
Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

In the history of New China, there was a marshal who was not quite the same as other founding marshals. Although he didn't actually lead troops to fight much, and he didn't have many earth-shattering achievements, he was rated as the highest military rank at that time. This marshal who doesn't seem to be very suitable for the image of a soldier is Ye Jianying. How could a person who did not have much "military exploits" be awarded such a high military rank?

Let's take a look at this Ye Shuai's legendary experience first. As a young man from a humble background, Ye Jianying has shown extraordinary wisdom and determination since he was a child. He joined the National Revolutionary Army at a young age and rose through the ranks, soon becoming a major general under Chiang Kai-shek, in charge of the post of chief of staff of the Fourth Army. But at this time, Ye Shuai's move completely changed the trajectory of his life.

Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

In 1927, the Northern Expedition was coming to an end, but at this time, Lao Chiang turned blue and openly betrayed the revolutionary cause. What's even more odious is that Wang Jingwei actually tore up Mr. Sun Yat-sen's "three major policies" and ordered his troops to take action against the progressive cadets in the Wuhan Military Academy, in an attempt to suffocate the fire of revolution in one fell swoop. At that time, there were nearly 1,700 progressive cadets in this military academy, and there were many members of our party. If they were discovered by Lao Chiang's people, they would definitely suffer severe repression.

At this critical juncture, Ye Jianying, who was only 25 years old at the time, stepped forward and wittily mediated the crisis. Our party later learned that it was with Ye Shuai's protection that those progressive students were able to escape. Among them are the later Red Army generals Luo Ruiqing, Xu Guangda, and Cheng Zihua and others. Without Ye Jianying's help, these revolutionary talents may not have the opportunity to continue their revolutionary career.

Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

In the same year, our party planned to launch the famous Nanchang Uprising. But there was still some time before the uprising broke out, and Ye Shuai suddenly learned an astonishing inside story: it turned out that Zhang Fakui, Wang Jingwei's lackey, tried to attack He Long and Ye Ting, the two main generals in our army at that time, on the eve of the uprising, and completely killed the opportunity for the uprising.

In the face of this earth-shattering conspiracy, Ye Shuai was calm and made a decision immediately. On the pretext of "swimming in the lake together to relax", he made an appointment with He Long and Ye Ting in time, and told them about Zhang Fakui's insidious conspiracy. The two generals, who learned the truth, immediately decided to give up going to Lushan for a meeting and successfully escaped the catastrophe. This supernatural operation not only kept the two main forces, but also paved the way for the success of the Nanchang Uprising. Without Ye Jianying's wise decision, the Nanchang Uprising would likely have been stillborn.

Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

Good guy, our Ye Shuai is a ruthless character, so do you have a new understanding of him? That's right, although he failed to make outstanding achievements on the battlefield like Peng Dehuai and Lin Biao, his contribution to the revolutionary cause is incomparable to others.

Next, let me tell you about Ye Jianying's wonderful performance on the Long March. At that time, the Red Army's First Army and the Fourth Front Army were meeting, but Zhang Guotao, who was ambitious, conspired to go south alone to capture Sichuan and split the central power. For this reason, he also sent a secret telegram to Chen Changhao, a close associate of the Fourth Front Army, in an attempt to kill the head of the Central Committee if necessary. Who knows, this secret message was discovered by Ye Jianying first. Without saying a word, Ye Shuai immediately informed Chairman Mao of this terrible conspiracy, so that the Party Central Committee was transferred in time and avoided the crisis of life and death. If Ye Jianying's heroic and fearless performance had not been at that time, the Central Red Army would have been devastated.

Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

After the founding of New China, Ye Jianying's legendary life is far from stopping. As a veteran, he also contributed a lot to the protection of famous generals who had made outstanding contributions to the country. For example, Comrade Su Yu, a hero in our hometown, has benefited from Ye Shuai's protection many times. During the turmoil in 1976, Ye Jianying fought bravely with Hua Guofeng and others, turned the tide, and finally saved the turbulent New China.

Seeing this, you should have a number in your heart, right? Although Ye Jianying did not make many meritorious contributions on the battlefield, he made indelible contributions to the revolutionary cause and the establishment of New China. It is only fitting that such a wise, resolute, heroic and fearless founding veteran was awarded the rank of marshal.

Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

Through the elaboration of this article, you must have a deeper understanding of this low-key but highly decorated marshal Ye Jianying. Although the traditional concept that the gold content of a soldier often depends on his achievements on the battlefield, Ye Shuai used his unique experience to confirm another fact: the contribution of a soldier is not limited to fighting, but also plays an important role in other aspects, and has a huge impact on the revolution and national construction.

Ye Jianying rarely leads the troops in person, and his combat record is far inferior to "Peng Lin" and others, why can he be rated as a marshal?

It is precisely because Ye Jianying frequently stepped forward at critical moments and used extraordinary wisdom and determination to resolve one crisis after another that the revolutionary cause and the construction of New China were saved from heavy losses. From this point of view, the high honor of the marshal was bestowed upon him. Compared with several other marshals with "brilliant achievements", Ye Jianying may be an exception that seems to be "different". However, his unique life experience has just demonstrated the pluralistic values that should be possessed in building a revolutionary army and a people's army.

In short, the character of Ye Jianying is not only worthy of being remembered by our descendants, but also should make us reflect: what kind of qualities should an excellent soldier have? Is it enough to just have a lot of achievements? The answer is clearly no. Only like Ye Jianying, who has extraordinary wisdom, decisive decision-making ability, and loyalty to the party and the people as the highest criterion, can a person be called a veritable outstanding soldier.
