
How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

author:Tsubasa Boxin

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How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?


Everyone is confused about the homestead policy, and building a house is also a mess. Let's talk about this topic, figure out what's going on, and give practical advice!

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

The legal basis of homestead inheritance

The government said that where your hukou is, the homestead is your home. If you are a rural hukou, then congratulations, this land is yours! This policy protects the village's property, but it also restricts the use of homesteads.

Sometimes, when people move to the city, the old house is left empty and cannot be left to the children to inherit. As a result, some families' land is wasted, which also affects the rational use of rural land.

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

The homestead only repairs the top of the house, not the land below! The trouble is that if the descendants want to change the house or rebuild, it will be difficult for the old house to be broken, and in the event of natural and man-made disasters, the descendants will suffer.

Restrictions on renovation and reconstruction

Cities change so fast! Not to mention the shortage of land, it is even more troublesome to build a house! You have to figure out the land use right or something, the scale of renovation is not too large, and the quality and safety of the house must not be sloppy!

As far as we peasant buddies are concerned, it is not so easy to live in a new house. You have to get the relevant departments nod and agree first, and then you have to make the house firmer. This is no joke, and for those who are nervous, it is a big problem!

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

Want to build your own house? It's not difficult~ But there are many conditions to meet, such as age, income, where to live, and so on. This is actually for the good of everyone, to protect our land and farmers. However, it may not be convenient for some families!

The predicament after the collapse of the house

Why did the dilapidated houses in the village collapse? Either they are too old to age; Or maybe it's just a natural or man-made disaster. If the land use right is beyond the time limit or is not formal, you will be in trouble if you want to renovate and build a house!

For example, in some places, if you leave the house empty, the government may have to take it back. Therefore, if your house is dilapidated and has not been repaired, or if you do not apply for restoration, then the right to use the land will have to change, and maybe the next generation will be involved!

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

Have you heard? Recently, there is a new rule that says that if a house collapses or is broken and needs to be rebuilt, the latest and highest building safety standards must be used! In other words, if we ordinary people want to decorate the old house, we have to trouble the approval and spend more money and time, so as to ensure that the new house is firm and safe.

Homestead inheritance and rural hollowing

How long does a house in the countryside last? Can you fix or build a new one? What should I do if my house is broken? These are matters of our daily lives. First, this restriction may lead to the village being run out and young people looking for work in the city.

There are many regulations on building houses in rural areas, and many young people can't stand it anymore and go to the cities to earn a living. There are more and more elderly people in the village, and the young and middle-aged people are also gone, which is really deserted.

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

You know? We have to protect our land, so that the environment will be beautiful and the countryside will be clean and tidy. But now that most people have gone to the city, what about this land? We must not let it be abandoned, but we must also take care of our simple peasant friends. That's not a small problem!

The role and responsibility of government

The government has to hurry up and get a good grasp of this homestead problem! How can the homestead make everyone comfortable and at ease? Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that the interests of our ordinary people are not lost.

For example, can the government give more subsidies to farmers and teach them how to build houses or build new houses? Then tell the farmers some legal knowledge, so that they can understand what the policy change is, as easy as playing a game to pass.

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

The government has to see how our rural land is used, good guys, don't waste it, don't be destroyed, we have to go to see it from time to time, and if we find something wrong, take care of it quickly.

Farmers' self-protection and adaptation

Farmers need to know some legal knowledge to protect their property so that they can live a happy life. So the question is, how to leave the land and houses in the countryside to the next generation?

We farmers need to know more about the policies that can help us, so that we can better understand how to protect our rights and interests. Wouldn't it be easier to use and reassure if you do a good job in the planning and management of homesteads?

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

Don't forget, get involved in the community and meet new people! And don't be afraid of difficulties, everyone will help you! Not only will this solve problems quickly, but it will also make our community more united and stronger!

Support and participation from all walks of life

We have to help rural villagers deal with the difficulties of homestead and house decoration, so that we can cope with the problems brought to them by policy changes

If all goes well, such as public welfare organizations and charitable foundations, which can donate money to repair farmers' houses, enterprises and the media should also contribute to publicizing and educating people about the rural land issue and helping them solve this problem.

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

In fact, academics and research institutes are giving advice to the government so that they can protect the rights of farmers and make the countryside more beautiful. Of course, research and investigation are key!


To be honest, some of the old people's houses in the village are broken and no one repairs them, which is really sad to look at! Therefore, we must first take care of our own people, not only inherit the traditional culture, but also improve the system, so as to better protect the cultivated land and protect the rights and interests of farmers. Then there is more publicity, so that everyone understands the law and has a sense of planning, so that they can face policy changes and challenges more calmly.

How much do you know about the inheritance of rural homesteads? How to deal with policy restrictions and farmers' dilemmas?

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