
The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

Empress Dowager Cixi, the de facto ruler of China in the late Qing Dynasty, lived a life full of power struggles and political manoeuvres. On the last day of her 52 years, it can be said that she is the embodiment of the peak of her power. She sat on the Jinluan Hall in the Forbidden City, looking around, the golden palace, the pair of awe-inspiring eyes, all showed her supremacy.

On that day, she wore a gorgeous dragon robe and a phoenix crown on her head, with jewels and jewels, showing her royal style. She was in an unusually happy mood, because on this day, she not only consolidated her power, but also successfully dealt with some thorny issues in the court. She felt a freedom that she had never felt before, not just physically, but also mentally. She can do what she wants, and no one can question her decision.

The pinnacle of power also brings the release of desire. On this day, the Empress Dowager Cixi can enjoy everything she wants. Whether it is a delicacy or a rare treasure, as long as she gives an order, someone will immediately send it to her. She can enjoy the most beautiful music, watch the best plays, and even change the rules and etiquette of the court as she pleases.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

But the pinnacle of power also means loneliness. Although she was surrounded by countless courtiers and maids, there were very few people who could truly understand her and share the joy and freedom that this power brought to her. She often sits alone in front of the window in the dead of night, looking at the starry sky outside, thinking about her life and future.

This day of the Empress Dowager Cixi is also her deep reflection on power. She knows that while power can bring many benefits, it also comes with great responsibilities and risks. She needs to be vigilant at all times, not to let power get carried away, let alone use power as an excuse for her own depravity. She wants to use her wisdom and courage to safeguard the dignity and prosperity of this country and nation.

On her last day of 52 years of age, the Empress Dowager Cixi felt the weight of power and the double-edged sword nature of power. She knew she had to be more cautious in order to maintain her power and position in a world full of uncertainties. And this day will also be an important turning point in her life, leading her to a new future.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

In the Paiyun Hall of the Summer Palace, the Empress Dowager Cixi's "Holy Birthday Day" celebration is in full swing. On this day, the entire Summer Palace was immersed in festivity and liveliness. In the Paiyun Palace, the splendid decoration and gorgeous lanterns reflect the dragon chair of the Empress Dowager Cixi, she is dressed in a luxurious dragon robe and wears a bright phoenix crown, which looks particularly solemn and majestic.

The festivities begin early in the morning and the whole court is busy. Early in the morning, court ladies and eunuchs are busy preparing all kinds of items needed for the celebration, from exquisite snacks to gorgeous costumes, from precious gifts to exquisite decorations, everything is carefully selected and prepared to ensure that the celebration is flawless.

As the sun rises, the festivities gradually reach a climax. On the square of the Paiyun Palace, a grand pilgrimage ceremony was held. Civil and military officials, foreign envoys, and nobles from all over the country came to the Summer Palace to offer the most sincere blessings and the most precious gifts to the Empress Dowager Cixi. They were dressed in festive costumes and had joyful smiles on their faces, and the whole scene was solemn and festive.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

The Empress Dowager Cixi sat on the dragon chair and accepted the worship and blessings of everyone. Her eyes reveal a love for power and an indulgence of personal desires. She knew that this day belonged to hers, and she could enjoy this supreme glory and dignity to the fullest.

During the festival, there are also a variety of wonderful performances and entertainment. The dancers danced, the singers sang and sang loudly, the acrobats showed amazing skills, and the whole Paiyun Hall turned into a sea of joy. The Empress Dowager Cixi watched these performances, sometimes applauding, sometimes smiling, her face full of satisfaction and pleasure.

During the celebrations, the Empress Dowager Cixi did not forget to show her generosity and benevolence. She pardoned some criminals, rewarded loyal courtiers, and even gave care and help to some poor people. These actions have undoubtedly increased her prestige and image in the hearts of the people.

However, behind this joy, the Empress Dowager Cixi also has her own worries and thoughts. She knows that the pinnacle of power also means great responsibility. She needs to be vigilant at all times, not to let power get carried away, let alone let personal desires affect the stability and prosperity of the country. She wants to enjoy power while also taking on corresponding responsibilities and obligations.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

On this day, the Empress Dowager Cixi was in the Paiyun Hall of the Summer Palace, enjoying the happiness and freedom brought by power. On this special day, she showed her desire for power and her pursuit of personal desires. But at the same time, she is also thinking about how to better use this power and how to make greater contributions to the prosperity of the country and the nation.

On the day when the Empress Dowager Cixi left the palace to go to the Summer Palace, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing, which was a good day to travel. The Queen Mother sat in her imperial chariot, enjoying the scenery along the way through the curtains, and her mood was particularly comfortable. The guards rode horses, guarding the royal chariot from front to back and left to ensure the safety of the queen mother.

However, just as the team was approaching an open field, an accident happened. A horse was suddenly frightened and galloped, causing the surrounding horses to become restless as well. This sudden turn of events threw the whole team into confusion, with horses neighing and dust flying. The Empress Dowager Cixi also felt a shock in the imperial chariot, her brows furrowed slightly, but she did not panic.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

At this moment, one of the guards stepped forward, and he was Narsu. Narsu is an extraordinary warrior who has won the trust of the Queen Mother on weekdays. He quickly judged the situation and knew that if the situation was not brought under control immediately, it could cause even greater chaos and even endanger the safety of the Queen Mother. Without hesitation, he rode his horse towards the frightened horse, calming the other horses while trying to calm the panic with his skillful horsemanship and firm will.

Narsu's movements were swift and decisive, and he clung to the reins of the startled horse, holding it steady with all his strength. There was a resolute expression on his face, and his eyes revealed an unyielding will. After some effort, the startled horse was finally controlled by him, and instead of running wildly, he gradually calmed down. The surrounding horses were also comforted by him, and slowly regained their calm.

The Empress Dowager Cixi witnessed all this in the imperial palace, and a trace of appreciation flashed in her eyes. She was pleased with Narsu's performance, and his bravery and decisiveness proved that he was a trustworthy courtier. The Queen Mother motioned to the eunuchs beside her and asked him to convey her commendation. The eunuch immediately understood the Empress Dowager's intentions and loudly announced the Empress Dowager's appreciation and reward for Narsu.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

After a brief period of confusion, the team quickly regained order and moved on. Empress Dowager Cixi's mood also recovered from the tension just now, and she was pleased with Narsu's performance. This shocking incident not only tested the reaction ability of the guards, but also showed the queen mother's calmness and generosity. And Narsu's heroic behavior undoubtedly left a deep impression on the queen mother's heart, and also made his position in the court more stable.

Although the whole incident was only a small episode, it reflected the authority of the Empress Dowager Cixi and the loyalty of the guards. During this trip, the Queen Mother not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace, but also experienced the sense of security and trust that power brings. And Narsu's heroic performance added a touch of color to this trip, and filled the Queen Mother's heart with gratitude and appreciation for her loyal courtiers.

Narsu's heroic performance really left a deep impression on the heart of the Empress Dowager Cixi. In that shocking incident, his courage and calmness not only calmed a possible crisis, but also impressed the Queen Mother. And this incident unexpectedly became the first opportunity for face-to-face communication between them.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

In the imperial palace, the Empress Dowager Cixi quietly observed Narsu. She noticed the determined look in his eyes, his demeanor that remained calm in the face of tension. The Queen Mother secretly thought to herself that such a talent was exactly the loyal and reliable courtier she needed. So, she decided to summon Narsu in person as a reward.

When Narsu was brought to the Queen Mother, he appeared a little nervous, but quickly regained his composure. He knew that this was an extremely important moment in his life and that he had to show his loyalty and humility. The Empress Dowager Cixi sat on the throne and asked in a gentle and majestic voice about his name and background. Narsu replied respectfully, his voice firm and clear, without a hint of trembling.

The Queen Mother showed a strong interest in Narsu's life and experience. She asked him about his duties in the palace and how he had developed such excellent horsemanship and the ability to cope with crises. Narsu replied one by one, and his answers were both concise and full of wisdom, which made the Queen Mother feel very satisfied.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

During the conversation, the Empress Dowager Cixi gradually discovered that Narsu was not only strong in martial arts, but also delicate in mind, with insight and judgment beyond ordinary people. She began to think about how to make better use of such a talent and let him play a greater role in the court. At the same time, I would like to say that she is also thinking about how to establish trust and connection with Narsu through this exchange.

In the communication with the Queen Mother, Narsu also felt the majesty and wisdom of the Queen Mother. He knew that it was a great honor for him to be appreciated by the Queen Mother. He was determined to work harder, live up to the expectations of the Queen Mother, and fulfill his duties for the Queen Mother and the country.

As the exchanges deepened, the atmosphere between the Empress Dowager Cixi and Narsu gradually became relaxed. The Queen Mother began to inquire about Narsu's personal life, including his family, interests, and aspirations. Narsu also gradually let go of his nervousness and began to talk to the Queen Mother more naturally. The conversation between them is no longer a simple question and answer, but has become more cordial and sincere.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

This face-to-face exchange not only gave the Empress Dowager Cixi a deeper understanding of Narsu, but also made Narsu have a deeper respect for the Empress Dowager. The relationship between them began to change from a simple relationship between monarchs and ministers to a deeper trust and dependence. And it all started with Narsu's heroic performance in the horse shocking incident and this meaningful conversation between them.

Narsu, the name echoes a long history and glory in the Horqin steppe. He was born into the Borzigit clan, a family of high prestige in the steppe. With the blood of Genghis Khan in the blood of this family, it is a witness and inheritor of the glorious history of the Mongolia Empire. Narsu has been nurtured by the glory and responsibility of his family since he was a child, and as he grows up, he constantly reminds himself to be worthy of the glory of his ancestors.

In the Korqin steppe, the people of the Borzigit clan are known for their bravery and wisdom. Narsu has been learning to ride and shoot with his elders since he was a child, and every hunt on the grassland, every horse race, is an opportunity for him to practice martial arts. His figure is as strong as flying on horseback, and his arrows always hit the target with precision. In the wind, frost, rain and snow of the grassland, Narsu tempered a strong will and an indomitable spirit.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

The family's education was not limited to martial arts, and Narsu also received a profound cultural education. He was familiar with Mongolia epics, learned about the history of his family, and learned the wisdom of governance and leadership. He knew that as a descendant of Genghis Khan, he would not only be brave on the battlefield, but also have a vision of governance, and be able to bring peace and prosperity to his people.

As he grew older, Narsu's fame grew louder and louder in the steppe. He was not only known for his martial arts, but also for his justice and benevolence. When dealing with the affairs of the clan, he always takes the principle of fairness and does not take sides, which has made him establish a good reputation among the clan.

Narsu's family had a prominent position in the steppe, but that didn't make him arrogant. On the contrary, he is more humble and hardworking, because he understands that the glory of the family needs to be maintained and carried forward by his generation. He often participates in various activities on the grassland, whether it is a grand celebration or daily work, you can see his figure.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

Narsu's family history and status made him highly respected on the steppe, but at the same time, it also gave him great pressure. He knows that every decision and action he makes represents the honor of the Borzigit clan. Therefore, he is extremely cautious in every choice and strives to be the best he can be.

In the steppe, the name of Narsu is closely associated with bravery, wisdom and leadership. His story was passed down by word of mouth among his clan and became a role model for the younger generation. And he is also constantly working hard, hoping to continue the glory of the family with his own actions, so that the name of the Borzigit clan will continue to shine on the grassland.

Narsu's family, the Borzigit clan, had a long-standing, close and complex relationship with the Qing imperial family. His grandfather, Prince Seng Lingqin, was a famous commander in the late Qing Dynasty, a figure of great military and political influence. The life of Prince Seng Lingqin is full of legends, and his name is well-known in the grassland and in the court, and is a symbol of the glory of the Narsu family.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

At a young age, Prince Seng Lingqin showed great military talent, he fought bravely on the battlefield, and repeatedly made great achievements for the Qing Dynasty. His military intelligence and brave spirit won the appreciation and reuse of the imperial court, and also made him the pride of the Horqin grassland. Over time, Prince Monk Grinchen grew in prominence, and his influence spread throughout Mongolia, even within the Qing imperial family.

Narsu grew up listening to his grandfather's heroic deeds, and the story of Prince Monk Gelchen was both an inspiration and a pressure for him. He knew that he had the family's expectations to carry on his grandfather's legacy and make his own contribution to the family and the country. When Narsu was growing up, he continued to learn military strategy, practice martial arts, and also learn political wisdom, hoping to become a leader with both civil and military skills, just like his grandfather.

Prince Sanglingqin's influence on Narsu was not limited to military and political affairs, but also to his character and personality. The prince was loyal to the Qing Dynasty all his life and had a deep affection for the country and the nation. This loyalty and love of his was deeply rooted in Narsu's heart and became the code of his conduct. Narsu aspires to be like his grandfather, brave and resourceful, and loyal and upright.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

As Narsu grew up, he began to make his mark in the imperial court. His military talent and political wisdom made him stand out among many young generals. He participated in many important military operations, and each time he was able to complete the mission with great success, showing the demeanor of the family of Prince Monk Gelinchen. His fame spread throughout the court and the steppes, and people began to compare him to his grandfather as the inheritor of the spirit of Prince Monk Gelinchen.

Narsu's family's close ties to the Qing royal family brought him not only glory but also responsibility. He knew that his every action represented the dignity of his family and the Qing Dynasty. As a result, he is more cautious in his actions and strives to be impeccable. Whether on the battlefield or at court, Narsu held himself to the highest standards, hoping to live up to his grandfather's expectations and disgrace his family's reputation.

The story of Narsu is a legend that spans the grassland and the imperial court. His life is closely linked to the glory of his family and the fate of the Qing Dynasty. Under the aura of Prince Seng Grinqin, Narsu continues to grow and surpass, interpreting the true meaning of loyalty, courage and wisdom with his actions. And all this is just the beginning of his life journey, and the future is still a long way, waiting for him to explore and conquer.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

Empress Dowager Cixi's interest in Narsu began with his heroic performance in the Horse Shocking Incident, but over time this interest gradually evolved into a special concern. At the birthday banquet of the Empress Dowager Cixi, Narsu, as a guard, once again showed his loyalty and ability, which made the Empress Dowager even more impressed with him. After the birthday feast, the Queen Mother decided to summon Narsu to get to know the young warrior better.

On the day of the summons, Narsu was taken to the Queen Mother's bedchamber. He was both nervous and excited, because he knew that it would be a rare opportunity and a great test. When he walked into the dormitory and saw the Empress Dowager Cixi sitting on the throne, the majesty and solemnity made him awe-inspired.

The Empress Dowager Cixi began the conversation in a gentle tone, and she asked about Narsu's family background, as well as his duties and experiences in the palace. Narsu respectfully answered the Queen Mother's question, and his answer was sincere and decent, without the slightest pretentiousness. The Queen Mother was satisfied with his answer, and she found that Narsu was not only outstanding in martial arts, but also humble and wise.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

As the conversation deepened, the Empress Dowager Cixi began to show a keen interest in Narsu's personal qualities and talents. She was surprised to find that Narsu had maturity and poise beyond her years. The Empress Dowager began to tentatively ask some political and military questions, wanting to see Narsu's reaction and opinions. Although Narsu was young, his answer showed thoughtfulness and original insight, which made the Queen Mother impress him.

During this summons, a special bond was established between the Empress Dowager Cixi and Narsu. The Queen Mother discovered that Narsu was not only an excellent warrior, but also a wise man with great foresight. She began to think about how to make better use of such talents and contribute to the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty.

At the same time, I want to say that Narsu also felt the Queen Mother's attention and trust in him. He knows that he is now standing at a crossroads in his life, and every choice and action he makes will affect his future, and may even affect the fate of the entire family. He was determined to work harder, live up to the expectations of the Queen Mother, and make greater contributions to the Qing Dynasty and his family.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

As time passed, the exchanges between the Empress Dowager Cixi and Narsu became more frequent, and the relationship between them became closer and closer. The Queen Mother began to give some important tasks to Narsu, and Narsu always did it well. This secret relationship between them, although not known to outsiders, was quietly influencing the political situation of the Qing Dynasty.

Narsu's family, the Borzigit clan, also gained more glory and power because of this special relationship between Narsu and the Empress Dowager Cixi. The members of the family are proud of him, but they also have higher expectations for him. Narsu knew that he had the weight of the family on his shoulders, and he had to be more careful not to let the glory of the family be dusted.

After the birthday banquet of the Empress Dowager Cixi, the trajectory of Narsu's life took a major turn. He has gradually grown from an ordinary guard to a celebrity around the Queen Mother, and his influence and status are also increasing. And it all started with the Empress Dowager Cixi's special interest in him, and the secret relationship between them.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

Narsu's status in the palace was not achieved overnight, but through a series of carefully planned steps, he gradually won the trust and favor of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Not only did he show great military and political talent, but he also established a special relationship with the Queen Mother in private, in an imperceptible way.

This kind of relationship was extremely secret in the court at that time, and it can even be said to be taboo. But the emotional bond between Narsu and the Empress Dowager Cixi quietly grew in this forbidden soil. Their meeting between them requires a high degree of secrecy to avoid causing criticism and turmoil inside and outside the court.

In this context, the method of "water tank transporting people" came into being. It was an ingenious and covert means of meeting, using the water tank in the palace as a transportation channel, allowing Narsu to secretly enter the Empress Dowager Cixi's dormitory without attracting the attention of others.

When night falls, the water tank passage in the palace becomes a secret passage for Narsu to meet the Empress Dowager Cixi. At the appointed time, Narsu quietly entered the water tank, and slowly slid towards the queen mother's bedroom with the drive of the water. This method is both safe and secretive, and it is difficult for even the most astute palace maids and eunuchs to detect the mystery behind it.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

At the other end of the tank, the Empress Dowager Cixi was already waiting in the dormitory. She was full of anticipation for the arrival of Narsu, and every time she met, it was a comfort in her soul. In the company of Narsu, the Queen Mother felt unprecedented relaxation and pleasure, and the communication between them transcended the boundaries of monarchs and ministers, and was more like a kind of deep soul blending.

Narsu's status in the palace gradually improved with the deepening of his relationship with the Empress Dowager Cixi. He not only gained more power and resources in the military, but also had a certain right to speak in politics. His suggestions and insights began to have an impact on Qing policy, and his decisions and actions began to attract people's attention and respect.

However, Narsu knew that this elevation of status was based on a special relationship with the Empress Dowager Cixi. He always reminds himself to stay sober and cautious, and not to forget his identity and mission because of a moment of pride. He knew that while this relationship brought him power and glory, it also came with great risks and challenges.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

In the secret meeting between Narsu and the Empress Dowager Cixi, they spent many unforgettable moments together. For them, these times are both a source of solace for their souls and a source of strength. In this forbidden love, they are looking for each other's support and support, and they are facing the changes inside and outside the palace together.

Over time, this special relationship between Narsu and the Empress Dowager Cixi became an integral part of their lives. In this secret meeting, they continued to deepen their understanding and trust in each other, and also silently influenced the fate and direction of the Qing Dynasty. And all this started with the promotion of Narsu's status in the palace, as well as the unknown secret of "water tank transport" between them.

The secret relationship between Narsu and the Empress Dowager Cixi was originally hidden in the depths of the court, like a flower that bloomed quietly in the dark night, unknown to outsiders. However, as time passed, this relationship did not escape the eyes of the family after all. The Borzigit clan, as a prominent family in the Korqin steppe, has extremely high requirements for honor and prestige. When they learned about the incident between Narsu and the Queen Mother, the elders of the clan felt unprecedented shock and anger.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

The elders of the family gathered to discuss this sudden crisis. They know very well that once this relationship is known to the outside world, it will not only tarnish the honor of the family, but also may bring disaster to the entire family. In the court politics of the Qing Dynasty, any slightest disturbance could lead to bloodshed, let alone such a scandal.

Faced with the family's questioning, Narsu felt unprecedented pressure. He knew that he had to make a choice, either to give up his relationship with the Empress Dowager Cixi in order to preserve the honor of his family, or to continue the relationship and bear all the consequences that might bring. It was a difficult choice, and whichever path he chose would change the course of his life.

In the heart of Narsu, he had a deep affection for the Empress Dowager Cixi. The encounter between them is not only a combination of power and desire, but also has a deep resonance in the soul. Every time in the dead of night, he would think of the bits and pieces of meeting the Queen Mother, and those warm and tense nights became the most precious memories of his life.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

However, the expectations and responsibilities of the family are equally heavy. As a member of the Borzigit clan, Narsu was instilled with the idea of the supremacy of family honor from an early age. During his upbringing, every success and glory was closely related to the family's reputation. He knows that every decision he makes is not only for himself, but also for the future of the entire family.

In the midst of such contradictions and struggles, Narsu began to reflect on his own actions. He realized that while his relationship with the Empress Dowager Cixi had brought him unprecedented joy and satisfaction, this happiness was built on family honor and security. He begins to question whether the relationship is really worth his risk and if it can really bring him real happiness.

The elders of the family are also looking for a solution to the problem. They know that Narsu is the pride of the family and the hope of the future. They didn't want to lose him because of this, but at the same time, they couldn't let the family's honor be damaged. They began to consider whether there were other ways to calm the turmoil, such as through political marriages or other means to divert attention from the outside world.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

The secret relationship between Narsu and the Empress Dowager Cixi is like a time bomb that can detonate at any time. The honor of the family and the fate of the individual, like two mountains, weighed on his heart. He knew that he had to make a decision as soon as possible, and whichever path he chose would be an important turning point in his life. And this decision will also have a profound impact on the future of Borzigit's clan and the emotional direction between him and the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Narsu's choice was heavy and tragic. He was well aware that his secret relationship with the Empress Dowager Cixi would bring irreparable disaster to the Borzigit clan if it was known to the outside world. The honor of the family, the expectations of the elders, and the safety of the clansmen, all these weights weighed on his shoulders, making him breathless. After much deliberation, Narsu made a heartbreaking decision to commit suicide by swallowing gold, at the cost of his own life, to save his family's reputation and safety.

On that fateful night, Narsu sat alone in her room, with a glittering nugget in front of her. His heart was full of contradictions and struggles, but in the end, he chose this path of no return. He knew that only in this way could he completely cut off the relationship with the Empress Dowager Cixi and save the family from being implicated.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

The moment he swallowed the gold, Narsu's heart was filled with endless sadness and helplessness. He thought of the Empress Dowager Cixi, the unknown relationship between them, and the warm time spent in the palace. However, all this will be a thing of the past, and he will leave this world forever, from the people he loves.

When the news reached the ears of the Empress Dowager Cixi, she felt unprecedented grief. Narsu's death was undoubtedly a heavy blow to her. She knew that Narsu chose such an ending in order to protect her and protect the relationship between them. Her heart was filled with guilt and pain, but she could not express her grief openly.

In the face of the rules and etiquette of the court, the Empress Dowager Cixi could only choose to be silent. She couldn't hold a lavish funeral for Narsu, couldn't mourn him publicly, and couldn't even let people know about their relationship. However, there is another way in her heart to commemorate Narsu, and that is to give him a title - "Cheng Shen".

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him

The title of "Chengshen", although it cannot be publicly announced, represents the highest evaluation of Narsu by the Empress Dowager Cixi. "Sincerity" represents Narsu's loyalty to the family and sincerity to the Queen Mother; "Prudence" represents his prudence and wisdom in the face of life and death decisions. This title has become an eternal pain in the heart of the Empress Dowager Cixi, and it has also become her last memorial to Narsu.

Narsu's death became an eternal secret, buried in the dust of history. The Borzigit clan was saved by the sacrifice of Narsu, and the family's honor and prestige were not damaged. However, in the dead of night, the Empress Dowager Cixi always thinks of that heroic and tragic young man, and remembers the unforgettable relationship between them.

Narsu's choice, although tragic, shows his loyalty to the family and deep affection for the Queen Mother. His sacrifice has become a legend and has been praised by future generations. And the Empress Dowager Cixi, although she remained calm and strong in front of outsiders, she always left the shadow of Narsu in her heart, which became an indelible part of her life.

The 53-year-old Cixi fell in love with the 20-year-old guard, who thought about it, and finally hurt him