
Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Xiaoyao Fenglong's wedding, the "undercurrent" in the tidbits

On that sunny day, it seemed that even the air was filled with sweetness, the tidbits of Xiao Yao and Feng Long's wedding quietly flowed out, and for a while, the entire social media world seemed to be ignited by the warm-up of this "wedding of the century". In the tidbits, the camera slowly advances, first in the carefully arranged auditorium, where every bouquet of flowers and every light seems to tell the romantic story that is about to be staged. But don't worry, let's talk about the "little secrets" hidden in the details first.

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

The "Red Temptation" Behind the Wedding Dress

Speaking of wedding dresses, that's one of the highlights of the whole tidbit! Xiao Yao was dressed in a gorgeous red wedding dress, the color was warm and public, as if it could instantly ignite everyone's attention. Netizens left messages: "Yang Zi's red dress is simply a new height of beauty, and people can't help but ask, is this a wedding dress or a battle robe?" There are even funny comments: "It seems that red is Yang Zi's natal color, wearing it, Xiao Yao seems to be saying: 'Sister is the queen, shine with confidence!'" ’”

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

The "National Detective" of Wedding Preparation

As the tidbits deepened, everyone began to incarnate as "Sherlock Holmes" and conduct an "in-depth analysis" of every detail of the wedding. From the selection of the wedding venue to the decoration style, from the guessing of the guest list to the arrangement of the wedding process, netizens are tired of participating in this online "wedding preparation competition". Someone ridiculed: "This is a wedding tidbit, it's a large-scale suspense drama scene, every detail has hidden clues, just waiting for us melon-eating people to decipher it!" ”

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

"Heartbreak Moment" from the preview of "Famous Scenes"

Just as everyone was immersed in the festive atmosphere of the wedding, a heart-wrenching "famous scene" was suddenly revealed in the tidbits - the moment when Xiao Yao was ruined. This trailer instantly ignited the gossip soul of netizens, and everyone said: "Is this going to stage a 'palace scheming'?" I feel sorry for our little girl for three seconds! "But then again, Yang Zi's acting skills have always been online, this scene must be full of highlights, I have moved a small bench and waited for the broadcast!"

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

Netizens' brain-opening "plot continuation"

In the face of this sudden "plot twist", netizens will naturally not miss any opportunity to use their imagination. Some people speculated: "Xiao Yao is ruined? Is it because he discovered Feng Long's shocking secret, and then staged a love-hate drama? Some people also had a big brain: "Maybe there was a time and space crack at the wedding, and Xiao Yao was sucked away, and she began her otherworldly adventure!" Some people even started the joke directly: "Actually, Xiao Yao found out that she wore the wrong script, and she was supposed to go to the audition for "The Legend of Zhen Huan", but she mistakenly entered the set of "Lonely Fang", haha! ”

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

Yang Zi and Xiao Yao's "soul resonance"

In the heated discussion caused by this wedding tidbit, the "soul resonance" between Yang Zi and Xiaoyao has also become the focus of everyone's attention. Many netizens said: "Yang Zi really played the role of Xiao Yao alive, and when I saw her wearing a wedding dress, I could feel Xiao Yao's inner struggle and determination." "Yang Zi's acting skills have a kind of magic that can make you completely forget who she is, just remember that she is the living little girl in the play." More netizens confessed affectionately: "Yang Zi, thank you for giving us such a good little girl, I look forward to more wonderful works from you!" ”

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

Controversial Summary: The "Truth and Falsehood" Behind the Wedding

Speaking of which, I have to mention the controversy caused by this wedding tidbit. On the one hand, it allows us to see Yang Zi's dedication and talent as an actor, as well as the deep resonance between her and the character; On the other hand, it also makes us think, in the bizarre world of the entertainment industry, what is true and what is false? Is it the sweetness and romance in the tidbits, or the bitterness and helplessness behind it? Perhaps, as netizens said: "Just take a look at the entertainment industry, don't take it too seriously." But in any case, we can't deny that this wedding tidbits have brought us laughter and thinking, and also made us look forward to more surprises and touches that Yang Zi will bring us in the future.

Xiaoyao's big wedding "overturned" Yang Zi's version of "Palace Scheming", netizens: This marriage is absolutely over

So, dear readers, you might as well leave your thoughts in the comment area! Is it to support Xiaoyao's bravery and determination, or to feel sorry for her suffering and sacrifice? Or, do you have any more interesting brainstorms and guesses that you would like to share? Come and join this "National Discussion Conference" sparked by the tidbits! Let's feel the "truth and falsehood" behind this wedding in laughter and tears.

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