
Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

18-year-old Jiang Wenli is facing an important life decision. The failure of the college entrance examination was like a hammer, smashing the confidence of this girl with the dream of being an actor. But Jiang Wenli did not give up easily, with the encouragement and support of her family, she chose to repeat her studies and went all out to prepare for the Beijing Film Academy.

The days of repetition are not easy. Jiang Wenli devoted all her energy to her studies, in order to realize the seemingly unattainable college dream. Every morning, she wakes up with a firm conviction and buries herself in her desk to read.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

In the dead of night, she still maintains a high level of concentration, as if she wants to engrave all the knowledge into her mind, this persistent attitude, not only for her studies, but also for the commitment to her dreams.

Jiang Wenli, with her outstanding talent and continuous efforts in 1988, was successfully admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy. The moment she stepped into the school gate, it was as if she heard the sound of the gears of fate turning.

Since then, her acting career as an ordinary girl has begun, all of which proves that as long as you have determination and perseverance, you will be able to achieve your dreams.

In the days of Beiying, Jiang Wenli was hungry to learn acting skills, and devoted herself to every practice, as if she could feel that the audience was full. The teachers were delighted to find out that this girl from an ordinary family had an amazing talent for acting.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli's eyes always flashed with her love for performance and her vision for the future.

Jiang Wenli showed outstanding acting talent during her time at the academy, laying a solid foundation for her future acting career. She shines in her professional classes and is very active in participating in a variety of performance practices to improve her performance on stage.

The hard study and practice during this period laid the groundwork for the success of her film and television career.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli's road to Beiying, just like her life, is full of challenges and opportunities. From failing the college entrance examination to successfully being admitted to the university of her dreams, she proved with her own actions that as long as there is a dream in her heart and a road under her feet, there is no hurdle that cannot be passed.

This experience has also become a source of strength for her to face life's challenges in the future.

After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, Jiang Wenli rose quickly and became a new star in the entertainment industry. In 1993, she seized the opportunity and starred in the classic film "Lushan Love" directed by Huang Shuqin.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Although there are not many scenes, Jiang Wenli has successfully created a brilliant "little confused" role with her superb acting skills, she interprets the role innocently, young and lovely, although the camera is limited, but it leaves a deep impression on the audience, this role has won her wide attention in the industry, and also opened a new chapter in her acting career.

Jiang Wenli's performance is like an old wine, the more you taste it, the more fragrant it becomes. She delves into each role and puts her heart and soul into it. In the work "Holding Hands", the role played by Jiang Wenli makes the audience feel the youthful vitality and vision for the future of a young man who has just stepped out of school.

Her performance is natural and smooth, as if it is life itself, and this style of performance has won her the love of more audiences.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli's acting career is like a wild horse galloping across the film and television industry. She has participated in TV series such as "Don't Talk to Strangers", "Absolute Privacy", and "Double-sided Tape".

In these works, every character portrayed by Jiang Wenli is lifelike, unforgettable, her eyes are always full of rich emotions, whether it is joy or sadness, can accurately convey to the audience Jiang Wenli's tragedy is no longer limited to the surface form, but goes deep into the inner world of the character, and shows the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters vividly.

Jiang Wenli's efforts were not in vain. Her superb acting skills have not only won numerous film and television awards, but also the weighty "Golden Eagle Award". These awards are not only a recognition of her acting skills, but also a tribute to her steadfast pursuit of art over the years.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Every time she stood on the podium, her eyes flashed with tears of gratitude, and she knew that her acting career was not all smooth sailing, but every step was worth it.

From an unknown student to a powerful actor on the screen, Jiang Wenli has written a wonderful rise in the entertainment industry with her own strength and persistence. Her success is not accidental, but stems from her dedication and unremitting efforts in the performing arts.

Jiang Wenli's acting career, like every role she creates, is full of vitality and appeal, and has become a role model and goal in the hearts of many young actors.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

At the time of her successful career, Jiang Wenli's personal life has also entered a sweet period. She fell in love with director Gu Changwei and entered the palace of marriage. Jiang Wenli seems to have found the other half of her life, and her life seems to be happy and happy.

However, life is always full of surprises and challenges.

In 2009, Jiang Wenli's life was shattered by a sudden marital crisis. There was news in the media that Gu Changwei had an improper relationship with a young actress. This news is like a bombshell and has caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli was at the center of the storm, and in the face of overwhelming doubts and sympathy, her heart undoubtedly experienced great suffering.

However, Jiang Wenli did not choose to cry openly or vent hysterically, but maintained surprisingly calm and sanity. In an interview with the Global Times, she publicly responded to this sensitive topic for the first time.

Jiang Wenli's response shows her wisdom and mind as a mature woman, she said: "The relationship between me and my husband will not change because of the intervention of others" This sentence not only shows her cherishing marriage, but also reflects her firm attitude in the face of crisis.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

However, Jiang Wenli's calm does not mean that she is a weak person. When faced with this crisis, she showed amazing skill and determination. She used her influence in the circle to ban the junior, and instead of denouncing the other party with great fanfare, she chose a more effective way to maintain her marriage and dignity.

Under the pressure of Jiang Wenli, the young actress's scenes were cut in many works, and even lost many of the roles that had already been determined. This kind of "silent revenge" not only protects Jiang Wenli's interests, but also sends a clear signal to the circle and beyond: don't easily challenge the bottom line of a successful woman.

In this turmoil, Jiang Wenli's handling of it has been respected by many people. Instead of swallowing her anger and losing her mind, she defended her rights and interests in her own way, while also giving her husband a chance to rethink.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli has shown extraordinary wisdom and courage in dealing with this marital crisis. She did not let personal emotions influence her judgment, but calmly analyzed the situation and made the decision that was most beneficial to herself.

This way of dealing with her not only upholds her dignity, but also wins more respect and support from everyone.

Jiang Wenli's performance in this incident sets an example for women when they face similar difficulties. She proves that even in the most difficult moments, a woman can remain sane and dignified and solve problems in her own way.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

This strength and wisdom are the key to Jiang Wenli's success.

After experiencing the turmoil of marriage, Jiang Wenli was not defeated. On the contrary, the experience seemed to be a turning point in her life, and she embarked on a new adventure. Jiang Wenli's eyes are no longer limited to her performance in front of the camera, she has begun to pay attention to the development of the entire film and television industry.

Jiang Wenli, who is full of love for the film and television industry and full of expectations for the future, began to step into the field of behind-the-scenes production and investment. She has not only invested in the production of a number of excellent film and television works, but also participated in the production of them.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

She brings years of experience and insight to each of her works, including "Alive" and "Double-Sided Tape", which are loved and praised by audiences.

Jiang Wenli's career transformation has not been smooth sailing, whether it is the transition from the stage to the backstage, or the leap from actor to producer, every step is full of challenges. However, she has always maintained her strong belief that this is a new beginning for her career.

In order to better develop her career, Jiang Wenli and her husband Gu Changwei jointly founded a film and television company. She devotes herself wholeheartedly to the management of the company and the production of her works.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli has shown extraordinary business acumen and management skills, not only successfully produced a number of excellent works, but also enabled the company to grow rapidly in a short period of time.

Jiang Wenli had a huge success in 2017. She successfully sold her company's shares and cashed out 1.3 billion yuan. This impressive number not only confirms her excellence in the business world, but also announces her perfect transformation from artist to entrepreneur.

At a new height in her life, Jiang Wenli's eyes are full of confidence and calmness. She is no longer just an excellent actor, but also an important figure who can influence the development of the film and television industry.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

This transformation not only changed the trajectory of her personal life, but also injected new vitality into the entire film and television industry.

Jiang Wenli's successful transformation shows us that she is not only a talented actress, but also a visionary entrepreneur. Her achievements show us that as long as we dare to try, there is no gap that cannot be crossed.

Jiang Wenli's story will undoubtedly inspire more people to pursue their dreams and continue to break through on the road of life.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

In the process of career transformation, Jiang Wenli did not stop her love for acting, paid special attention to the new generation of actors, and devoted herself to the metabolism and cultivation of the film and television industry.

This decision not only shows her vision, but also breathes new life into the industry as a whole.

Jiang Wenli actively invests in her own work, boldly using young actors to provide them with a platform to showcase their talents. She believes that discovering and nurturing new talent is the key to maintaining the sustainable development and vitality of the industry.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

With her support and guidance, many young actors have been given important roles and gradually made their mark in the film and television industry.

In 2012, a film and television work invested by Jiang Wenli, a 19-year-old rookie actor attracted widespread attention from the audience. Her performance in the play was highly praised by the audience, and it also made people see Jiang Wenli's unique vision.

This kind of support and cultivation of newcomers has not only injected fresh blood into the film and television industry, but also won Jiang Wenli the reputation of "Bole".

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli's treatment of the cultivation of young actors is not only to give opportunities, but more importantly, to personally guide their performances. She brings her years of experience to help these newcomers grow quickly.

On the set, Jiang Wenli can often be seen seriously guiding young actors, and her eyes are full of expectations and encouragement for her juniors.

With Jiang Wenli's efforts, groups of young actors have gradually grown into the backbone of the industry. She is not only a successful actor and investor, but also a guide and role model for the new generation of actors.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

Jiang Wenli's behavior not only reflects her love for the film and television industry, but also shows her responsibility and vision as an industry leader.

Jiang Wenli's life is like a blooming rose, with both a delicate and feminine side and an extremely sharp edge. Her story reveals the multifaceted and complex aspects of a successful woman, from her career success to her personal life's wisdom.

As a successful professional woman, Jiang Wenli has demonstrated extraordinary business acumen and management skills. She has not only successfully transformed into a film and television investor, but also achieved proud results in the commercial field.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

In 2017, she successfully sold the company's shares, cashing out 1.3 billion yuan, which is not only a business miracle, but also the best praise for her years of hard work.

Jiang Wenli is not complacent because of her success, she has always maintained her passion for art and the cultivation of newcomers, and this sense of balance shows her wisdom and mind as a mature woman.

In addition to her commercial success, she is also actively involved in the production of film and television productions, and strongly supports the development of new generation actors.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

In the face of the marital crisis, Jiang Wenli showed an unusually calm and clever skill, which is even more impressive. She did not choose to confront her openly or swallow her anger, but used her own way to protect her rights and interests.

This approach shows both her wisdom and her confidence and courage as a successful woman.

Jiang Wenli's life experience is regarded as a role model by many women. She has proved that women can not only achieve great success in their careers, but also face the challenges of their personal lives with grace.

Jiang Wenli: Banning the junior, praising the red little fresh meat, my revenge in the face of my husband's cheating is definitely not ordinary

From a dream-chasing girl, to a powerful actor on the screen, to a successful film and television investor, her every transformation shows her courage and wisdom.

Jiang Wenli's story will undoubtedly inspire more women to bravely pursue their dreams and shine on the road of life. She uses her actions to interpret what a real "iron-fisted rose" is—both a soft side and a strong core, and interprets a wonderful life on the stage of life.

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