
Who is more successful, Hu Shi or Lu Xun? After reading it, you will understand it all!

author:Red stars in the sky

In modern times, Lu Xun and Hu Shi are like two parallel stars, shining together in the sky of the New Culture Movement. Although they are from different backgrounds and different in age, they all have strong patriotic feelings and determination to change society.

Who is more successful, Hu Shi or Lu Xun? After reading it, you will understand it all!

Lu Xun, with the pen as a sword, pointed directly at the decay of feudal etiquette and the inferior roots of national character; Hu Shi, on the other hand, took scientific democracy as the banner and advocated ideological enlightenment and institutional innovation. When the two first met, they were like-minded and worked together to awaken the soul of the Chinese people and promote the progress of society.

As time passed, the differences between Lu Xun and Hu Shi on the path to national salvation gradually emerged. Lu Xun chose the path of "scolding", he had a deep insight into the weaknesses of the national character, exposed the dark side of society with sharp brushstrokes, and hoped to achieve social change by awakening the self-consciousness of the Chinese people. His work is imbued with critiques of insensitivity and selfishness, as well as a call for traditional virtues such as gentleness, courtesy, and frugality.

In contrast, Hu Shi is more inclined to the strategy of "change". He firmly believes that people are products of the environment, and as long as they change the environment, they can change people. Therefore, he set his sights on institutional reform, hoping to guide the people to be good and upward by establishing a more just, democratic, and law-based social environment. Hu Shih's thought is full of the pursuit of science, democracy and freedom, and he hopes to promote social progress through rational thinking and experimental methods.

The disagreement between Lu Xun and Hu Shi on the path of national salvation is essentially a different understanding of the relationship between "people" and "country". Lu Xun believed that people are the main body of society, and only by changing people's thinking and improving people's quality can we fundamentally solve the problems of the country. His critique is directed at the hearts of the people, hoping to promote social change by awakening the conscience and courage of the Chinese people.

Who is more successful, Hu Shi or Lu Xun? After reading it, you will understand it all!

Hu Shih, on the other hand, focuses more on the national level, believing that only by establishing a fair, democratic, and law-based national system can we provide a good environment for the growth of the people, so as to cultivate better citizens. He emphasized the importance of the system and hoped that the reform of the system would guide the behavior and thinking of the people.

If Lu Xun and Hu Shi's path to national salvation is compared to two lighting methods, then Lu Xun is trying to make kerosene lamps brighter, hoping to illuminate the dark corners of society by improving the spiritual quality of individuals; Hu Shi, on the other hand, was studying how to light the electric light, hoping to achieve overall light by reforming the state system and establishing a modern civilized society.

Lu Xun's practice is mainly embodied in literary creation and cultural criticism, and he deeply analyzes social phenomena and human weaknesses through novels, essays and other forms, and stimulates the reflection and awakening of Chinese people. His works are not only a critique of reality, but also a hope and call for the future.

Hu Shih paid more attention to practical reforms. He was actively involved in political activities and social movements, pushing for reforms in education, culture, law, and other fields. He advocated the vernacular literary movement and promoted the popularization and modernization of literature; He advocated the spirit of science and promoted the modernization and transformation of Chinese academics. He was concerned about the emancipation of women and the education of children, and contributed to the progress of society.

Who is more successful, Hu Shi or Lu Xun? After reading it, you will understand it all!

The ideological collision between Lu Xun and Hu Shi and the divergence of the path of national salvation are not only an important chapter in China's modern history, but also a precious wealth in the history of human thought. With their own unique perspectives and methods, they explored the truth and path of saving the country and the people. Although their views and practices differ, their goal is the same: to make China a better place and a happier life for its people.

Nowadays, we should maintain a keen insight and critical spirit like Lu Xun, and constantly reflect and examine our own thoughts and behaviors; At the same time, we should also pay attention to practice and innovation like Hu Shi, and have the courage to explore new paths and methods to solve practical problems. Only in this way can we continue to move forward in the journey of the new era, constantly surpass ourselves, and achieve a better future.