
CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

The national football team is about to usher in a tough battle! At 6:30 p.m. on September 5, our national team will challenge Japan, the big brother of Asian football, away from home.

The opening match of the round of 18 of the World Cup Asian qualifiers can be said to make fans both look forward to and be apprehensive.

This game is simply ants shaking the tree! The Japan team is firmly in the first place in Asia, but what about our national football team? Now ranked 13th in Asia, this gap is simply bigger than Mount Everest and the plains! Football is changing at a rapid pace, and who knows if a miracle will happen?

Our head coach, Ivankovic, is a master of ideas.

As soon as the coach Ivan returned to China, he began to think about how to make the national football team into a team that can fight tough battles in the past 30 days.

His idea is simple: combine the old with the new, and bring the old with the new.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Isn't this just like cooking, the old ginger and the green onion are fried together to make it fragrant!

Speaking of veterans, 35-year-old Wu Xi may be about to make a comeback.

This veteran of Shanghai Shenhua is like the Dinghai Shenshen needle of the national football midfield.

Think about it, if the young player Wang Shangyuan is only allowed to carry the girder in the lower back position, wouldn't it be the same as letting a primary school student carry the refrigerator? With Wu Xi, an old driver, at least we can ensure that our midfield will not be easily kicked through like paper paste.

Of course, Wu Xi alone can't do it.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Our star Wu Lei also has to show his housekeeping skills.

The 32-year-old Chinese Messi is worth 1.2 million euros, which is considered a local tyrant in the national football team.

But compared with the Asian brother of the Japan team, Hisashi Yingyi, it is like a child with pocket money meets a rich second generation with a bank card.

Renjiu Health Care Ying is only a post-00 generation this year, and his worth is already as high as 50 million euros, which is a little bit powerful!

But then again, football is not an auction, and whoever is worth more wins.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Although our Wu Lei is not as valuable as others, we also have what others have! Velocity? Yes! Shot? Yes! Experience? And much more! Maybe when Wu Lei has a flash of inspiration, he will give the Japan team a dragon tail!

Ivankovic also said that this round of 18 will not only bring veterans, but also bring more young players.

It's like going camping, not only to bring old bacon, but also some fresh vegetables, so that the nutrition can be balanced! The young players are inexperienced, but they are full of momentum.

Maybe when the time comes, a young general will be smart and come to the sky to fly immortals, and the goalkeepers of the Japan team will look stupid!

Of course, we can't be too optimistic.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

After all, the difference in strength is there, just like a bicycle has to compete with a sports car, and you can't catch up no matter how you ride it! Our goal is not to win, if we can lose less, or even a draw, then we have already played extraordinary!

In this game, CCTV5 will broadcast the whole game.

When the time comes, fans across the country will stay in front of the TV to cheer for the national football team.

Although our strength is not as good as others, we can't lose in momentum! Even if you lose the game, you have to earn respect!

Seriously, watching the ups and downs of the national football team over the years, the mood as a fan is really more exciting than a roller coaster.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Sometimes I feel that the national football team is like a naughty bear child, always giving you a little hope when you are about to give up, and then giving you a slap in the face when you are full of expectations.

No matter what, we will continue to support them, because this is our national team!

What the outcome of this match will be, it is still unknown.

But one thing is for sure, no matter what the result is, we have to cheer for the lads of the national football team! Running on that green field, but the players who represent our country!

Football matches are like that, it's normal to have wins and losses.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

It's important that we learn and improve from every game.

As Ivankovic said, we must continue to discover and develop young players to reserve strength for the future of the national football team.

Isn't this the same as planting a tree, a small sapling planted today can grow into a towering tree in the future!

Let's look forward to this game together! Whatever the outcome, we have to face it with a positive mindset.

Who knows, maybe our national football team can really create a miracle and surprise us? Anything can happen on the football field, isn't that the beauty of football?

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Dear fans and friends, at half past 6 p.m. on September 5th, let's stay in front of the TV and cheer for the national football team! Even if we lose, we must lose beautifully and with dignity! Football is not just a sport, it's a spirit.

Let's use our enthusiasm and support to inject strength into the national football team and let them play their best on the field!

Let's shout that slogan together: Chinese football, come on! I believe that one day, our national football team will impress the world and let the five-star red flag fly high on the World Cup field!

Speaking of the future of the national football team, let's imagine what an exciting scene it would be if there really was a day when our national football team could shine in the World Cup! We also have to be down-to-earth and take it one step at a time.

The current match with Japan can be said to be an important test for the national football team.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Although the difference in strength is there, isn't the charm of the football game its unpredictability? Who can guarantee that our lads won't burst into amazing potential?

Ivankovic is also an interesting manager.

His strategy of returning to China to prepare for the tournament this time is like playing an elaborate chess game.

Combining the old with the new, bringing the new with the old, isn't this a very meaningful game of chess? The return of Wu Xi, a veteran, is like arranging an important chess piece on the chessboard, in order to stabilize the position and create space for young players to play.

Let's talk about our Wu Lei, although this Chinese Messi is not worth as much as the Japan team's Jiu Ying, but who said that cheap things must not be good? Sometimes, a cheap gadget can come in handy.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Maybe Wu Lei will come to a grassroots counterattack at that time and give the Japan team a big surprise!

Having said that, the future of the national football team cannot rely on just a few veterans and popular stars.

Ivankovic said that he wanted to bring more young players, which was a really right idea! It's like nurturing a forest, not just a few old trees, but also new saplings.

Which of these young players may be the future football superstar?

A netizen said it well: The national football team played against the Japan team this time, which is really exciting and worrying.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

The hope is that maybe we can create miracles; The worry is, don't lose too ugly.

I think no matter what the result is, as long as the players give their best, we should applaud them.

They represent our country and carry our hopes.

We should give them more understanding and support, instead of blindly criticizing and blaming.

Supporting the national football team should not only look at the result, but also look at the process.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Just like supporting our own child, even if he doesn't do well in exams, we should encourage him to continue to work hard, instead of blindly scolding.

Some netizens put forward a very interesting point: In fact, the problem of the national football team is not only the players and coaches, but also the entire football environment.

We need to start from the youth academy and develop more football talents.

It is also necessary to improve the environment of the professional league so that more outstanding players can stand out.

It's like planting a tree, not only to choose the right seeds, but also to have fertile soil and a suitable climate.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

Only in this way can we nurture towering trees.

What a metaphor! For the national football team to be strong, it is not enough to rely on a few stars, what we need is a healthy football ecosystem.

Another netizen analyzed from a cultural point of view: I think our understanding of football needs to be improved.

In many soccer powers, football is not just a sport, it's a culture.

They started playing football from a young age and football was integrated into their lives.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

And here we are, a lot of people still see playing football as a waste of time.

We need to change that mindset and make football part of our culture.

It's like learning a language, and you can only really master it if you immerse yourself in it.

It's a very deep point of view.

The cultivation of football culture does require long-term accumulation and precipitation.

CCTV5 live broadcast! The national football team faces the first in Asia, Wu Xi may return, Wu Lei PK "Asian first brother"

We can't expect to change the status quo overnight, but we can start now and slowly change our football culture.

Some netizens put forward their own views from an economic point of view: In fact, football is also an industry.

We should pay more attention to the development of the football industry, such as football-related goods, event broadcasting rights, etc.

All of these can provide financial support for the development of football.

It's like running a company, not only with a good product, but also with a good marketing strategy.

Only when the football industry is booming can it provide a steady stream of impetus for the development of football.

This angle is very novel! Football is not only a contest on the field, but also an economic game off the field.

Only by getting more people involved in the football industry can the sport truly thrive.

Another netizen made a very interesting suggestion: I think we should learn more from the successful experience of other countries.

For example, the Japan team, their progress over the years is obvious to all.

We can look at how they develop young players and how they can improve the league environment.

It is not simply copied, but combined with our own actual situation.

It's like learning to cook, we can learn someone else's recipe, but in the end we have to adjust it to our own tastes.

This advice makes so much sense! We should not work behind closed doors, but should be humble enough to learn from the successful experiences of other countries.

Only in this way will we be able to take fewer detours and improve our football faster.

There is still a long way to go for the development of the national football team, but as long as we work together, I believe that one day, our national football team will impress the world.

It's like climbing Mount Everest, although the road is difficult, as long as we persevere, we will eventually reach the top.

Let's cheer for the national football team and work hard for the bright future of Chinese football!

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