
Food recommendation: How to make spicy beef, jade button paper-wrapped chicken, and healthy lotus fluffy matsutake soup

Food recommendation: How to make spicy beef, jade button paper-wrapped chicken, and healthy lotus fluffy matsutake soup

Spicy beef


The beef is marinated first, then fried crispy, and served with fragrant bullet chili peppers, which have a strong spicy flavor, especially the aroma of chili seeds, which complements the beef and is especially suitable for wine.

Raw material:

500 grams of domestic beef eye meat, 50 grams of dried bullet peppers, and 10 grams of white sesame seeds.


110 grams of special marinade, 10 grams of green onion and ginger slices, 5 grams of minced garlic and Maggi umami sauce, 3 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate and dark soy sauce, and 1 dry gram of salad oil (about 80 grams).

Special Marinade Recipe:

5 grams of salt and monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of sugar, 20 grams of Maggi umami juice, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, 30 grams of green onion and ginger slices, 15 grams of Sichuan pepper, and 10 grams of chili pepper.


1. Wash the beef, cut it into 1.5 cm square dices in a pot under cold water, add green onions and ginger slices, boil over high heat, purify the blood water, remove the dry water, put it in a basin after cooling, add material A, wrap the basin mouth with plastic wrap, and marinate for 20 hours.

2. Put the salad oil in the pot, boil until it is hot, fry the beef thoroughly, and remove the oil.

3. Soak the dried bullet pepper in warm water for 30 minutes, remove the dry water, and remove the pepper stem (keep the seeds) for later use.

4. Put 60 grams of salad oil into the pot, burn until it is 60% hot, add minced garlic and bullet pepper and stir-fry over high heat, wait for the bullet pepper to change color, add diced beef and white sesame seeds and stir-fry quickly, season and color with salt, monosodium glutamate, Maggi umami juice, dark soy sauce, and put it on a plate.


1. The beef should be marinated after boiling water to prevent blood from remaining in the meat and leaving a peculiar smell in the dish; However, there are also masters who are accustomed to marinating the beef directly after washing, so that the blood water can naturally precipitate during the marinating process, but I personally think that the effect is not good.

2. The chili seeds have a special fragrance after frying, which goes well with the flavor of the beef, so be sure to keep it.

Food recommendation: How to make spicy beef, jade button paper-wrapped chicken, and healthy lotus fluffy matsutake soup

Jade button paper wrapped chicken

Raw material:

Chicken thighs, onion, celery, coriander, ginger, garlic, lemon, pansy, baking soda, fermented bean curd, five-spice powder, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, jade button paper, salt, oil.


1. Remove the bones of the chicken thighs, cut them into small pieces with a knife, soak them in rice water for 5 minutes, pour in baking soda and stir well;

2. Put the onion, celery, coriander, ginger and garlic in a bowl, sprinkle in a little salt, and massage the juice;

3. Pour in lemon juice, chicken thighs, oyster sauce, fermented bean curd, five-spice powder and dark soy sauce, stir well, marinate for 5 minutes;

4. Put oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, spread the paper in the pot and fry it for 2-3 seconds to remove it;

5. Put the marinated chicken into paper and roll it into a rectangle and fix it with a toothpick. When the oil temperature is 50% hot, fry it in the pan, and when it floats up, take it out and put it on the pansy.

Food recommendation: How to make spicy beef, jade button paper-wrapped chicken, and healthy lotus fluffy matsutake soup

Healthy lotus fluffy matsutake mushroom soup


50 grams of matsutake mushrooms, 200 grams of butter chicken, 100 grams of pork ribs, 4 chicken feet, 50 grams of lotus seed powder, 60 grams of soybeans, 10 grams of buckwheat juice, 3 grams of salt, 500 grams of mineral water.


1. Chop the butter old chicken, chop the ribs, and remove the chicken feet.

2. Fly the chopped chicken, pork ribs, and chicken feet twice, then add mineral water, salt, plastic wrap sealing, and stew in the steamer for six hours, and set aside.

3. After soaking the soybeans in water overnight, squeeze them into soybean milk with a soymilk machine. Add lotus seed powder, buckwheat juice, use a small bowl, steam, steam into a lotus pod, set aside.

4. Slice the fresh matsutake mushrooms, use a soup bowl, add the stewed chicken broth, add the lotus pod, and steam for 10 minutes.

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