
Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce
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Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

In 2018, the entertainment industry set off a stormy wave. A scandal about "doing hair" pushed Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu, a celebrity couple, to the forefront of public opinion.

This unexpected exposure not only tore the veil of their seemingly perfect marriage, but also allowed the public to get a glimpse of the twists and turns behind this relationship.

Jia Nailiang once sighed in an interview: "I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, and I can't bear her half-heartedness." What kind of love-hate entanglement is hidden behind this sentence? What kind of experience made this man who was once crazy about love say such sad words? Let's go into the inner world of this couple and uncover the truth of this marriage full of joys and sorrows.

In 2007, the gears of fate quietly turned, intertwining the life trajectories of Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu. When I first met Jia Nailiang, I was overwhelmed by Li Xiaolu's bright smile, and a strong feeling of admiration sprouted in my heart.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

However, Li Xiaolu seemed to be uninterested in this honest boy, and often responded to his enthusiasm with a cold attitude.

Faced with the alienation of his sweetheart, Jia Nailiang not only did not retreat, but became more and more determined to pursue. Knowing that Li Xiaolu prefers boys with ear decorations, he resolutely walked into the shop with pierced ears.

In just a few hours, Jia Nailiang endured the pain and punched more than a dozen holes in his ear. Even though it hurt so much that he was in a cold sweat, he gritted his teeth and refused the kind reminder that the clerk suggested that he complete it in stages.

This dedication made others can't help but be moved when they see it.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

Jia Nailiang's pursuit can be described as meticulous. Whenever Li Xiaolu finished filming and finished work, no matter how late it was, he would always wait at the door of the crew, holding flowers and carrying snacks on his shoulders, just to be able to say a few more words to his sweetheart.

Although his income was not very good at the time, he still insisted on inviting Li Xiaolu to dinner, even if he could only choose a small restaurant with a low price. In his heart, as long as he can be with Li Xiaolu, no matter how humble the environment is, it is warm.

However, Li Xiaolu has always been uninterested in him. Whenever Jia Nailiang expresses his love with anticipation, he always gets a cold response: "I don't have feelings for you."

In the face of such a blow, Jia Nailiang never gave up, and always returned with a warm smile: "It's okay, as long as I really love you, it's enough." "This unwavering love seems to be able to melt all the ice in the world.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

Just when everyone thought that Li Xiaolu was finally moved by Jia Nailiang's sincerity, she still remained calm and said: "I don't love him, and I can't force myself to accept this feeling."

Faced with such a cruel reality, Jia Nailiang once fell into deep despair. He used wine to kill his sorrows, and even went to Li Xiaolu's house drunk to make a big fuss. However, it was this seemingly absurd move that won him the approval of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and also made Li Xiaolu's attitude change subtly.

After countless efforts and persistence, Jia Nailiang finally succeeded in proposing to Li Xiaolu. His sincerity and perseverance finally melted Li Xiaolu's heart, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This ups and downs of the pursuit process not only shows Jia Nailiang's dedication to love, but also lays a deep emotional foundation for their marriage.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

After marriage, Jia Nailiang's love for Li Xiaolu reached the extreme. In order to be able to accompany his wife at Christmas, he did not hesitate to film all night for two consecutive days. Despite his exhaustion, he insisted on preparing surprises for Li Xiaolu and carefully selecting gifts just to see the smile on his wife's face.

In family life, Jia Nailiang took the initiative to take on most of the housework. Even in front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he did not shy away from saying: "It is my honor to pay for them, and I am willing."

This selfless love makes others admire it.

However, Li Xiaolu doesn't seem to fully know how to cherish her husband's dedication. Accustomed to a pampered life, she is indifferent to household chores and even appears disapproving when her parents reproach her.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

When Jia Nailiang is busy with work, she will unceremoniously express her dissatisfaction; When Jia Nailiang celebrated her birthday, she seemed to be in a lack of interest, and simply hung up after talking to her daughter on the phone.

This attitude made Jia Nailiang feel a trace of loss in his heart.

Contradictions in married life gradually emerged. Li Xiaolu's obsession with celebrity posters made Jia Nailiang's heart sour, although he tried hard to support his wife's hobbies, the gap in his heart was difficult to ignore.

Li Xiaolu's contempt for family responsibilities also caused dissatisfaction among his parents, but Jia Nailiang always chose to be tolerant and understanding, hoping to warm this family with his love.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

As time went on, Jia Nailiang gradually realized that although they were married, Li Xiaolu never seemed to really accept him. This attitude of imminent separation has become a thorn in their marriage, although it is not easy to detect, but it is quietly affecting the relationship between the two.

Whenever Li Xiaolu is indifferent, Jia Nailiang always chooses to bear it silently and fill the distance with more love.

Jia Nailiang began to reflect: Is his love too heavy, but it makes Li Xiaolu feel pressure? He struggled to adjust his approach and hoped to find a balance.

However, fate dealt a fatal blow to their marriage at this time.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

Once when Jia Nailiang was working on a live broadcast, he was waiting with anticrity for his wife to come home for a reunion. However, it was an unexpected visitor who arrived.

This sudden change caught Jia Nailiang off guard, and also made him start to re-examine this marriage relationship.

Although his married life is full of challenges, Jia Nailiang has always adhered to his belief in love. He once said: "I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, and I can't bear her half-heartedness."

This sentence not only expresses his persistence, but also hints at the pain in his heart. He is willing to tolerate Li Xiaolu's willfulness, but he has his own insistence on marital loyalty.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

This married life has both sweet and warm moments, but also hidden hidden dangers. Jia Nailiang's unconditional dedication is in stark contrast to Li Xiaolu's imminent departure.

After all, this contradiction has become an unavoidable problem in their marriage, and it has also laid the groundwork for future turmoil.

In 2018, a sudden "hair done" storm completely broke Jia Nailiang's painstaking married life. When he was busy with work, the appearance of a mysterious man made the whole Internet boil.

This explosive news quickly spread all over the Internet, pushing Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu to the forefront of public opinion. Jia Nailiang seemed to have turned into an abandoned puppy in an instant, and his heart was full of sadness and helplessness.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

In the face of this turmoil, Jia Nailiang chose to remain silent. He hid at home alone, not daring to face the eyes of the outside world, or even to respond to Li Xiaolu's apology. The man who used to be crazy about love now seems so vulnerable.

His eyes were red, and there was nowhere to speak of the pain in his heart. Even if Li Xiaolu sincerely apologized, he didn't know how to respond.

However, when Li Xiaolu filed for divorce, Jia Nailiang's heart was hit hard. At this moment, he began to reflect deeply on his feelings. If Li Xiaolu hadn't taken the initiative to file for divorce, he might have really chosen to forgive.

But the proposal for divorce made him soberly realize how light his weight in the other party's heart was.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

This decision made Jia Nailiang fall into deep thought. He began to examine the marriage and wonder if he had really done something wrong. He even wondered if his love was too heavy, but instead became a burden to Li Xiaolu.

However, no matter how much he reflected, he could not accept the fact of betrayal.

After careful consideration, Jia Nailiang made a difficult decision. He understands that forcing a loveless marriage will only bring more pain. Although he still loves Li Xiaolu in his heart, he chose to fulfill her decision.

This choice is not only a relief for himself, but also a letting go of Li Xiaolu.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

In 2019, this seven-year marriage finally came to an end. During the divorce process, Jia Nailiang showed great tolerance and understanding. Despite Li Xiaolu's betrayal, he still agreed to raise his daughter together, so that the child could grow up healthily under the care of his mother.

This decision has puzzled many people, and some people speculate whether Jia Nailiang still has hope of getting back together.

For Jia Nailiang, this divorce is not only a painful experience, but also an important turning point in his life. It made him understand that love cannot be a one-sided effort, and that marriage needs to be maintained by both parties.

Although the ending was not perfect, Jia Nailiang's tolerance and understanding in the process won the respect of the public.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

In his career, Jia Nailiang devoted himself to work, as if he wanted to fill the emptiness in his heart with busyness. Since 2019, he has participated in more than 10 film and television works, showing an unprecedented professional attitude and professionalism.

Through hard work and outstanding performance, he has regained the recognition of the audience and industry insiders. This focused attitude not only helped him rebuild his self-confidence, but also allowed him to regain his foothold in the entertainment industry.

This mature way of dealing with it has made many people look at Jia Nailiang with admiration. He is no longer the silly boy who is crazy about love, but a mature man who knows how to balance career and family.

This transformation is not only reflected in his behavior, but also in his mentality. He learned to let go and to cherish what he had now.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

However, deep down, Jia Nailiang still doesn't seem to have completely let go of his feelings for Li Xiaolu. He has always paid close attention to his ex-wife's life, and even posted short videos of the same style as his ex-wife on social media many times, although he quickly deleted it.

These details show that even though the marriage is over, the emotion in his heart remains.

In 2021, there were rumors that Jia Nailiang had a new relationship, but he neither denied nor admitted it. For a long time after that, he remained single, which deepened the curiosity of the outside world about his relationship status.

To this day, the relationship between Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu is still the focus of public attention. Although they have been divorced for three years, there seems to be some kind of inseparable bond between the two, and this delicate relationship has made the outside world full of curiosity and speculation.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

Jia Nailiang has not disclosed a new relationship so far, and has never had any negative comments about his ex-wife. This restraint and respect shows his maturity and generosity. When Li Xiaolu had to transform into a live broadcast because of the damage to her reputation, Jia Nailiang felt distressed.

He silently paid attention to his ex-wife's life and supported him within his ability, showing the rare thoughtfulness of an ex-husband.

The relationship between the two seems to have gone beyond an ordinary ex-couple, and is more like a friend who trusts each other. They were able to work together for the upbringing of their daughter and maintain a harmonious atmosphere in public, and this state of living together after divorce made many people feel puzzled and admired.

Some people think that this is Jia Nailiang's tolerance and generosity, and some people think that this is Li Xiaolu's positive change. In any case, this experience has given both of them new growth and realization.

Jia Nailiang: I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, I can't bear her half-heartedness, and be myself after the divorce

Jia Nailiang once said: "I can bear Li Xiaolu's dislike, and I can't bear her half-heartedness." Now he has learned how to find a balance between loving and not loving, and how to remain graceful and respectful after a marriage has broken up.

This may be Jia Nailiang's final choice - to be his true self, live his own life, and create a harmonious family environment for his daughter.

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