
One has to learn to get rid of guilt

author:Rain Base Camp

Guilt is a kind of remorse when people do something wrong, and regret beyond the limit will cause great harm to people's normal life. There are two ways to generate guilt, one is to remain on the ground and the other is to impose on oneself.

One has to learn to get rid of guilt

The residual guilt is often felt when people are very young, and then retained as a residual childish reaction until after he becomes an adult. Residual sentences include that if you disobey again, your mother will not like you. You're doing this with a shameful face, and if a person disappoints his boss or his food and clothing parents, the meaning behind that can still lead to sadness. People have been relentlessly trying to find support from others. So if this effort doesn't work out, then guilt will arise.

One has to learn to get rid of guilt

Self-imposed guilt includes self-blame and self-hatred. Or, in other words, it also includes making oneself listless because some of the past behaviors violate the principle of being a human being. If a person blindly goes on guilt and does not really try to abide by these principles, in any case, guilt is a stupid and unhelpful act. For the fait accompli, you just sigh and blame yourself, and that little bit will not change. Guilt does not help, to learn guilt, only for the past dislike of things, never allow similar events to happen again. From now on, to regard the past as an irreparable ending, there must be another way of thinking, that is, to try to solve the problem you want to avoid, you can eliminate your own guilt and remorse, and there is no need to do something wrong and stupid, there is no need to beat your chest, do not be discouraged, do not make excuses, this does not change the fait accompli, but should learn lessons and strive to do well next time.

One has to learn to get rid of guilt