
TVB Myolie Wu has been in the industry for 25 years! After re-wearing the third place, the crown felt that I wanted to cry a little

Myolie Wu won the third runner-up of Miss Hong Kong 25 years ago today, and has since started a brilliant star journey.

A few days ago (11th) is the 25th anniversary of Myolie Wu's entry into the industry, she posted a video on social platforms to share her feelings about her 25 years in the industry, and some of the important awards she has won over the years have been sunburned, and she also wore the crown and ribbon that won the third place that year to remember.

TVB Myolie Wu has been in the industry for 25 years! After re-wearing the third place, the crown felt that I wanted to cry a little

Myolie Wu said in the film: July 11 may not be a special day for everyone, but it is a very, very important day for me, why? Because 25 years ago, July 11, 1999, was the big day when I was elected as the third runner-up of Miss Hong Kong.

TVB Myolie Wu has been in the industry for 25 years! After re-wearing the third place, the crown felt that I wanted to cry a little

I feel very emotionally that time really flies too fast, I didn't expect to be in this industry for 25 years, and share with you a ribbon that I have treasured for a long time, this is really 24 years without wearing, I feel a little like crying, very emotional.

TVB Myolie Wu has been in the industry for 25 years! After re-wearing the third place, the crown felt that I wanted to cry a little

Myolie Wu thanked everyone who had been with her along the way, and she then took out the medal she had won and cooled: "Allow me to be in this acting career for 25 years, let me stink and be beautiful, I haven't taken a closer look at these awards I won for a long time, which is quite commemorative."

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