
Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea

As one of the "three major battles" of the "Three Norths" project in the new era, the Hexi Corridor-Taklamakan Desert edge resistance battle has been launched. On the journey of wrestling with people and sand, Xinjiang once again sounded the clarion call for a charge.

Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea

How to consolidate existing gains

For a long time

Do a good job in tackling tough problems in the "Three Norths" project

How to focus on what matters

"Locking the edge of the Taklamakan Desert"

Ensure that sand sources do not expand and do not spread

Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea

This ecological battle has been fought

What kind of ecological dividends will it bring to Xinjiang?

In particular, it is necessary to build a strong ecological barrier in the northern part of the motherland

What kind of role will it play?

Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea

Interview with "Today's Focus".

Researcher at Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Doctoral supervisor

Leader of the expert group of the Three-North Project of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Autonomous Region

Chen Yaning

Listen to what he has to say

Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea
Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea
Today's Spotlight | Chasing the green and locking the sand sea