
It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

In the memory of Chinese audiences, Feng Gong is an indispensable scenery on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. His humorous and witty performances have accompanied generations through countless joyous Chinese New Year's Eve nights.

However, since 2019, the figure of this "evergreen tree of the Spring Festival Gala" has suddenly disappeared from this high-profile stage.

Five years have passed in a hurry, and while people thought that the respected artist had chosen to live out his old age, Feng Gong was shining again in another unexpected field.

In just one year, he gained more than 20 million fans on the Douyin platform and became a well-deserved "Internet celebrity".

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

1986 was a milestone year for Feng Gong. This year, he stepped on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

The cross talk "Talking about the Tiger in the Year of the Tiger" with his partner Liu Wei made the national audience remember this humorous young man with vivid expressions. Feng Gong's unique performance style, like a fresh spring breeze, brought new vitality to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Since then, Feng Gong has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, bringing joy to the audience for 33 consecutive years. In the past 30 years, he has created and performed many well-known works.

"Five Senses Fighting" in collaboration with his mentor Ma Ji shows his deep understanding and innovation ability of traditional cross talk. co-starring with Liu Wei and Niu Zhenhua, "Seeking Perfection and Blame" skillfully integrates the small things in life into cross talk, which resonates with the audience.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

However, Feng Gong's most well-known partner on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is the herd. This pair, known as the "golden partner", brought classic works such as "Point Company" and "The Best of the Asian Games" to the audience.

The tacit cooperation between Feng Gong and the herd is not only reflected in the wonderful performance on the stage, but also extends to the deep friendship in life.

Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, when Feng Gong uses his iconic line "Audience friends, I want to kill you!" "When I came out, I always got an enthusiastic response from the audience.

His unique sense of humor, precise expression control and clever use of language make every show the highlight of the Spring Festival Gala.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

However, it was not all smooth sailing in an artistic career. When his long-term partner Niu Qun chose to leave the stage and devote himself to other industries, Feng Gong also faced new challenges. But he didn't stop there, and kept experimenting with new forms of performance and partners.

This spirit of courage to innovate and make breakthroughs is the key to Feng Gong's long-term prosperity on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Feng Gong's success on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala not only stems from his talent and hard work, but also from his meticulous observation of life and deep understanding of human nature. His works can always grasp social hotspots and reflect the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary people, so they are deeply loved by the audience.

Whether it is satirizing social phenomena or praising truth, goodness and beauty, Feng Gong can easily convey serious themes in a humorous and witty way.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

In the 33 years on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Feng Gong has not only gained the love of countless audiences, but also won universal recognition in the industry. His performance style has influenced generations of cross talk actors and made important contributions to the development of cross talk art in China.

Although Feng Gong no longer appears on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala since 2019, the mark he left on this stage is indelible. He used his talent and persistence to interpret what is truly "evergreen".

For countless audiences, whenever they think of those joyful Chinese New Year's Eve nights, Feng Gong's figure always lingers. His humor, wisdom and warmth have become an inseparable part of the Spring Festival Gala and one of the warmest parts of the collective memory of Chinese audiences.

Feng Gong's artistic talent is not limited to the Spring Festival Gala stage and cross talk. In the 90s of the last century, he began to extend his tentacles to the film and television industry, showing amazing versatility.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

In 1993, Feng Gong won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actor with his wonderful performance in the movie "Stand Up Straight, Don't Lie Down". This award is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also marks his emergence in the film and television industry.

followed by the movie "It's Okay to Steal the Fun" starring Feng Gong once again proved his strength. He won the Best Actor at the 18th Golden Rooster Awards for this work, and successfully became one of the first-line actors.

From the supporting role to the protagonist, Feng Gong used his efforts and talents to portray vivid and vivid characters on the screen.

However, Feng Gong was not satisfied with a simple performance. In 2007, he made a bold attempt and wrote, directed and acted in the movie "Don't Treat Yourself as a Cadre". This work not only shows Feng Gong's deep insight into social reality, but also shows his talent as a director.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

The film finally won the Outstanding Feature Film Award at the 12th Huabiao Awards, which confirmed Feng Gong's success in the field of film creation.

Feng Gong's acting skills have been praised by industry insiders. Whether it's a comedy or a drama, he can handle it with ease. His face is deep in the ordinary, which can always make the audience feel the rich heart of the character.

Feng Gong is good at incorporating the details of life into his performances, making each character lifelike and infectious.

While his career is thriving, Feng Gong has not forgotten to support his juniors and help his friends. When he learned that his partner Niu Qun was in trouble for many years, he did not hesitate to lend a hand and handed over the important role in "Don't Take Yourself as a Cadre" to Niu Qun.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

This sincere friendship not only touched the herd, but also won universal praise from the industry.

Feng Gong's cross-border success not only reflects his multi-faceted talent, but also shows his courage to try and constantly break through himself. From cross talk actors to film and television stars, to directors, Feng Gong has delivered satisfactory answers in every field.

His experience tells us that as long as we maintain our love and dedication to art, we can shine on different stages.

Feng Gong's achievements in the film and television industry complement his brilliance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. This all-round development not only enriches his artistic life, but also brings more high-quality cultural works to the audience.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

Feng Gong uses his own practical actions to interpret what a true artist is—not limited to a single field, but constantly exploring and innovating in the vast world of art.

When Feng Gong quietly withdrew from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 2019, many people thought that this highly respected artist would choose to enjoy his old age in peace. However, Feng Gong once again proved with his actions that he will never stop exploring.

During the epidemic, this cross talk master who was over the age of sixteen began an unexpected online journey.

Feng Gong's appearance on the Douyin platform gave people a refreshing feeling. He did not deliberately create the image of an artist, but showed a real and friendly image of life.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

Feng Gong in the video is either playing with his grandchildren or sharing daily anecdotes, and the words are filled with the fireworks of life. This kind of down-to-earth content makes the audience feel as if they see an old man next door, kind and cute.

Feng Gong's talent for creating short videos is amazing. He skillfully integrates the experience and perception of life accumulated on the stage over the years into each short video.

Whether it is a humorous daily conversation or a philosophical life insight, it can leave a deep impression on the audience in just a few tens of seconds. Feng Gongchang said: "Whether it is a stage or a short video, the core is to tell a story well and convey positive energy.

Surprisingly, Feng Gong's success in the field of short videos came so quickly. In just one year, his Douyin account has attracted more than 20 million followers, and each video has received nearly a million likes.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

Such an achievement makes many young Internet celebrities sigh to themselves.

When Feng Gong quietly withdrew from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 2019, many people thought that this highly respected artist would choose to enjoy his old age in peace. However, Feng Gong gave everyone a huge surprise.

In the special period when the new crown epidemic was raging, this cross talk master who was over the age of sixteen began his new journey on the Internet.

Feng Gong chose to show his life side on the Douyin platform. The content of his videos is close to the people and down-to-earth, full of the fireworks of daily life. Whether it is playing with his grandchildren or sharing interesting stories in life, Feng Gong presents it to the audience in a relaxed and natural way.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

This real and friendly image is in stark contrast to his glamorous appearance on stage, but it is closer to the life of ordinary people.

It is amazing that Feng Gong's success in the field of short videos has come so quickly and significantly. In just one year, his Douyin account has attracted more than 20 million followers, and each video can easily get nearly a million likes.

Such an achievement even makes many young Internet celebrities sigh to themselves. Feng Gong's success not only broke people's stereotypes of old artists, but also showed his vitality and charm to keep pace with the times.

Feng Gong's success is no accident. He skillfully integrates the experience he has accumulated on the stage over the years and his deep understanding of life into the creation of short videos. Each short video is like a miniature cross talk joke, which is both interesting and deep.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

Feng Gong is good at capturing the details of life and presenting them in a humorous and humorous way, which is exactly what he is good at on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and now he has perfectly transformed it into a new platform.

While enjoying the joy of family, Feng Gong still maintains his love for art and enthusiasm for life. Through short videos, he not only shows his daily life, but also conveys a positive attitude towards life.

Feng Gong often shares his life insights in videos, and these words of wisdom from the elders can often resonate and think with the audience.

Feng Gong's successful transformation has brought us many inspirations. First of all, it proves that age is not a limit, and anyone can succeed in a new field as long as the spirit of learning and innovation is maintained.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

Second, it shows how traditional artists can combine with modern technology and new media platforms to open up a new path of development.

From the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the online platform, Feng Gong used his own experience to explain what it means to keep pace with the times. His story tells us that the excitement of life is not in what stage you stand on, but in how you play your role.

Whether in traditional media or emerging platforms, Feng Gong has always maintained his dedication to art and love for life.

Feng Gong's online journey is not only a new chapter in his personal career, but also a model for the entire entertainment industry to learn from. He has successfully combined his artistic literacy accumulated over the years with modern communication methods to create unique online content.

It turns out that Feng Gong, who has "disappeared" for 5 years, is "red and purple" in another circle!

This successful transformation across generations and platforms demonstrates the resilience and creativity of a true artist.

In this rapidly changing era, Feng Gong tells us with his actions: as long as we maintain an open mind and the spirit of continuous learning, life is a stage everywhere and can bloom at all times.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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