
Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

"Oh my God, no!" Xiao Gang stared at the phone screen in horror, dumbfounded.

Just now, he received a WeChat message from his father, the content of which was nothing more than the result of another trip to the hospital for a full body examination. Although every time his father had a routine medical check-up, he was a little worried, but this time the results made him feel more shocked and uneasy than ever.

"Dad said that his liver and kidney indicators were abnormal, and the doctor advised him to eat as little eggplant as possible... Can eggplants also cause harm to the body?" Xiao Gang's heart straightened.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

In his impression, eggplant is a very common vegetable on the old man's table. Every time they come home, their parents cook eggplant in a variety of ways as part of their home-cooked meal. He had never heard of any adverse health effects of eggplants.

"Is there really something wrong with the results of this examination? What was the doctor's reason for recommending my father to eat less eggplant?" Xiao Gang's heart was full of confusion and doubts.

In order to solve this mystery, Xiao Gang decided to find out for himself what effect eggplants have on the bodies of the elderly.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

Eggplant is the fruit of the Solanaceae plant, which has been a common vegetable on people's tables since ancient times. It is highly nutritious and can be eaten raw or cooked, so it is loved by a wide range of consumers.

However, some recent medical studies have shown that for some older people, eating eggplant in moderation may not be a wise choice.

According to the relevant guidelines issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society, eggplant contains a compound called "solanine", which may cause a certain burden on liver and kidney function. Especially for some elderly people with reduced liver and kidney function, a large amount of eggplant consumption may increase the load on these organs, which in turn affects physical health.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

In addition, eggplant may also affect calcium absorption, leading to problems such as osteoporosis. This partly explains why doctors advised Xiaogang's father to eat less eggplant.

So, in addition to eggplant, what other vegetables also need to be eaten with caution by the elderly? Let's find out.

1. Spinach

Known as the "king of nutrition", spinach is indeed a vegetable that is rich in various vitamins and minerals. But for some elderly people with poor kidney function, the oxalic acid in spinach may become an "invisible killer".

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

Oxalic acid is a toxic substance, and long-term intake of large amounts can lead to the formation of kidney stones, and in severe cases, it can even impair kidney function. Older people with reduced kidney function are more susceptible to this.

Therefore, medical experts recommend that the elderly with kidney disease or decreased kidney function should control the intake of spinach within a moderate range and not consume it excessively.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

2. 韭菜

Leeks are also a common vegetable, and they are equally nutritious. However, for some people with diabetes, leeks can be a hidden danger.

Leeks contain a substance called "strychnine", which interferes with the normal use of insulin in the body, thus affecting the regulation of blood sugar. For diabetics, long-term consumption of large amounts of leeks may aggravate the condition and lead to uncontrolled blood sugar.

Therefore, experts recommend that the elderly with diabetes should eat as little as possible, or control the amount to 1-2 times a week.

In addition, some vegetables with high nitrate content, such as green peppers and beans, should also be eaten with caution by the elderly, so as not to affect liver and kidney function.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

The key to a healthy diet is balance

With age, all body functions will decline to a greater or lesser extent, especially liver and kidney function. This requires us to be more cautious and balanced in our daily diet.

"Although vegetables such as eggplant, spinach, and leeks are highly nutritious, they may have a negative impact on some elderly people if they are consumed in large amounts over a long period of time." Professor Zhang, a nutrition expert, said, "So we need to learn to mix it reasonably and achieve a balanced nutrition." "

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

1. Eat eggplant in moderation

Eggplant, although there are certain risks, is still a nutritious and good vegetable. For the elderly with good liver and kidney function, it is no problem to consume 1-2 times a week. However, for the elderly with poor liver and kidney function, it is best to control the consumption within 1 time per week.

2. Eat less spinach and leeks

For older adults with kidney disease or diabetes, spinach and leek intake needs to be tightly controlled. It is recommended to consume no more than 2 times a week, and the amount of each time should not be excessive.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

3. Eat more other vegetables

In addition to the above three vegetables, other green leafy vegetables, root vegetables, etc. are very good choices. They are highly nutritious and do not have much of a burden on the body. The proportion of these vegetables in the diet can be appropriately increased to ensure a balanced nutrient intake.

4. Focus on collocation

The combination of different vegetables is also important in the daily diet. Eggplant, spinach, leeks, etc., can be cooked with other vegetables to ensure nutrient intake and reduce potential risks.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

5. Adjust according to individual circumstances

Different elderly people may have different physical conditions, so their diet needs to be adjusted accordingly. For example, for the elderly with poor liver and kidney function, the consumption of eggplant can be appropriately reduced; For diabetic patients, the intake of leeks should be controlled more carefully.

6. Develop good eating habits

The development of eating habits is a long-term process that requires the active cooperation of the elderly themselves. You can try to reduce the content of some harmful ingredients in vegetables by changing the cooking method, such as boiling and discarding the soup that was boiled for the first time. At the same time, it is important to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

7. Regular medical check-ups are important

In addition to paying attention to their daily diet, the elderly also need to have regular comprehensive physical examinations. Through professional examinations, you can understand your physical condition in time and discover potential health problems. Once abnormal liver and kidney function or other chronic diseases are found, it is necessary to adjust the dietary structure according to the doctor's advice to avoid further aggravation of the condition.

8. Strengthen nutritional supplementation

For some elderly people with weak nutrient absorption capacity, it is also necessary to appropriately supplement some nutrients. For example, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, etc., can play an auxiliary role and help improve body function. However, the use of supplements must be guided by a doctor, and it is important not to take them blindly.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

9. Reasonable food intake

Even nutrient-dense foods can be burdensome if consumed in excess. Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to moderation in their diet, reasonably control the amount of food according to their actual needs, and do not overeat. This not only avoids overnutrition, but also reduces the workload of the liver and kidneys.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

In general, for Xiao Gang, who is about to enter the old age stage, he needs to be vigilant and cautious at all times when it comes to eating.

It is necessary to take the initiative to understand your own physical condition, adjust your diet according to the doctor's advice, and achieve balanced nutrition.

Only in this way can you truly protect your health and enjoy a happy and happy old age.

Old people want to stay away from eggplant? Doctor warning: If you don't want to have problems with your body, it is better to eat less of these 2 vegetables

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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