
She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

author:Let's have a chat

With the support of her parents, the young Ruby Lin began to learn ballet. She practiced seriously every day after school, and never shouted tired even if her dance clothes were soaked with sweat. This persistence quickly paid off.

Ruby Lin recalled: "When I was a child, I studied ballet, I was very serious, and when I grew up, I won the gold medal in the National Children's Ballet Competition" At that time, she was just a teenager.

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

During her time at school, Ruby Lin showed a strong desire to learn and adaptability. "I'm very talented, and if I like something, I'll learn it, and I'll learn it," she said.

This love of art and ability to learn is what makes her stand out from her classmates.

However, Lin Xin, like others, the road to fame was not easy, and she needed to face great pressure and challenges. Ruby Lin said: "I take every work very seriously, because I understand that the audience's eyes are bright.

This kind of dedicated attitude and respect for the audience has allowed Ruby Lin to always maintain her position in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

When her career was in full swing, love came unconsciously, causing ripples in her originally peaceful life. In the crew of "Huanzhu Gege", Ruby Lin happened to meet actor Chen Jianfeng, and this casual encounter completely changed the trajectory of her life and brought new challenges and thoughts to the development of her career.

During the filming of "Huanzhu Gege", Ruby Lin and actor Chen Jianfeng participated together, and they bred emotions in getting along day and night, and gradually developed into a romantic relationship. Ruby Lin devoted herself wholeheartedly to this relationship, without reservation, fearless of doubts from the outside world, and resolutely made her relationship public with Chen Jianfeng, and then the two began to live together.

However, the path of love is not always smooth. In order to support Chen Jianfeng's career development, Ruby Lin took the initiative to reduce her workload. She only took over the TV series "Eighteen-Year-Old Sky", hoping to support her lover wholeheartedly.

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

In this work, Ruby Lin and Chen Jianfeng collaborated again, and they showed sweet love on and off the screen, which made many people envious.

Unfortunately, reality is always unforgiving. The relationship that has been in love for five years has finally come to an end. There are different opinions about the reason for the breakup, some people think that it is caused by personality incompatibility, and some people speculate that it is a difference in career development.

However, Ruby Lin has always remained silent about this, and simply responded: "It's over, let it pass."

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

The breakup had a big blow to Ruby Lin this time, and she fell into a trough for a while, feeling lost and lost. In an interview, she revealed her inner pain: "I thought we were going to live for the rest of our lives, but in the end we couldn't get together.

The disappointment and pain contained in this sentence make people feel distressed for her.

However, Ruby Lin was not crushed by setbacks. She chose to devote herself to her work, trying to soothe her inner pain through a busy schedule. She once said, "I put all my time into my work so that I feel fulfilled."

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

Her positive attitude shows her resilience in the face of setbacks.

Ruby Lin's hard work paid off, as she was nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Bell Awards for "My Boy". This nomination is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a recognition of her persistence over the years.

Ruby Lin said: "I am very satisfied to be nominated, which proves that my efforts have been recognized."

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

In addition to acting, Ruby Lin also tried her hand at working as a producer. "I wanted to try more possibilities, not just as an actor, but also to do some behind-the-scenes work," she said. This spirit of constantly breaking through herself has kept her fresh and competitive in the entertainment industry.

Ruby Lin's serious attitude towards each role has been widely recognized by industry insiders, and her peers have commented that she is: "Xinru is very dedicated to her work, and her professionalism is admirable. ”

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

Ruby Lin is not only a young performer who is active on the screen, but also a young man in the entertainment industry. She has always maintained a strong creative passion, continued to try new roles and things, and always pursued excellence.

She once said in an interview: "I still have a lot of roles I want to try, and I still have a lot to do" This kind of love and dedication to her career has made her still strong attraction at the age of 51.

Although Ruby Lin's career is booming, her love life has always been the focus of fans and the media. Lin Xinru, who is 51 years old, is still unmarried and has no children, so she is always asked about marriage and childbirth.

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

In the face of these concerns and inquiries, Ruby Lin always responds calmly, showing her unique attitude towards marriage and childbirth.

Ruby Lin said in an interview: "I also want to get married, but I haven't met the right person yet. This sentence reveals her expectations for marriage, and it also shows her unwillingness to marry for the sake of marriage.

She further explained: "I have a regular partner, but I just didn't choose to get married", and this candid attitude reflects her affirmation of her own lifestyle and independent and non-conformist character.

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

Ruby Lin has a unique view on fertility issues. She believes that the value of a woman's life is not only about having children. Ruby Lin said: "Although I also like children, I don't think you have to have children to be complete.

This attitude not only reflects her affirmation of self-worth, but also shows her open-mindedness to life.

Today's Ruby Lin has lived her ideal life. Despite being unmarried and childless, she does not feel alone or regretful, she never feels constrained by social structures, on the contrary, she enjoys an independent lifestyle and her family has a good relationship with her.

She is a famous actress, she was abandoned by her boyfriend after living together for 5 years, and she is 51 years old and has no children since she is married

In the face of public attention and pressure, Ruby Lin has always adhered to her own rhythm of life, not following the crowd, but sticking to her own choices and values. She once said, "Everyone's definition of happiness is different, and the important thing is to live the way you want to live." "