
With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself
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With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

What kind of rhetoric made Chen Baoguo fall into the predicament of being marginalized? In today's entertainment industry, where traffic is king, what kind of industry chaos does his experience reflect? Let's follow Chen Baoguo's footsteps to uncover this thought-provoking mystery and explore the entanglement of interests and changes in value orientation within the entertainment industry.

In 1956, an ordinary working family in Beijing ushered in a new life, and this baby was the future acting superstar Chen Baoguo. In his childhood, Chen Baoguo, like thousands of children in Beijing, frolicked and played in the hutongs, lacking interest in his studies and achieving mediocre grades.

After graduating from junior high school, the young Chen Baoguo faced the first crossroads in his life. His parents wanted him to start a family as soon as possible, so they arranged for him to work as a temporary worker in a state-owned machinery factory.

However, in the face of the monotonous work day after day, Chen Bao's heart was full of confusion and unwillingness. He tried to confide in his parents, but in exchange for the advice to "be content and happy".

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

The inner struggle and the pressure of reality finally prompted Chen Baoguo to make a bold decision - to resign.

After leaving the factory, Chen Baoguo looked around for opportunities in Beijing. He worked as a waiter in a cabaret, busy in the pantry, dealing with all kinds of customers; also used to wash dishes and do chores in a small restaurant, living a poor and hard life.

During this period, Chen Baoguo had no fixed residence, and he wanted to give up his dream of pursuing self-worth several times.

However, a twist of fate slipped quietly on an ordinary evening. When passing by the cinema after work, Chen Baoguo's eyes were attracted by a poster on the wall - the Central Academy of Drama was recruiting students.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

At that moment, it was as if something was ignited in my heart.

With this sudden courage, Chen Baoguo stepped into the examination room of the Central Academy of Drama. In front of the judges, he showed amazing confidence and determination. Chen Baoguo admits that he may lack acting talent, but he has incomparably tenacity and unwavering determination.

His sonorous and powerful tone and unparalleled aura deeply touched the hearts of the judges.

In the end, with this unique personal charm and firm belief, Chen Baoguo was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama. From the factory floor to the drama academy, Chen Baoguo has proved with his actions that as long as he has a dream in his heart, even if the starting point is low, he can create miracles.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

However, it was not all smooth sailing for Chen Baoguo after entering the academy. In the face of a rigorous academic atmosphere and harsh criticism from his mentors, he felt pressured. But Chen Baoguo is not discouraged, and sees these challenges as an opportunity to hone himself.

He devotes himself to his studies and has the utmost respect and value for every subject.

This arduous and fulfilling learning experience not only laid a solid foundation for Chen Baoguo's future acting career, but also cultivated his tenacious character and persistent pursuit of performing arts.

Since then, constantly breaking through himself and improving his acting skills has become Chen Baoguo's lifelong pursuit, and it has also laid the groundwork for his brilliant achievements on the road of acting in the future.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

In 1986, Chen Baoguo graduated from the Central Academy of Drama with a dream and officially entered the film and television industry. His debut novel was a costume drama called "The Whip", in which he played the role of a villain who is blind in his left eye.

This unique facial feature became the first performance problem Chen Baoguo faced.

At that time, special effects props such as contact lenses had not yet been popularized, and Chen Baoguo fell into deep thought. Eventually, he came up with a surprising solution – embedding a polished clasp in his eye.

This decision brought unimaginable pain: the clasp constantly rubbed against the eyeball, which seriously affected the vision. Throughout the filming process, Chen Baoguo was always careful to prevent the button from falling, did not dare to blink easily, and endured unimaginable discomfort for ordinary people.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

When asked if he had ever regretted it, Chen Baoguo replied without hesitation: "I have never regretted it." Because the pursuit of acting has surpassed everything.

This sentence not only reflects his love for performing arts, but also becomes a true portrayal of his future artistic career.

Chen Baoguo's efforts were not in vain. Over time, his acting career flourished. The Republic of China-themed TV series "Mansion Gate" won him a huge success, and the audience was impressed by his deep-rooted role interpretation.

However, Chen Baoguo was not satisfied with this.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

When a director invited him to play the historical giant Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Chen Baoguo politely refused at first. He was well aware of the weight of the role and was worried that his acting skills would not be up to the task of such a complex historical figure.

However, under the director's many kind invitations, Chen Baoguo finally mustered up the courage to accept this huge challenge.

In order to perfectly interpret Liu Che, a legendary figure through the ages, Chen Baoguo invested unimaginable energy. He began to conduct in-depth and detailed research, repeatedly reading historical documents, and figuring out Liu Che's inner world.

Immersed in study during the day and rehearsing repeatedly at night, Chen Baoguo used countless sleepless nights to create a three-dimensional and vivid image of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

This persistent pursuit of the role made Chen Baoguo show Liu Che's eloquence and rich connotation on the screen. Once this drama was broadcast, it once again confirmed Chen Baoguo's superb acting skills, and also allowed him to create another classic in the field of Chinese drama.

Every performance of Chen Baoguo is a breakthrough for himself and a tribute to the performing arts. With his all-round and wholehearted interpretation of each role, he has won the warm recognition of the audience and has become a model for future generations to follow.

In Chen Baoguo's view, being an excellent actor is not only a profession, but also a responsibility, a kind of adherence to art. He knows that success is inseparable from perseverance and dedication to every decision.

It is this spirit that has shaped his brilliant life chapter in the Chinese film and television industry.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

Although the road to acting is full of thorns, Chen Baoguo never regrets his choice. He has always believed that only by dedicating oneself to each role can one truly move the audience and convey the power of art.

This kind of dedication and love for performing arts has become the driving force for Chen Baoguo to constantly break through himself and climb the peak of art, and it has also left him a strong mark in the history of Chinese performing arts.

With the changes of the times, the Chinese entertainment industry is quietly undergoing profound changes. The traditional entertainment model, which used to be mainly expressed in movies and TV dramas, is facing unprecedented challenges.

The rise of new media platforms has provided entertainment companies and celebrities with opportunities to interact directly with audiences, and many artists have begun to package themselves through marketing accounts and water armies.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

However, driven by huge interests, some undesirable phenomena have also arisen within the entertainment industry.

As a veteran actor in the entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo is keenly aware of these changes. He mercilessly criticized the lack of professionalism and poor acting skills of some new "Little Fresh Meat" stars.

Chen Baoguo pointed out that some actors even recited numbers instead of lines during the recording of the program, which seriously deviated from the actor's own work. In his opinion, these stars who become popular by their appearance lack inner cultivation and cannot be called real actors.

Chen Baoguo's criticism directly pointed to the pain points of the entertainment industry and revealed the deep-seated problems in the industry. However, these remarks have put Chen Baoguo himself in the predicament of being marginalized.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

He was hot in the past, but now it is difficult to find performance opportunities and is frequently "blocked". This phenomenon undoubtedly shows that a deformed community of interests has been formed within the entertainment industry.

In this complex web of relationships, entertainment companies control most of the resources, and celebrities have to do everything they can to get a chance to flatter. In order to attract attention, the company hyped up the traffic newcomers, and the newcomers fully cooperated with various marketing strategies.

In such an environment, a veteran artist like Chen Baoguo, who insists on the authenticity of art, has become an outsider, and his real acting skills have been marginalized.

Chen Baoguo's experience has caused people to think deeply. We can't simply put the blame on the rookie stars, because they are also victims in this chain of interests.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

Companies control their destiny with their resources, and all they can do is find a way to survive for the time being.

At the same time, we also need to understand that behind Chen Baoguo's outspoken criticism, he hides deep worries about the future of his beloved career. In the context of the new era, how to build an equal and balanced entertainment ecosystem? How can we bring harmony among industry giants, celebrities, and audiences to get the entertainment industry back on track? These are questions that require us to think deeply.

Chen Baoguo's criticism is not only dissatisfied with the status quo, but also worried about the future of the industry he loves so much. He used his own experience and thinking to reveal the true face of the entertainment industry for us, and also sounded the alarm for the healthy development of the industry.

This attitude of having the courage to face problems and speak out is another manifestation of Chen Baoguo's dedication and love for performing arts. Although this attitude may bring challenges to his career, Chen Baoguo still chooses to stick to his beliefs and interpret the responsibility and responsibility of a true artist with practical actions.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

In the era of new media, the sudden emergence of short video platforms has brought an unprecedented impact to the entertainment industry. A large number of online celebrity anchors have sprung up, most of them have not received professional acting training, and they can win many fans just by virtue of their appearance.

What's more, some anchors do not hesitate to use vulgar means to attract attention, which undoubtedly further deteriorates the overall atmosphere of the entertainment industry.

This phenomenon has made the ecology of the entertainment industry change dramatically. In order to pursue short-term profits, some entertainment companies began to vigorously promote these "traffic stars", while ignoring the cultivation of their acting skills.

This directly led to the dilemma of many young artists falling into the dilemma of insufficient acting skills and being in an embarrassing situation.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

At the same time, the cultural tastes of the audience seem to be quietly changing. More and more people are keen to chase after influencers who are outstanding in appearance but lack substance, rather than those veteran artists who really have superb acting skills.

This trend has made entertainment companies more inclined to invest in new talents, further exacerbating the marginalization of established artists.

However, we can't deny that the entertainment industry itself is a highly commercialized system. Against this backdrop, it's only natural for entertainment companies and investors to choose artists with commercial potential.

Artists with outstanding appearance and a large fan base are undoubtedly more likely to attract the attention of the audience, thereby creating rich income.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

This has created a dilemma full of contradictions: although the market demand for traffic stars exists, as an art form, performance needs to rely more on professional quality.

If an actor only creates a character based on his external image, but fails to master the real acting skills, it will undoubtedly cause great harm to the art itself.

From a long-term perspective, this phenomenon is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable to the healthy development of China's cultural industry. How to find a balance between commercial value and artistic value has become a major challenge for the entire industry.

This requires the actors themselves to pay attention to the improvement of their inner cultivation, and at the same time, it also requires the entire industry to provide a stage for truly talented artists to show themselves.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

Only when the cultural taste of the masses is improved and the operation of entertainment companies returns to rationality can the mainland's entertainment industry realize the transformation from impetuous to steady.

This is a long-term and arduous task that requires the joint efforts of government departments, enterprises and the public. Only in this way can we promote China's entertainment industry to achieve its own sustainable development while meeting the cultural needs of the audience, and contribute to the construction of a cultural power.

Chen Baoguo's experience undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us and revealed many problems in the current entertainment industry. To reshape a healthy entertainment ecosystem, it takes the joint efforts of many parties.

First of all, government departments should formulate stricter laws and policies to effectively restrain the operation of entertainment companies and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of artists.

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

At the same time, it is urgent to establish a sound industry evaluation system, set industry benchmarks, and provide a fair competitive environment for truly powerful artists. In this way, it can avoid those "traffic stars" who lack professionalism from excessively occupying the public eye.

Second, entertainment companies should re-examine their responsibilities. Excessive pursuit of short-term interests and neglect of professional training of artists will only harm the long-term development of the industry in the end.

Companies should strike a balance between commercial interests and artistic value, and provide more opportunities for artists to improve their professional qualities.

In addition, the media should play a leading role, advocate professional ethics, and improve product quality. Through objective and fair reporting, guide the public to pay attention to truly powerful artists, rather than blindly chasing the so-called "traffic stars".

With his dedication and love for performing arts, Chen Baoguo continues to surpass himself

At the same time, supervision and guidance should also be strengthened for vulgar content on online platforms.

Finally, the cultural literacy of the public also needs to be continuously improved. We should vigorously promote public culture and art education to improve the public's aesthetic level and appreciation.

Only when the audience can identify high-quality cultural works can the entire industry develop to a higher level.

Chen Baoguo used his experience and thinking to reveal the true face of the entertainment industry for us, and also pointed out the direction for the healthy development of the industry. Only by making concerted efforts and adhering to the authenticity of art can China's entertainment industry achieve its own sustainable development and contribute to the construction of a cultural power while meeting the cultural needs of audiences.

In this process, the existence of actors like Chen Baoguo who adhere to artistic ideals is undoubtedly an important force to promote the progress of the industry.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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