
After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

author:Today's chamber

Short Summary:

A few days ago, a "seat giving up turmoil" in the Beijing subway once again focused the public's attention on the collision of the traditional virtues of respecting the old and loving the young and the modern spirit of the rule of law. This incident caused public anger due to the misbehavior of the old man, and I hope it will be exposed, and everyone will take warning!

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

Event recap

On June 25, in Beijing Metro Line 10, a 65-year-old Ye, after getting on the train during the morning rush hour, walked directly to a young woman and asked her to give up her seat. After learning that the woman could not give up her seat due to physical discomfort, Ye was emotional, escalated from verbal accusations to physical conflicts, and even hit the woman's thigh with a cane, and his behavior was extremely bad.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

The scene was filmed by the surrounding passengers and uploaded to the Internet, which quickly attracted public attention. Subsequently, the Beijing public transport police intervened in the investigation and imposed a seven-day administrative detention on Ye for "disrupting the order of riding".

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

The reaction of the elderly man after he was detained

Unexpectedly, after Ye was released, he posted a video through social media, in which he looked vicious, insisted that he was not wrong, and accused society of being unfair to him.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake
After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake
After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

This move once again ignited the anger of public opinion, and netizens accused him of being unrepentant, and some even questioned his character and tutoring.

Netizen controversy

Ye's behavior seriously violated the traditional virtues of respecting the old and loving the young, and it was an infringement of the rights of young people, and should be punished by law. No matter how old you are, it cannot be used as an excuse for violating the law and discipline, and everyone is equal before the law.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

Some netizens said that they hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and the detention was too short, and he had to be made aware that his behavior was wrong before he could be released.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

If he didn't use crutches to pull those two blows, it wouldn't be so serious, just because his behavior caused harassment of the little girl in public, it really shouldn't be.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

Some netizens said that let him enter the blacklist of the subway, otherwise he will come to stir up trouble next time.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

Although all sectors of society should give more understanding and tolerance to the elderly, especially in the context of an aging society, more attention should be paid to the mental health and quality of life of the elderly, but Ye's behavior was excessive, but fortunately, the Internet did not let go of any bad guy and exposed his ugly things.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

In-depth analysis

This incident is not just a simple dispute over giving up seats, but also a profound exploration of the boundary between law and morality. As a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, respect for the elderly and love for the young lies in the care and respect for the disadvantaged.

However, in modern society, with the awakening of the awareness of rights and the popularization of the concept of the rule of law, the practice of this virtue also needs to be based on mutual respect and equal exchange.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

Ye's behavior is undoubtedly a misreading and abuse of traditional virtues, and he tries to use age as a bargaining chip to force others to surrender their rights, which is a challenge and destruction of the rules of modern society.

The excessive amplification of online public opinion and the phenomenon of cyberviolence have further exacerbated the intensification of social contradictions, which is not conducive to the construction of a harmonious society.

After the old man in the subway was detained, he posted a video to scold netizens: There is no reason, and any respect for the old and love for the young is fake

Although the detention of the old man in the subway has come to an end, it leaves us with a long way to think about it.

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