
He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

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He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living
He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Text: Breaking the news and entertainment

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In today's era of star-chasing frenzy, gossip news of celebrities often becomes the focus of public opinion. And for Wang Bozhao, a veteran movie star who was once a smash hit, his life is more like a vivid reality drama. From the beating incident to the twists and turns in his marriage, he has never escaped the tricks of fate.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Now that he is over the age of six, he can only sell braised meat on the street for a living, which can be described as a vicissitudes of life and ups and downs! Have you ever wondered what this "little student" went through to get on the road of no return to selling braised pork today? Let's go through them one by one.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

was beaten to the point of hospitalization during filming

When it comes to Wang Bozhao, what remains in everyone's mind is probably the sensational "beating incident" in 2004.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Back then, Wang Bozhao was participating in the filming of the hit drama "Little Fish and Flowers". never thought that during the filming of a certain scene, he was beaten by the leading actors Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian. It is said that it was because Wang Bozhao misbehaved with the female makeup artist and angered the two leading actors that this "tragedy" was incurred.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Some insiders revealed that when filming that scene, Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian seemed to be "in the play", but in fact, they punched and kicked Wang Bozhao, making him roll all over the ground. By the time the staff hurriedly pulled them away, Wang Bozhao was covered in bruises and bleeding. He was then rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a contusion of the left kidney and multiple soft tissue injuries throughout his body.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

In this way, due to the impulse of the two actors, Wang Bozhao not only suffered a heavy physical and mental blow, but also suffered a heavy blow to his career. Although the two sides reconciled out of court at that time, Wang Bozhao's knot may never be untied.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

In fact, before this, Wang Bozhao's life could be described as smooth sailing. As a handsome boy from a famous family, he has had a soft spot for acting since he was a child. In 1984, he was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy and started his dream.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

After graduation, Wang Bozhao had a smooth journey and starred in many classic film and television dramas one after another. Among them, the most well-known is the role of the white dragon horse in the 1986 version of "Journey to the West". He was only 23 years old that year, and with his handsome face and professional acting skills, he immediately became the new favorite of the screen.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Since then, Wang Bozhao's career can be described as a proud red road. Not only did he continue to win some heavyweight roles in China, but even the international film industry favored him. As the first Chinese actor to win the "Ang Lee Award", he has been invited to make cameo appearances in many Hollywood blockbusters.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Just when everyone thought that Wang Bozhao would become the next "Star of China", the beating incident was like a basin of cold water, which ruthlessly extinguished his light. Since then, Wang Bozhao's career has never been able to bloom again.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

The ex-wife had three miscarriages and finally ended in divorce

Not only did his career suffer a heavy blow, but Wang Bozhao's love life was also tormented. In 1984, he married his lover Yin Xin, and the two were talented and beautiful at that time.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

The good times did not last long, and their marriage soon encountered many obstacles. According to insiders, Yin Xin has been pregnant 6 times, but all of them were miscarriages. The two parties also had a lot of disagreements about this, and finally officially divorced in 2002.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Soon after the divorce, Wang Bozhao married a billionaire as his second wife. The two are indeed a good match, and they gave birth to a lovely son after marriage. But the good times didn't last long, and soon the relationship between the two broke down, and finally ended in divorce.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

In this way, under the double blow of career and feelings, the originally proud and conceited "young boy" completely lost his way, and gradually lost his demeanor back then.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Nowadays, they sell braised pork on the streets for a living

After the divorce, Wang Bozhao's life fell to the bottom. At that time, he was once homeless and could only wander the streets. Fortunately, with the funding and persuasion of well-wishers, he finally opened a small braised meat shop in 2020 and barely made ends meet.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Wang Bozhao, who is now over the age of six, can no longer see the shadow of the amazing "Prince Charming" back then. In its place, there was a face full of furrows, and a pair of eyes full of tiredness. In addition to boiling braised broth in the store every day, he is soliciting business on the roadside and living a precarious life.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Sometimes when he sees young men and women on the street, Wang Bozhao will also sigh that he was so young and frivolous. It's just that he never thought that there are so many impermanences waiting for him in life. Now he has nothing to do, and he can only live the rest of his life in peace.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

In this period of ups and downs in life, it is not difficult for us to see that the once lofty position does not mean that it can be immortal. Complacency and lack of reverence will eventually come at a cost. Just like Wang Bozhao, although he was once a smash hit, he also fell into the quagmire of self-centeredness, and finally caused today's miserable end.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Therefore, whether we are ordinary people or rich and noble families, we should always reflect on our own behavior and maintain a humble and courteous style of life.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living


Wang Bozhao's life can be described as a symphony of tragedy. From the beautiful "Prince Charming" to the humble struggle to survive now, the rise and fall of his life experience is embarrassing.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

What did this former big star go through to such a miserable end? By combing through the trajectory of his life, it is not difficult to find that pride and complacency and lack of reverence are the key reasons that led him to finally end up on the streets.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

When his career was going well, he seemed to have forgotten the importance of humility and gratitude. Misconduct towards women led to a beating incident that brought his career to a halt. In his love life, he also failed to maintain deep reflection and humility, which eventually led to the dismal end of his two marriages.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Wang Bozhao's life trajectory has given us a lot of painful inspiration. It proves once again that even former top stars cannot escape the fate of impermanence in life. When we indulge in self-satisfaction and pride, we will one day pay a price.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

Each of us should always be humble and courteous, and not be blinded by vanity. Only in this way can we move steadily and far in the torrent of life and avoid ending up in a homeless situation like Wang Bozhao.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living

For Wang Bozhao, it was too late. But we still have an opportunity to learn from his tragedy, to cherish what we have, and to pave a path for ourselves and others. Only in this way can we truly move towards a happier and more fulfilling life.

He was seriously injured by Nicholas Tse, his wife had 6 miscarriages and left ruthlessly, and now sells braised meat on the street for a living
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