
Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

With the Celtics winning this season's regular season championship and Jalen · Brown winning this season's FMVP, it has not been 11 years since a player in the NBA has won both the regular season MVP and the Finals MVP!

The last player to achieve this was LeBron · James in the 12-13 season...

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

James won the championship, MVP and FMVP at the same time, and was also selected for the double team! Successfully completed the "Grand Slam". In the 77-year history of the NBA, only 6 players have accomplished this feat!

Stronger than Kobe Bryant and O'Neal are also only close to, but not up to, the standards of a Grand Slam. One can imagine how terrifying such a ruling power is...

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Who have all the players in NBA history who have won MVP, FMVP, and double-team titles in the same season? In this issue, the three fats will lead the audience to find out!

I hope that the audience you like will move your rich little hands to give Sanfat a little free likes and attention, and Sanfat is here to thank you for your one-click three-in-a-row audience master~

Willis · Reed (1 time)

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Grand Slam season: 1969-1970

Grand Slam season stats: 21.7 points, 13.9 rebounds, 2.0 assists

Three Fat Brief Comments: The audience who is familiar with Reed believes that they must all remember the return of the king of the finals that year! And it was this season that Reed completed the glory of the Grand Slam. In addition, Willis · Reed is the first player in NBA history to win the regular season MVP, Finals MVP and All-Star MVP at the same time! Luckily for Reed, the only time he was selected for the first time in his career helped him win a Grand Slam. This makes the players who are close to this honor embarrassed...

Moses · Malone (1 time)

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Grand Slam season: 1982-1983

Grand Slam season stats: 24.5 points, 15.3 rebounds, 1.3 assists, 1.1 steals, 2.0 blocks

Brief comment on three fats: As fortunate as Reed as mentioned above, Moses · Malone have only been selected to the All-Defensive First Team once in their entire careers. And this time, the selection of the first defense coincided with the most perverted season of Ma Long's career dominance! This year, Malone not only won all the honors in the Grand Slam, but also won the regular season rebounding title. It's no exaggeration to call Malone the most underrated center in history!

Hakim · Olajuwon (1 time)

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Grand Slam season: 1993-1994

Grand Slam season stats: 27.3 points, 11.9 rebounds, 3.6 assists, 1.6 steals, 3.7 blocks

Three Fat Brief Comments: Compared with the above two, Dameng's defensive ability is more than one dimension higher! After all, the DPOY trophy is named after Olajuwon. And Da Meng not only completed the grand slam in the 93-94 season, but also won the best defensive player trophy of the year in the same period! You know, this achievement even Michael · Jordan, who are known as the gods of basketball, failed to do...

Tim · Duncan (1 time)

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Grand Slam season: 2002-2003

Grand Slam season stats: 23.3 points, 12.9 rebounds, 3.9 assists, 0.7 steals, 2.9 blocks

Three Fat Brief Comment: Seeing this, is the debate about the best power forward in history coming to an end here? It doesn't matter if you're a fan of the Wolf King, or a fan of the driver, or even a fan of the postman Malone. These three have never played at such a dominant level on the way from the regular season to the Finals! You could say that Duncan's team is the best, but the prerequisite for this great team is because of Duncan's presence.

LeBron · James (2 times)

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Grand Slam season: 2011-2012

Grand Slam season stats: 27.1 points, 7.9 rebounds, 6.2 assists, 1.9 steals, 0.8 blocks

Grand Slam season: 2012-2013

Grand Slam season stats: 26.8 points, 8.0 rebounds, 7.3 assists, 1.7 steals, 0.9 blocks

Three fat brief comments: You can black James to take a shortcut to join the Heat, but you can't deny that James was the ruler of the NBA in those years! The sunspots will only hack an old man who is nearly forty years old and walks without defense, but they don't know that James was selected as a defense for five consecutive years! And in the competition for DPOY, he lost by 1 vote... At that time, James was a member of the first defense, and the best defensive player Xiao Jia was only one of the second defense.

Michael · Jordan (4 times)

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Grand Slam season: 1990-1991

Grand Slam season stats: 31.5 points, 6.0 rebounds, 5.5 assists, 2.7 steals, 1.0 blocks

Grand Slam season: 1991-1992

Grand Slam season stats: 30.1 points, 6.4 rebounds, 6.1 assists, 2.4 steals, 0.9 blocks

Grand Slam season: 1995-1996

Grand Slam season stats: 30.4 points, 6.6 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 2.2 steals, 0.5 blocks

Grand Slam season: 1997-1998

Grand Slam season stats: 28.7 points, 5.8 rebounds, 3.5 assists, 1.7 steals, 0.5 blocks

Brief comment on three fats: As the first person in the history of the NBA, Jordan can appear in this position, and I believe that you will not be surprised. Jordan won the regular season scoring title that year while completing the Grand Slam four times! The only thing to regret is that the old hooligans failed to win the championship and MVP in the season they won the DPOY... Otherwise, the level of legend that belongs to Jordan will go to the next level!

Players close to completing a Grand Slam:

Karim-Abdul · Jabbar

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Closest season: 1970-1971 (missing the best defensive team)

Season stats: 31.7 points, 16.0 rebounds, 3.3 assists

Three fat brief comments: Abdul-Jabbar, who has been selected for the first defense a total of 5 times in his career, fell off the chain when he was able to complete the Grand Slam... Although Tiangou no longer needs to use such honors to prove his status, is it a pity that he has the opportunity to pass by with the icing on the cake?

Elvin · Johnson

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Closest season: 1986-1987 (missing the best defensive team)

Stats for the season: 23.9 points, 6.3 rebounds, 12.2 assists, 1.7 steals, 0.5 blocks

Brief comment on three fats: As the No. 1 point guard in history, three fats have always been puzzling about the fact that Magic was never selected to the All-Defensive Team. Even if you let the magician go into the second defense once... With the defensive ability of a magician, he was not selected for the defensive lineup, and the Grand Slam naturally came to naught...

Larry · Bird

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Closest season: 1983-1984 (missing the best defensive team)

Season stats: 24.2 points, 10.1 rebounds, 6.6 assists, 1.8 steals, 0.9 blocks

Three Fat Brief Comments: Big Bird completed the regular season MVP, finals MVP and a burst of wins in the 83-84 season and the 85-86 season, but he was never selected for the first defense... Among them, the 83-84 season is the most regrettable, after all, Bird was selected for the second defense, and he is only one step away from the Grand Slam!

Shaquille · O'Neill

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Closest season: 1999-2000 (missing the best defensive team)

Season stats: 29.7 points, 13.6 rebounds, 3.8 assists, 0.5 steals, 3.0 blocks

Three Fat Brief Comments: The Sharks at their peak are the undisputed best center of all time, but it is the best defensive team that restricts O'Neal's position in the GOAT throughout his career. As a player in the top 10 of history, O'Neal has not had a single defense in his life...

Kobe bryant

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Closest season: 2008-2009 (missing regular season MVP)

Stats for the season: 26.8 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.9 assists, 1.5 steals, 0.5 blocks

Three Fat Brief Comments: This season's Kobe Bryant won the first championship trophy since O'Neal left, but because the regular season record and various statistics are not as good as James, this year's regular season MVP naturally gave up...

These players are the supergiants in NBA history who have won a single season of a Grand Slam and are close to winning a Grand Slam! I wonder whose career is more unexpected for you?

You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area! As long as you are rational and objective, Sanfat is waiting for you at any time~

Hell difficulty! How hard is it to win MVP, FMVP and Double Slam at the same time?

Then the inventory of this issue is coming to an end here! If you have any different opinions and opinions, please leave a message in the comment area, as long as you are objective and rational, you will be happy to reply! Looking forward to your arrival~

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