
The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

近期,一部名为《校园魔鬼:拉里·雷的故事(Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story)》的电影在美国上映。

The movie tells the story of a man named Larry Ray· brainwashing a group of female college students at Sarah · Lawrence College.

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

▲《校园魔鬼:拉里·雷的故事(Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story)》电影海报

In 2010, Larry · Ray moved into his daughter's college dormitory. Over the next 10 years, through isolation and brainwashing, he made his daughter's classmates and friends worship him, making them unconditionally accept his control, and from 2010 to 2018, Larry · Ray earned millions of dollars.

This premise may sound bizarre, how can a man move into a girls' dormitory? And how did you make a group of young and intelligent women willing to be at the mercy of it? The seemingly "ridiculous" movie is actually based on a true event.

In 2009, a girl named Sarah went to college in New York alone to attend college. There, she met her roommate, Taria. In life, Sarah always hears Talia talk about her father, who was an amazing person who worked on Wall Street as a young man and achieved extraordinary things. But later, for various reasons, he was unjustly imprisoned.

As time passes, Sarah becomes curious about what Talia calls her father. In her sophomore year, Talia asked Sarah if her father had just been released from prison and had nowhere to go, and needed a place to stay, if he could stay in the dormitory for a while. Out of cherishing friendship and curiosity about her father, Sarah agrees to borrow the request.

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

▲Sarah · a college dormitory at Lawrence College

A few days later, Larry · Ray moved to his daughter's dorm room with expensive gifts and prepared a sumptuous steak dinner for Talia and her roommates. Over dinner, Larry · Ray recounted his work as a government agent, worked for the C.I.A., sold missiles on the black market, was a member of the Marine Corps and even helped shape a ceasefire agreement in Kosovo.

Larry · Ray is of medium stature and somewhat obese, wears a short-sleeved polo shirt and a pair of square-rimmed glasses, and looks unattractive. But Taria's roommates love the funny and talkative elder, especially the elder who also does all the cleaning in the dorm and listens, and seems to give them good advice whenever they are in trouble.

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

▲拉里·雷(Larry Ray)

Some time later, Larry · Ray told the children who came to him that they were sad because of childhood trauma, a mental illness that needed amphetamines to relieve. Amphetamines are hallucinogens that, when taken in large amounts, produce intense hallucinations that cause people to feel extremely high and feel high.

Later, Larry · Ray began holding regular group meetings in his dorm room to determine who was the so-called "psychopath" and who needed to take amphetamines. What's more, if someone accidentally breaks a plate, they will be judged to be a "psychopath" with attention deficit.

Far from being aware of the anomaly, the students are grateful for what Larry · called the "cure." During the summer vacation, the children in the dormitory did not go home, but stayed in their rooms every day under the leadership of Ray to smoke amphetamines and hold group meetings to discuss "what Larry · Ray likes and dislikes."

After making sure that the students were completely controlled by himself, Larry · Ray reached out to them.

He begins to have sex with the girls in the dormitory who trust him the most, telling them that it is a purification and sublimation. The private space of the bedroom was further reduced, and he removed the doorknobs of the two bathrooms, which meant that there was no privacy in this room. One girl later recalled: "We didn't feel anything wrong at the time, and everything Larry · Ray did was reasonable. ”

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

▲ Larry ·'s wanted warrant

At the same time, in order to test the girls' obedience, Larry · Ray even forced the students to have sex with strangers, while he recorded a video himself, and later threatened to post the video online and send it to their families if anyone tried to break away from his ·control.

When the students were scared, he changed his face and said softly that the videos were recorded to help them overcome the sexual trauma of their childhood. He said that to everybody. A girl named Felicia Rosario · said, "He kept brainwashing to try to recreate the childhood of each of us, saying that I had been through all kinds of horrible things, that my dad had made me prostitute and that I had been sexually abused by my dad." But none of these things were true, and he told me to repeat them over and over again. ”

In addition to this, Larry · Ray asked the students to provide him with money to wrap himself. For example, if you want to continue living in your dormitory, you have to pay a fee, and he has a list of more than 50 items. Among them, there is a $10 fee for the use of adhesive tape.

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

▲Sarah · Lawrence College

Some students ask their parents for money and commit suicide if they don't, and their parents have no choice but to give money. Some parents did not give money, and Larry · Ray arranged for them to work in prostitution to earn money.

Many students reportedly used their parents' life savings to transfer money to Larry · Ray or made money through prostitution, and Larry · Ray defrauded a total of about $1 million (about 7.3 million yuan) from at least five victims.

On February 11, 2019, Larry · Ray was arrested in New Jersey, United States, and sentenced to life imprisonment, ordered to confiscate nearly 2.5 million US dollars (about 18.21 million yuan) of illegal gains.

The classmate's father hid in the university dormitory, sexually assaulted and controlled a number of female college students...... Reality is far scarier than the movies!

▲ Larry · Ray is accused of psychologically manipulating and controlling his daughter's roommate at Sarah · Lawrence College

Elisabeth Rohm, the director of "The School Devil: The Story of Larry ·· Ray," is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, and the goal of making this film is to educate more people about the horrors of mind control. The Innocent King also hopes that everyone can better understand this kind of secret and dangerous psychological manipulation to prevent similar incidents from happening.

This article is the original of the WeChat public account of "China Anti-Cult", please indicate the source for reprinting.

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