
In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

In the course of China's revolution and construction, Marshal Ye Jianying won high praise from Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou for his outstanding military talent and political wisdom. Chairman Mao once used "Zhuge is cautious all his life, and Lu Duan is not confused in major matters" to evaluate Ye Jianying, which profoundly summarizes Ye Jianying's prudence and wisdom in military and political decision-making.

Zhuge Liang was a famous military strategist and statesman in Chinese history, known for his foresight and prudence. Chairman Mao compared Ye Jianying to Zhuge Liang, which was intended to emphasize Ye Jianying's prudence and thoughtfulness in military command and political struggle. In the long-term revolutionary struggle, Ye Jianying has always maintained a sober mind and firm beliefs, and has shown outstanding leadership and strategic vision in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the national defense construction after the founding of New China.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Premier Zhou used "the wind knows the strength of the grass, and the bandang knows the sincere minister" to evaluate Ye Jianying, this sentence comes from the "Later Han Shu · Kong Rong Biography", which originally meant that in turbulent times, it is possible to see who is the real loyal minister. Premier Zhou borrowed this sentence to emphasize that Ye Jianying has always been able to stick to his principles and be loyal to the cause of the party and the people when the country and the nation are facing major tests. In historical periods such as the Cultural Revolution, Ye Jianying firmly stood on the correct position and made important contributions to maintaining the stability of the party and the country.

Ye Jianying's life is a life of unremitting struggle for the country and the people. Born in a poor peasant family in Meixian County, Guangdong, he participated in the revolution in his early years and experienced a series of major historical events such as the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. In the long-term revolutionary struggle, Ye Jianying not only exercised outstanding military command ability, but also formed a firm political stance and noble moral character.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

During the Anti-Japanese War, Ye Jianying served as the chief of the general staff of the Eighth Route Army, participated in and commanded important battles such as the Pingxingguan Dajie, and made important contributions to the fight against the Japan invaders. During the War of Liberation, he served as the commander of the East China Field Army, commanded major battles such as the Huaihai Campaign, and made great achievements for the national liberation cause. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ye Jianying served as Minister of National Defense, presided over national defense and army building, and made great contributions to the country's peace and security.

Ye Jianying's prudence and wisdom in military command are reflected in his accurate judgment of the war situation and his careful planning of strategic deployment. He is good at drawing up practical and feasible battle plans according to the actual conditions of both the enemy and us, and he can not only give full play to the superiority of our army, but also effectively deal with the enemy's threat. In the Huaihai Campaign, Ye Jianying decisively decided to concentrate his forces according to the comparison of forces between the enemy and us and the battlefield situation, adopted the tactics of roundabout encirclement, and finally won a comprehensive victory in the battle.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Ye Jianying's life is a life of unremitting struggle for the country and the people, and his deeds and spirit will always inspire us to work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ye Jianying is an outstanding military strategist and politician in modern Chinese history, and his life is full of legends. At a critical juncture for the country and its people, he made a series of key decisions with firm conviction, outstanding wisdom and extraordinary courage, which had a far-reaching impact on the stability and development of the country.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

The first key decision took place during the Sino-Japanese War. Japan imperialism launched a full-scale war of aggression against China, and the Chinese nation faced a severe test of life and death. At this critical moment, Ye Jianying served as the chief of the general staff of the Eighth Route Army, and he knew that only by uniting the whole nation could we defeat a strong enemy. He actively promoted the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and contributed to the establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front. On the battlefield, Ye Jianying strategized and commanded the Eighth Route Army to carry out guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, effectively containing the strength of the Japanese army and gaining valuable time and space for the frontal battlefield. His decision-making and command made important contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

The second key decision was made during the War of Liberation. In that year, the Kuomintang reactionaries tore up the peace agreement and launched a full-scale civil war. In this war that decided the fate of China, Ye Jianying served as the commander of the East China Field Army, and he commanded the East China Field Army to achieve a series of major victories with his superb military command art. Especially in the Huaihai Campaign, Ye Jianying decisively adjusted his strategic deployment according to the changes in the battlefield situation, adopted the tactics of roundabout encirclement, and finally won a comprehensive victory in the battle. The victory in this battle not only dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Kuomintang army, but also laid a solid foundation for the liberation of the whole country.

The third key decision was made during the Cultural Revolution. By 1976, China had experienced an unprecedented political movement. During this period, Ye Jianying firmly stood on the correct position and resolutely struggled against the wrong line of Lin Biao, Jiang Qing and others. He was well aware of the harm this movement had to the party and the country, and actively called for the restoration of the party's normal life and the maintenance of the stability of the party and the country. At the critical moment, Ye Jianying, together with other revolutionaries of the older generation, took decisive action to end the Cultural Revolution and create conditions for the country's reform, opening up and modernization.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Ye Jianying's three key decisions fully reflect his foresight and political wisdom as a revolutionary. His policy decision not only saved the cause of the party and the people, but also laid the foundation for the country's long-term development. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he promoted the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and made contributions to national liberation; In the War of Liberation, he commanded the East China Field Army to achieve victory, laying the foundation for the liberation of the whole country; During the Cultural Revolution, he fought resolutely and created conditions for the country's reform, opening up, and modernization.

Ye Jianying's life is a life of unremitting struggle for the country and the people. His deeds and spirit will forever inspire us to work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. When the country and the people are facing a critical juncture, Ye Jianying can always use his wisdom and courage to make the right decisions and lead the country and the people to a bright future.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Ye Jianying, as an important figure in modern Chinese history, his life is full of legends. In his later years, Ye Jianying, despite the gradual decline in his physical condition, still maintained his deep care and love for the country and the people. Even in the face of illness, he showed extraordinary optimism and a sense of humor, and faced life's challenges in a light-hearted way.

In his later years, Ye Jianying's physical condition began to show some changes, but he did not become depressed or retreated because of this. Instead, he approaches his health with a positive attitude that is also contagious and inspiring to those around him. Ye Jianying knows that as a veteran revolutionary, his spirit and attitude have an important exemplary role for the younger generation. Therefore, even in the face of illness, he has always maintained optimism and humor, influencing and encouraging others in this unique way.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Ye Jianying's humor is not only reflected in his attitude towards illness, but also in the bits and pieces of daily life. He often uses some humorous words to adjust the atmosphere and make the people around him feel relaxed and happy. For example, when communicating with medical staff, he will use some humorous words to express his understanding and cooperation with the treatment, which makes the medical process that may seem a little heavy easier. The power of this humor not only alleviated his own pain, but also made the people around him feel his optimistic spirit.

In the face of illness, Ye Jianying also showed a strong will and unyielding spirit. He knew very well that as a revolutionary, no matter what the circumstances, he should maintain firm conviction and unyielding fighting spirit. Therefore, even in poor physical condition, he did not abandon his concern for the country and the people. Through reading, writing, and communicating with people, he continues to pay attention to the development of the country and the lives of the people, and contributes to the country and the people in his own way.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

The spirit of Ye Jianying in his later years has important enlightenment significance for each of us. It tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, we should have the courage to face them, have the wisdom to solve them, and live with an optimistic attitude. This spirit is our most valuable asset when facing various problems in life.

Ye Jianying's later life, although his physical condition is not as good as before, his heart is still tightly linked to the country and the people. His humor and optimism not only keep him in a good frame of mind, but also bring positive energy to those around him. The power of this spirit is a precious asset that each of us should learn and pass on. Through Ye Jianying's life in his later years, we can see that at any time, staying optimistic and facing life positively is an important way for us to achieve success and happiness.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

1984 was a challenging year for Ye Jianying. This year, he suffered serious health problems due to a common cold, and this sudden illness forced him to face the choice of surgery. However, even in such a grim situation, Ye Jianying still maintained his usual optimism and humor, and faced all this with his wisdom and courage.

The cold itself is often seen as a minor illness, but for Ye Jianying, it becomes a trigger point, exposing the fragility of his body. As she grows older, Ye Jianying's immune system is no longer as strong as it was when she was younger, and even a common cold can trigger a series of complications. In this case, the cold quickly worsens and evolves into a serious lung infection that requires surgery.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

In the face of surgery, Ye Jianying did not show fear or retreat. Instead, he accepted the reality with a sense of peace. In the preparation process before the surgery, he even used humorous words to calm the tension of the medical staff and relatives and friends. He told them it was just a "minor fix" and said he was confident about the operation. This optimistic attitude not only relieves him of his own pressure, but also reassures the people around him.

However, although surgery can solve the immediate problem, it does not fundamentally improve Ye Jianying's health. As we age, the body's various functions are gradually declining, which is a natural law that no one can escape. Ye Jianying knew this, but he didn't feel depressed or hopeless because of it. On the contrary, he cherished every day of his life more and participated more actively in the cause of the country and the people.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

During the recovery period after the operation, Ye Jianying did not give up work and study. He continued to read and write, continuing to pay attention to the development of the country and the lives of the people. He uses this to keep his mind active, while also providing valuable experience and wisdom to the younger generation. His spirit not only embodies the sense of responsibility and mission of an old revolutionary, but also shows his love for life and thirst for knowledge.

Ye Jianying's attitude has important inspiration for each of us. It tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, we should have the courage to face them, have the wisdom to solve them, and live with an optimistic attitude. This spiritual power is our most valuable asset when facing various problems in life.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

In his later years, although Ye Jianying's life was full of challenges, he always maintained his love for life and dedication to his work. His optimism and humor not only keep him in a good state of mind, but also bring positive energy to the people around him. The power of this spirit is a precious asset that each of us should learn and pass on. Through Ye Jianying's life in his later years, we can see that at any time, staying optimistic and facing life positively is an important way for us to achieve success and happiness.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

After Zhong Nanshan received the task, he immediately devoted himself to the research and treatment of Ye Jianying's condition. He is well aware of the heavy responsibility he shoulders, not only to go all out to treat Ye Jianying's illness, but also to respect and protect the dignity and rights and interests of this old revolutionary. In the process of treatment, Zhong Nanshan always adhered to the patient-centered, fully considered Ye Jianying's physical condition and psychological needs, and formulated a scientific and reasonable treatment plan.

During the treatment, Zhong Nanshan showed a high level of professionalism and humanistic care. He not only pays attention to Ye Jianying's physical health, but also cares about his psychological state. Zhong Nanshan often had in-depth exchanges with Ye Jianying, understood his thoughts and needs, and used professional knowledge and sincere attitude to calm his emotions and help him build confidence in overcoming the disease. This people-oriented treatment concept not only made Ye Jianying feel warm and reassured, but also made the people around him have a deep respect for Zhong Nanshan's professional ability and personality charm.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

In the process of treating Ye Jianying, Zhong Nanshan also faced great pressure and challenges. At that time, there was still a big gap between the medical conditions and the level of technology compared with today, and the treatment of many diseases was still in the exploratory stage. But Zhong Nanshan did not back down because of this, he relied on solid medical knowledge and the spirit of innovation, constantly tried and explored, and finally found an effective treatment suitable for Ye Jianying's condition.

Under Zhong Nanshan's meticulous treatment and care, Ye Jianying's condition has been effectively controlled and improved. Although Ye Jianying's physical condition has not been able to return to the state he was in when he was young, his quality of life has been significantly improved, and his mental state has been maintained quite well. All this is inseparable from Zhong Nanshan's hard work and selfless dedication.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

This treatment experience not only deepened the teacher-student friendship between Ye Jianying and Zhong Nanshan, but also allowed Zhong Nanshan to emerge in the medical field, laying the foundation for him to become a leading figure in the field of respiratory medicine in China in the future. Zhong Nanshan's professionalism and humanistic care have also set an example for the Chinese medical community, inspiring more medical workers to be patient-centered and continuously improve their professional level and service quality.

Ye Jianying's illness and treatment process is a history full of challenges and touching. It not only shows the strength and optimism of an old revolutionary in the face of illness, but also reflects the professional ability and humanistic care of the Chinese medical community in the face of major diseases. This history will always inspire us to care for life, respect science, and pursue excellence.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Before formulating a treatment plan, Zhong Nanshan first conducted a comprehensive combing of Ye Jianying's medical history. He carefully consulted Ye Jianying's past medical records, and had in-depth exchanges with doctors who had treated Ye Jianying, striving to fully grasp Ye Jianying's health status and disease characteristics. In addition, Zhong Nanshan also had an in-depth understanding of Ye Jianying's living habits, dietary structure and psychological state, because these may have an impact on the recovery of his condition.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

On the basis of in-depth understanding, Zhong Nanshan developed a comprehensive treatment plan. This program not only includes traditional medical methods such as medication and physical therapy, but also emphasizes psychotherapy and lifestyle modification. Zhong Nanshan believes that for elderly patients like Ye Jianying, the stability of psychological state and the science of lifestyle are equally important. Therefore, he specially added psychological counseling and nutrition guidance to the treatment plan to help Ye Jianying establish a positive and optimistic attitude, adjust her eating habits, and enhance her physical fitness.

During the treatment process, Zhong Nanshan always adhered to the patient-centered principle, paid close attention to the changes in Ye Jianying's condition, and adjusted the treatment plan in time. He would personally make rounds every day and communicate with Ye Jianying to understand his physical condition and psychological feelings. Under Zhong Nanshan's careful treatment and care, Ye Jianying's condition was gradually stabilized, and her physical condition also improved significantly.

In 1981, when Ye Jianying was chatting with He Changgong, he said in frustration: I am 84 years old, and the king of Hades will come to urge me at any time

Zhong Nanshan's successful treatment not only reflects his superb medical skills, but also demonstrates his profound humanistic care. He knows that as a doctor, you should not only treat diseases, but also care for patients and respect their personality and dignity. In the communication with Ye Jianying, Zhong Nanshan always maintained a humble and respectful attitude, listened to Ye Jianying's voice attentively, and won Ye Jianying's trust with professional knowledge and sincere care.

This treatment experience had a profound impact on Zhong Nanshan's medical career. He learned many valuable life experiences and revolutionary spirit from Ye Jianying, and these experiences and insights were deeply integrated into his medical practice. Zhong Nanshan inherited and carried forward this people-oriented and life-caring medical concept, setting an example for the Chinese medical community.

As an important politician and military strategist in modern Chinese history, Ye Jianying's political wisdom and foresight have played an important role in the country's major decision-making. Especially in the policy of opening up to the outside world, Ye Jianying has shown extraordinary insight and forward-looking.

In the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century, China was on the eve of reform and opening up, and the country was faced with the major problem of how to develop and how to integrate with the world. At this critical juncture, Ye Jianying put forward a series of far-reaching views and propositions. He advocated opening up to the outside world and held that China should learn from and draw on the advanced experience of capitalist countries in science and technology and management in order to promote its own development and progress.

Ye Jianying sees the capitalist state as a mirror through which China can clearly see its own strengths and weaknesses. He believes that capitalist countries have a lot to learn from in terms of economic development and scientific and technological innovation, but at the same time, there are also many problems and shortcomings. By opening up to the outside world, China can not only absorb advanced technology and management experience from abroad, but also gain a deeper understanding of its own advantages and shortcomings in exchanges with capitalist countries.

Under the impetus of Ye Jianying, China began to gradually relax restrictions on foreign economic and technological exchanges, actively introduced foreign capital, and learned from foreign advanced technology and management experience. The implementation of this policy has greatly promoted China's economic development and social progress and laid a solid foundation for China's modernization drive.

Ye Jianying's idea of opening up to the outside world is not only reflected in the economic field, but also involves culture, education, science and technology and other aspects. He believes that open exchanges of culture and education can promote mutual understanding and respect between different civilizations, enhance the understanding of the Chinese people about the world, and let the world better understand China. In the field of science and technology, Ye Jianying advocated strengthening cooperation and exchanges with foreign countries, introducing advanced scientific and technological concepts and technologies, and improving China's scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

Ye Jianying's foresight is not only reflected in his advocacy of the policy of opening up to the outside world, but also in his profound thinking about the future of the country and the nation. He is well aware that a country's development and progress are inseparable from exchanges and cooperation with the world. Only by constantly learning and drawing on the advanced experience of foreign countries can we continuously promote our own development and progress.

Ye Jianying's idea of opening up to the outside world is an important part of China's great cause of reform and opening up. His political wisdom and farsightedness have made indelible contributions to China's development and progress. His ideas and propositions will always inspire us to embrace the world, learn from the achievements of advanced civilization, and promote our own development and progress.

Ye Jianying, as an outstanding politician and military strategist in modern Chinese history, has been making unremitting efforts for the independence of the country, the liberation of the nation and the happiness of the people all his life. Even at the last moment of his life, Ye Jianying still cares about the country and the people, and his deep feelings for the country and his deep concern for the people have become the most vivid portrayal of his life.

In his later years, Ye Jianying's physical condition gradually weakened, but his concern for the country and the people never diminished. He knew very well that as a veteran revolutionary, his responsibility and mission went far beyond personal life and death. On the sickbed, Ye Jianying still insisted on reading national events and paying attention to the development of the country and the lives of the people. He used his weak voice to express his expectations for the future of the country and his concern for the people.

At the last moment of his life, Ye Jianying still maintained a deep insight into the country's development and a deep concern for people's lives. He was concerned about the country's reform and opening up policy, the progress of economic construction, scientific and technological progress, and cultural prosperity. He is well aware that these are important cornerstones for the country's strength and people's happiness. In his communications with his family and medical staff, Ye Jianying often mentioned the future of the country and the well-being of the people, and his every word was filled with deep love for the country and the people.

Ye Jianying's deep national feelings are not only reflected in his attention to national affairs, but also in his expectations and care for the younger generation. He knows very well that the hope of the country lies in the youth, and the future of the nation lies in the youth. At the last moment of his life, Ye Jianying still did not forget to cultivate and educate the younger generation. He encouraged young people to study hard, be proactive and make contributions to the construction and development of the country. This spirit of his has inspired generation after generation of young people to work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ye Jianying's profound national feelings are the most precious spiritual wealth of his life. His feelings not only inspired him to make unremitting efforts for the cause of the country and the people, but also inspired future generations to inherit and carry forward his revolutionary spirit and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although Ye Jianying's life has ended, his spirit and feelings will always inspire us to care about the development of the country, to care for the people's lives, and to work hard to achieve the prosperity of the country and the happiness and well-being of the people.

Ye Jianying, as an outstanding politician and military strategist in modern Chinese history, has spanned the turbulent 20th century in his life, and continues to contribute his wisdom and strength at the beginning of the 21st century. Although he failed to fulfill his wish spanning three centuries, his spirit and contributions will forever be remembered in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Ye Jianying's life is closely linked to the fate of the country. From joining the revolution in his youth, to becoming the founding father of New China, to making positive contributions to the country's reform, opening up, and modernization in his later years, every step he took was deeply rooted in his deep affection for the country and the people. The trajectory of his life has witnessed the vicissitudes of China from a feudal society to a modern socialist country.

During the years of the Revolutionary War, Ye Jianying, with his outstanding military talent and firm political stance, made great contributions to the cause of China's liberation. His military wisdom and strategic vision helped the Chinese People's Liberation Army win many battles and laid a solid foundation for the founding of New China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ye Jianying did not stop because of the victory of the revolution. He actively participated in the construction and development of the country, especially during the period of reform and opening up, and provided valuable guidance and suggestions for the country's modernization with his broad international vision and profound strategic thinking. He advocated learning from the advanced experience and technology of foreign countries and promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and the world, thus opening the door to China's rapid development.

Even in the later years of his life, Ye Jianying still maintained a deep concern for the country and the people. Although his physical condition has deteriorated, his heart has always been closely linked to the development of the country and the well-being of the people. He was concerned about the country's political stability, economic development, scientific and technological progress and cultural prosperity, as well as the people's living standards and social justice. His feelings reflect the boundless loyalty and deep love of an old revolutionary to the country and the people.

Ye Jianying's spirit and contribution have become a precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese people. His revolutionary spirit, patriotic feelings, open-mindedness, and courage in reform have inspired generation after generation of Chinese to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Although his life did not span three centuries, his spirit and contributions will transcend time and space and forever inspire the Chinese people.

In the long course of history, countless heroes have made indelible contributions to the independence of the country, the liberation of the nation and the happiness of the people with their outstanding contributions and lofty spirit. Their names and deeds, like bright stars, illuminate the way forward for the nation. Today, as we stand on the threshold of the new era, we should remember these heroes, continue their spirit, and contribute to the strength of the country.

To remember heroes, we must first deeply understand their spiritual connotations. The greatness of the heroes lies not only in their achievements, but also in the steadfastness, courage and selfless dedication they show. They do not hesitate to sacrifice everything for themselves, even their lives, for the sake of the interests of the country and the nation. This spirit is an important part of our national spirit and a source of motivation for us to keep moving forward.

Perpetuating the heroic spirit requires us to integrate it into our daily lives and work. Whether it is in an ordinary position or at a critical moment, we should take heroes as an example, carry forward their spirit, have the courage to take responsibility, dare to innovate, and constantly pursue excellence. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we must be like heroes, maintain firm faith and optimistic attitude, and move forward bravely despite difficulties.

It is the responsibility and mission of each and every one of our citizens to contribute to the prosperity of the country. In the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, everyone is a participant and a contributor. We must base ourselves on our own duties, work diligently, and support the country's construction and development with concrete actions. At the same time, we should also actively participate in social welfare activities, care about helping others, spread positive energy, and promote social harmony and progress.

Remembering the heroes, continuing the heroic spirit, and contributing to the strength of the country are also the best commemoration of the heroes. Although the heroes are no longer with us, their spirit will always inspire us. We should let more people understand the deeds of heroes and feel the spirit of heroes through various forms, such as commemorative activities, education and inheritance, and cultural creation, so as to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm and fighting spirit of the whole society.

On the journey of the new era, we must take heroes as an example and continuously enhance the "four self-confidences", namely road confidence, theoretical confidence, system confidence, and cultural confidence. We must firmly believe in the correctness of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the scientificity of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the enduring charm of China's excellent traditional culture. With this self-confidence, we will be better able to respond to risks and challenges and move the country forward.

In short, it is the responsibility and mission of every citizen to remember the heroes, continue the heroic spirit, and contribute to the strength and prosperity of the country. Let us join hands, take heroes as examples, carry forward the heroic spirit, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.