
has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

author:Snowflakes flutter one 23


tells the story of the bumpy life of the musician Siqingerile, from the parting of the teacher-student love to the ups and downs of the music road, and then to the story of starting again to pursue his dreams. An emotional entanglement, a musical road, people can't help but want to find out.

Some people are born destined to form an indissoluble bond with music, and Siqingerile is such a person.

The story of Siqingerile is like a tragic symphony, flowing with endless bitterness and tears.

The death of Jerod the Musician

The teacher-student love between Siqingerile and Zang Tianshuo eventually broke down.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Zang Tianshuo was arrested and imprisoned on suspicion of fraud and illegal fundraising, and his ex-wife Jia Ling was also implicated.

As soon as this matter exploded, a large number of negative remarks about Zang Tianshuo immediately appeared on the Internet.

It turned out that when Siqingerile left Zang Tianshuo, the two were not only teachers and students, but also lovers in love.

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At that time, such a form of love was even more controversial in China, and the two had to keep the relationship secret.

But when the relationship between the two was made public, it also caused strong dissatisfaction in the society.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

So in order to protect Zang Tianshuo, Siqingerile's teacher-student relationship with him became a fact.

In order to prove that he did not use Siqingerile, Zang Tianshuo transferred all the property he owned to Siqingerile.

Siqingerile has also suffered various accusations because of this relationship, and she said that she wants to use her actions to prove that she is not using her master.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

But the development of things was beyond everyone's expectations, and after Zang Tianshuo learned that he had advanced liver cancer, he went into hiding.

At this time, all his property was in the hands of Siqingerile, and he wanted to help him transfer his assets through Siqingerile.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Siqingerile rejected his request, she had completely let go of this relationship, and she didn't want to be involved.

While on the run, Zang Tianshuo learned that his daughter had died in a car accident, but he didn't go back to take a look.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

This was followed by a recurrence of his liver cancer, and by the time he was admitted to the hospital, he was already skinny.

Zang Tianshuo also surrendered to the police, but due to the long time and illness, the police still released him.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

But he eventually left this world, and his ex-wife Jia Ling, who had been divorced for many years, was imprisoned in a detention center.

At that time, Siqingerile was still very shocked when she heard the news, she said that in fact, sometimes in love, it is really difficult to distinguish who is using whom.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Maybe it was the best choice to leave by yourself, otherwise she might be involved like Jia Ling.

The road to music is full of ups and downs

Recalling her decision to leave home and study music in Beijing, Siqingerile felt that it might have been the right choice in her life.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Siqingerile was born in a herdsman's family on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and grew up on this land.

That's why she became interested in music, as there are all kinds of heart-touching songs and dances on the grassland.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Although Siqingerile's family is not wealthy, her parents pay great attention to their children's education.

When Siqingerile was just 13 years old, her parents took her to take the exam at the Inner Mongolia Art Institute.

In the loud and pleasant timbre in the ears of the music teachers, she was successfully admitted to the Inner Mongolia Art Institute and began her professional music study.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Siqingeri's home is far away from the school, so she chose to live in the school in order to be able to learn music better.

Although she left her family, her love of music made her resilient and brave.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Later, Siqingerile was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music, and stayed in the school to teach, using his understanding of music to spread the beauty of music.

She has an extraordinary talent and understanding of music, and in the eyes of professional teachers, Siqingerile may become the top violinist in the great countries of the East.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

The reality is always full of ups and downs and challenges, and before that, Siqingerile participated in international competitions and won several top prizes.

Although she didn't win the first place, her teachers and family thought it was already very good, so everyone raised funds to send her to the United States to continue her studies.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

That time in the United States was the most difficult and painful period of Siqingerile's life, where she suffered all kinds of pressures and blows.

The Americans have always been a little prejudiced against the people of the great powers of the East, and they obviously suppressed the players of the great powers of the East in the game.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

When Siqingerile heard others always say that the people of the big countries in the East would be yellow faces, they should not play any further, and he was still very hurt and aggrieved in his heart.

At this time, coupled with the fact that Lian Lian did not forget to attack himself, Siqingerile could not bear the pressure in such an environment for a while.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

In order to be able to earn living expenses, she worked as a waitress and a shoe-shiner, and did not return home for a whole year.

Thankfully, she met Yelu and regained her love and confidence in music, and with his encouragement and help, Siqingerile got up and faced life bravely.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

After returning to China, Yelu also helped her complete the recording of her first album "Wake Up", and has continued to help and support her since then.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Yelu is also known as the guardian of national music, and in everyone's hearts, national music is inseparable from Yelu's figure.

Start over

After experiencing emotional betrayal and tribulation, Siqingerile returned to music, and with the support of Yelu and others, she became an independent folk musician.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Yelu said that in fact, if a person wants to become a truly excellent musician, he does not necessarily have to take the path of being trained in a professional college.

As long as you put your heart into creating music, then you have succeeded. And Siqingerile is exactly like this, and in her we see strong perseverance and faith.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Later, Siqingerile also participated in a large-scale music program such as "The Voice of the Great Oriental Country", and it went all the way to the final stage.

Despite not winning the championship, Yelu said that as long as he can keep going, he doesn't need to worry too much about the result.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Nowadays, Siqingerile has become an excellent musician and contributes his meager strength to the music cause of the Chinese nation.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

Perhaps when Siqingerile left home to pursue his musical dream, he did not expect that he would experience so many twists and turns.

But it is precisely because of such a strong and tenacious will and perseverance that she was able to turn her dream into reality step by step.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

In fact, everyone can have dreams, as long as we carry dreams on our shoulders and work hard.

Believe that one day you will find that you have everything you have dreamed of.

We would also like to thank those who have reached out to help us when we are at a low point.

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?

It is they who give us the strength and courage to keep going.


The story of Siqingerile is full of emotion, she has experienced all the ups and downs on the road to music, but she is still determined to pursue her dreams. On the road of life, we may encounter various difficulties and setbacks, but it is perseverance and hard work that allow us to keep moving forward. Let's learn from Siqingerile together, chase our dreams bravely, never forget our original intention, and persevere

has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, who took away her first night? Why does no one dare to marry after an abortion?