional quality. At the same time, I would like to say that he is also exploring new ways of interpretation and expression techniques, and strives to make his explanations more vivid, interesting and inspiring.

Li Ming's story is a story of dreams, professionalism and innovation. He used his practical actions to prove that as long as there is love, focus, and persistence, he can be recognized in the field of sports broadcasting and realize his value. His story also inspires more people to pursue their dreams and face life's challenges bravely. And sports broadcasting, this passionate and energetic stage, is the best place for him to show his talent and realize his dreams.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

In this fast-paced modern society, love stories can always touch people's hearts, especially those that are slowly conceived and matured in ordinary life. Li Ming's story is such a heart-warming love story.

The acquaintance of Li Ming and Zhong Rui can be said to be accidental or fateful. Their first encounter was at a gathering of friends. Zhong Rui, a gentle and talented girl, her smile is as warm as the spring sun. Li Ming, a young commentator with a passion for sports, has an infinite love and pursuit of life. The meeting between the two is like two clear springs meeting in a mountain stream, flowing together naturally.

At first, they were just friends, sharing their love for sports and their passion for their work. Over time, they discovered striking similarities to each other in many ways. They have an indescribable tacit understanding of their attitude towards life, their pursuit of dreams, and even their views on some small things. This tacit understanding gradually warmed up their relationship, and they slowly developed from friends to lovers.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Their love process is not as vigorous as in the movie, but it is full of warmth and sweetness. They would go to a sports game together and discuss every wonderful moment of the game. After work, they will find a quiet café to share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows; On weekends, they go for a walk in the countryside together and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature. These ordinary and real fragments of life constitute the most precious memories of their love.

As the relationship between the two deepened, they began to think about the future and consider marriage. They know that marriage is not just a matter for two people, but also a responsibility, a commitment. They begin to get to know each other's families, personalities, and habits more deeply, ensuring that they can face the ups and downs of life together.

In the end, with the blessings of relatives and friends, they entered the palace of marriage. At the wedding, Li Ming said to Zhong Rui affectionately: "You are the most beautiful encounter in my life, and I am willing to use my life to protect you and love you." Zhong Rui responded with tears: "I am willing to walk with you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter of life, whether in good times or bad, we must hold hands and connect hearts." ”

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Their married life, like their love, is ordinary and real. They will cook together, clean the house together, and plan for the future together. They know that married life cannot always be smooth sailing, but as long as they can understand and support each other, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

The story of Li Ming and Zhong Rui is a story about acquaintance, acquaintance, and love. Their love has no earth-shattering vows, no promises, but it has the most sincere emotions and the firmest beliefs. They use their own experience to tell us that true love is to see the truth in the ordinary, and to see the great in the simple. Their story continues, and their love is still growing......

On the road of love, the perception and pressure of the outside world are often inevitable challenges. For Li Ming and Zhong Rui, their road to love was not all smooth sailing. Zhong Rui's family has their own expectations and standards for her other half, and Li Ming, as a sports commentator, did not fully meet their ideal candidate at first.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Zhong Rui's family hopes that she can find a stable and promising career, but they don't know much about the sports commentary industry, and even have some misunderstandings. In their opinion, the industry may not be stable enough and not secure enough. Therefore, when Zhong Rui introduced Li Ming to his family, their attitude was not very enthusiastic.

Faced with such a situation, Li Ming was not discouraged, let alone flinched. He knows that in order to win the recognition of Zhong Rui's family, it takes time and patience, and it takes more sincerity and hard work. He decided to prove his ability and love for Zhong Rui with his actions.

First of all, Li Ming began to work harder to improve his professional level. He is constantly learning new knowledge and skills, participating in various trainings and seminars, and striving to do better in the field of sports commentary. His efforts were not in vain, and his commentary was increasingly recognized by the audience and peers, and he gradually established his reputation in the industry.

Secondly, Li Ming showed his sincerity and respect in his dealings with Zhong Rui's family. He often takes the initiative to communicate with them, understand their ideas and needs, and do what he can to help them. He treats Zhong Rui's family as if it were his own, and his carefulness and thoughtfulness gradually impress them.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

In addition, I would like to say that Li Ming also further integrated into Zhong Rui's family by participating in family activities. He not only spends time with Zhong Rui's family during holidays, but also cares about their lives and participates in their discussions in his daily life. His active participation and sincere attitude made Zhong Rui's family feel his sincerity and importance to the family.

Over time, Li Ming's hard work and sincerity gradually won the recognition of Zhong Rui's family. They began to realize that Li Ming not only had an outstanding performance in his profession, but also showed rare qualities in dealing with people. They saw his love for Zhong Rui, his sense of responsibility to his family, and his plans and commitments for the future.

Zhong Rui's family began to change their opinion of him, and their attitude changed from initial reservations and skepticism to acceptance and support. They began to appreciate Li Ming's talent and personality, and also began to support his relationship with Zhong Rui. They know that Zhong Rui has found a trustworthy and reliable partner, someone who can give her happiness and security.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

The love story of Li Ming and Zhong Rui is a story about overcoming difficulties and winning recognition. It teaches us that sincerity and hard work are the keys to earning the respect and trust of others. As long as you have firm belief and unremitting efforts, you can overcome external obstacles and win your own happiness. And Li Ming and Zhong Rui proved this with their actions.

Life after retirement is a new journey for many people, full of unknowns and possibilities. For Li Ming and Zhong Rui, their retirement life is ordinary and happy, and the two are in love with each other, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of life.

After retiring, Li Ming no longer needs to be busy with work every day, and he has more time to spend with Zhong Rui and enjoy the world of the two. Although their lives are not as busy and tense as before, they are full of tranquility and warmth. Every morning, they would walk together in the park, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. In the afternoon, they will drink tea together on the balcony, chat about family life, and enjoy a leisurely time.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Both Li Ming and Zhong Rui cherish this time after retirement. They began to try new things, such as learning gardening and planting some of their favorite flowers and plants; Or participate in a calligraphy and painting class in the community to cultivate your hobbies. Their lives, although simple, are full of fun and satisfaction.

In addition to enjoying life, Li Ming and Zhong Rui are also very health-conscious. They will go for regular check-ups, maintain good living habits, eat reasonably, and exercise moderately. They know that a healthy body is the foundation for enjoying life and the best gift for each other.

In retirement, Li Ming and Zhong Rui also do not forget to give back to the society. They will participate in some public welfare activities to help those in need. They believe that giving brings more happiness than receiving, and they want to pass on love and warmth through their actions.

Retirement life, for Li Ming and Zhong Rui, is a new beginning and a new journey. With mutual support and companionship, they write their own happy stories. Although there are no earth-shattering events in their lives, they have the sweetness and warmth in the ordinary.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Li Ming and Zhong Rui's retirement life is a story of companionship, health and giving back. They tell us with their actions that retirement does not mean the end of life, but the beginning of another way of life. As long as there is love, companionship, and health, retirement life can also be full of happiness and joy. Their stories are still going on, and their lives are still writing new chapters......

For many parents, the development of their children abroad is both a pride and a pity. Li Ming and Zhong Rui are also facing such a situation. Their sons and daughters have all achieved good results abroad and have their own careers and families. Although as parents, they have a little reluctance and longing in their hearts, but they also understand and accept this reality.

Li Ming and Zhong Rui know that their children have their own life paths to follow, they need to be independent, and they need to explore the wider world. As parents, they give their children the utmost support and encouragement so that they can be brave enough to pursue their dreams. Although their children are not around, Li Ming and Zhong Rui maintain close contact with their children through phone calls, video calls and other means, sharing each other's lives.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

After retiring, Li Ming and Zhong Rui began to enjoy their old age. They furnished their home to be warm and comfortable, with love and memories in every corner. Their home is always full of laughter, whether it's cooking together or watching TV together, it's their way of enjoying life.

They also arrange regular trips to different places to experience different cultures and landscapes. Traveling not only relaxes their minds, but also broadens their horizons and allows them to experience a different life. During the trip, they share what they see and hear with their children, and although they cannot travel together, they feel that there is no distance between them through sharing.

Li Ming and Zhong Rui also pay great attention to their social lives. They keep in touch with old friends, participate in community events, and make new friends. Their lives are not alone, but are made more colorful by the abundance of social activities.

In addition, I want to say that Li Ming and Zhong Rui also do not forget to cultivate their own hobbies. Li Ming may be playing with his flowers and plants in the garden, while Zhong Rui may be immersed in her paintings in the studio. Their lives are full of color and energy, and each day is full and meaningful.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Although their children are not around, Li Ming and Zhong Rui's lives have not lost their luster because of this. In their own way, they lived their own wonderful lives. They know that the quality of life does not depend on whether their children are around, but on how they enjoy and value each day.

The story of Li Ming and Zhong Rui is a story of acceptance, understanding and enjoyment. They use their own experiences to show us that parents can have their own happiness and satisfaction even when their children are not around. Their story continues, and their later life continues to bloom......

1995 was an extremely important year in Li Ming's career. In this year, he won the "Best International Radio and Television Sports Host" award from the United States, becoming the first Chinese to receive this honor. This is not only a high recognition of his personal professional ability, but also a great honor for the Chinese sports commentary industry.

Behind this award is Li Ming's hard work and unremitting pursuit for many years. Ever since he stepped into the sports commentary industry, he has been determined to be the best commentator he can be. He delves into sports and hones his commentary skills to deliver the best experience on every broadcast.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Li Ming's commentary style is unique, and he can always convey the excitement of the game and the fighting spirit of the athletes to every audience with vivid language and accurate descriptions. His commentary is not only clear and smooth, but also full of passion and appeal, making people feel as if they are in the game and feel every detail of the game.

The news of winning this award spread back to China and immediately caused a huge sensation. The media reported one after another, and peers and audiences were also proud and happy for Li Ming. This award is not only an affirmation of Li Ming's personal recognition, but also an international recognition of the level of Chinese sports commentary.

At the award ceremony, Li Ming excitedly delivered an acceptance speech. He thanked all the audience, peers and family who had supported him, with a special mention of his wife, Zhong Rui, for her understanding and support over the years. He said that this award not only belongs to him personally, but also to all Chinese who love sports and support sports commentary.

After receiving this award, Li Ming did not become complacent because of this, but inspired his determination to continue to move forward. He knows that as a sports commentator, he shoulders the important responsibility of spreading the spirit of sportsmanship and promoting sports culture. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can understand and love sports, and feel the joy and passion brought by sports.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Li Ming's achievements have also set a new benchmark for China's sports commentary industry. His success has inspired more young commentators to pursue excellence and create their own brilliance. His story has become a good story in the history of Chinese sports commentary, and has been praised and emulated by future generations.

Li Ming's award is a story about dreams, hard work and achievement. It tells us that as long as we have dreams and pursuits, it is possible to achieve our goals and gain the recognition and respect we deserve. Li Ming's story continues, and his commentary career is still creating new brilliance......

Even though the years have left traces on Song Shixiong's face, his energetic commentary still makes people's hearts surge. Song Shixiong, this name is like a star that never fades in the Chinese sports commentary world, no matter how time passes, his influence is always far-reaching and lasting.

The elderly Song Shixiong did not slow down because of age, on the contrary, he continued to shine on the stage of sports commentary with more enthusiasm and unremitting efforts. His voice is still so sonorous and powerful, and it is still so infectious, so that people can feel the love for sports and the persistent pursuit of the art of interpretation as soon as they listen to it.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Song Shixiong's commentary is not only a simple description of the game, but also a kind of emotional transmission and spiritual encouragement. He can always use his unique language charm to ignite the passion of the audience and inspire their resonance at critical moments. His commentary is like a steady stream of motivation to promote the spread and development of sportsmanship.

In the world of sports commentary, Song Shixiong's status is unmatched. He is not only a veteran narrator, but also a respected mentor and role model. Many young commentators follow his example, learn from his interpretive skills, and learn from his professionalism. His influence has long gone beyond the sports commentary itself, and has become a cultural phenomenon and a memory of the times.

Song Shixiong's influence on the world of sports commentary is not only reflected in his professional ability, but also in his attitude towards life. He used his own experience to tell us that age is never a limit, as long as you have passion and dreams, you can create your own brilliance in any field. His story has inspired generations of sports enthusiasts and practitioners to pursue excellence and realize their self-worth.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old

Even after his retirement, Song Shixiong did not leave his passion for sports commentary. He is often invited to attend important sporting events, and uses his familiar and friendly voice to bring wonderful commentary to the audience. His presence is like a warm force, which keeps the sports commentary world alive and passionate.

Song Shixiong's commentary career is a vivid textbook, recording the development and changes of Chinese sports commentary. His voice has witnessed countless exciting moments and carried the emotions and memories of countless sports fans. Even in his advanced age, Song Shixiong's commentary is still full of vitality, his story is still continuing, and his influence is still continuing......

Song Shixiong's life is a life of unremitting pursuit and outstanding contributions to the art of sports commentary. He used his voice to write a glorious chapter in Chinese sports commentary, and became a legend of the times. His story will always be remembered, and his spirit will inspire those who come after him to keep moving forward.

"Famous mouth" Song Shixiong: I have been with my first wife for 59 years, and my children are not around when I get old