
How to publish the newspaper on WeChat


In the digital era, traditional newspaper media are also constantly seeking changes to adapt to the new media environment, WeChat as a leading social media platform in China, has a huge user base, providing a new way for newspaper media to communicate, through WeChat newspaper, can not only broaden the scope of the newspaper's audience, but also enhance the interaction with readers, the following is a detailed introduction to the steps and methods of WeChat newspaper.

How to publish the newspaper on WeChat

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

How to publish the newspaper on WeChat

1. Register a WeChat public account

Newspaper media need to register a WeChat public account, when registering, select the official account of the "media" category, and fill in the relevant information according to the prompts, it should be noted that the registration of the WeChat public account needs to provide the newspaper's formal publication license and other relevant documents.

2. Improve the WeChat public account information

How to publish the newspaper on WeChat

After successful registration, log in to the WeChat official account and complete the relevant information, including: the official account name, avatar, function introduction, etc., which will be displayed after the user follows the official account, which is of great significance to improve the user's sense of identity.

3. Set up a custom menu

In order to facilitate users to browse the content of newspapers in WeChat, you can set the corresponding navigation bar in the custom menu of the WeChat official account, such as the home page, previous newspapers, popular articles, classified reading, etc., and users can click on the menu item to enter the relevant page to view the content.

4. Publish content

Newspaper media can publish the following types of content in the WeChat public account:

(1) Newspaper electronic version: Upload the PDF file of the newspaper to the WeChat public platform, users can click to view, in order to improve the user experience, it is recommended to compress the PDF file to an appropriate size.

(2) Selected articles: reformat the high-quality articles in the newspaper and publish them in the form of pictures and texts, which can attract more users' attention and increase the reading volume of the articles.

(3) News and information: publish news and information related to the theme of the newspaper, including hot events at home and abroad, industry trends, etc.

(4) Interactive activities: Hold online and offline activities, such as questionnaires, essay competitions, lucky draws, etc., to enhance interaction with users.

5. Promote the official account

In order to increase attention and influence, newspaper media need to promote WeChat public accounts through various channels, here are some suggestions:

(1) Publish the QR code of the official account in the newspaper to guide readers to pay attention.

(2) Promote the official account through other new media platforms (such as Weibo, Douyin, etc.) of newspaper media.

(3) Promote each other with the official accounts of the same industry to expand influence.

(4) Use social functions such as WeChat Moments and WeChat groups to invite users to follow.

6. Data analysis and optimization

Through the analysis of WeChat official account data, to understand user preferences, reading habits, etc., in order to optimize the content, the following are some key data indicators:

(1) Reading: Analyze the reading volume of the article to understand the user's interest in different topics.

(2) Likes: Pay attention to the user's recognition of the article and adjust the content strategy.

(3) Shares: Analyze the spread effect of the article and understand which content is more popular.

(4) User messages: Pay attention to user messages, understand their needs and opinions, and adjust operation strategies in a timely manner.

7. Continuously update the content

Maintain the activity of the WeChat official account, regularly update the content, pay attention to user feedback, and continuously optimize the content quality and user experience.

Through the above steps, newspaper media can be published on the WeChat platform, broaden communication channels, enhance interaction with readers, in the process of operation, to pay attention to data analysis, constantly optimize the content, improve the influence, but also try to combine with other new media platforms, to achieve diversified communication, for the development of newspaper media into the new vitality.