
The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

At the 2019 Berlin Film Festival, a 53-year-old Chinese actress won the Best Actress crown for her superb acting skills in "The Earth is Long". She is Yongmei, a unique existence in the entertainment industry.

However, the actress who won the international award did not fall into the vortex of fame and fortune. She and her husband Luan Shu still live in a rented hut near the horse farm and live an unpretentious life.

Although she is worth more than 100 million yuan, Yongmei has chosen a different way of life: she has been married for 20 years without having children, focusing on artistic creation; In the face of the traces of time, accept it calmly and do not want to embellish.

Yongmei's choice has sparked curiosity and thought: what kind of experience has shaped this unique actress? What kind of wisdom does her attitude towards life contain? Let's step into the world of Yongmei and explore her legendary life.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

In the vast steppe of Inner Mongolia, a unique Mongolia girl was born. Her Mongolian name is "Senjidema", which means "fairy", and the name we know "Yongmei" comes from her father's love of Mao's poem "Bu Operator · Yongmei".

The father hopes that his daughter can be like the plum blossom, both soft and tough.

However, Yongmei has shown a different temperament from other Mongolian girls since she was a child. At lively family gatherings, while others are singing and dancing, Yongmei often seems out of place.

Her innate serenity baffled her relatives. At one point her aunt even half-jokingly asked, "Are you sure you are really a Mongolian girl?" Faced with such doubts, the young Yongmei chose to leave silently and find inner peace alone.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

Growing up in a "patriarchal" family environment, Yongmei learned to hide her emotions early on. She is well-behaved and sensible on the surface, but in her heart she always longs to break free from the shackles of her family and pursue her own freedom.

In 1987, Yongmei, who had a dream, embarked on the road of studying in Beijing. Leaving the grassland of her hometown and coming to a strange big city, she unexpectedly felt an unprecedented breath of freedom.

In the 80s, Beijing was experiencing a "rock 'n' roll craze", and it was surprising that the quiet Yongmei fell in love with this wild style of music.

The gears of fate began to turn. On a train journey north, Yongmei meets her idol, Luan Shu, a member of the Black Panthers. This chance encounter not only allowed Yongmei to realize her dream of getting close to her idol, but also laid the groundwork for her future life trajectory.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

From the grassland to the city, from traditional culture to modern music, Yongmei's growth experience is full of contradictions and struggles. However, it is this unique background that has shaped her gentle and tenacious character, which laid the foundation for her future success in the entertainment industry.

The vastness of the grassland gave her a free soul, and the inner tranquility allowed her to always maintain herself in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

In 1990, Yongmei's life ushered in an unexpected turning point. At that time, the Black Panthers were preparing their debut album "Black Panther" and needed to shoot a music video for the song "Don't break my heart".

Luan Shu recalled the quiet girl he met on the train, and contacted Yongmei with the mentality of giving it a try. In this way, Yongmei unexpectedly became the heroine of the MV.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

Yongmei's performance at the shooting scene amazed everyone. Her glamorous curly hair and delicate makeup, coupled with her innate camera sense, make this amateur girl stand out.

This experience not only allowed Yongmei to meet more friends in the music industry, but also laid the groundwork for her to enter the entertainment industry in the future.

However, Yongmei did not immediately devote herself to the entertainment industry. She chose a more pragmatic path and went south to Shenzhen to work hard. It wasn't until 1993 that fate favored her again.

The Black Panther Band held a concert in Shenzhen, and Yongmei was invited to watch. When she saw the radiant Luan tree on the stage, she felt a strange feeling in her heart. She later admitted in an interview: "That feeling is indescribable, as if the old man is pulling the strings for us."

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

This reunion became the fuse of Yongmei and Luanshu's love. With Luan's encouragement, Yongmei made a bold decision: quit her job and go north in search of new opportunities.

It was at this time that she met the noble person who changed the trajectory of her life - the famous host Xu Gehui.

Xu Gehui fell in love with Yongmei at a glance and invited her to be the part-time host of "Date Sunday". Although Yongmei later found out that she was not suitable for hosting work, this experience opened the door for her to show business.

In 1995, the opportunity struck again. Director Gao Xixi was looking for an actress for "Muyun's Man", and Xu Gehui did not hesitate to recommend Yongmei.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

In this way, Yongmei officially stepped into the showbiz. She completed the shoot with astonishing speed, successfully completing the role in just 45 days. What's even more surprising is that she received a high salary of 10,000 yuan.

This income not only solved Yongmei's financial difficulties at that time, but also strengthened her determination to stay in the film and television industry.

From MV heroine to TV drama actor, Yongmei's transformation seems to be smooth, but there is a huge effort behind it. She cherishes every hard-won opportunity, studies her acting skills diligently, and strives to adapt to life in front of the camera.

This experience made Yongmei deeply realize that opportunities are important, but more importantly, it is necessary to have the ability to grasp them.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

Yongmei's story tells us that the road of life is often full of accidents. A chance encounter, a brave decision, can change a person's fate.

And Yongmei was able to succeed, not only because of luck, but also because of her courage and dedication when the opportunity came. This experience laid a solid foundation for her later success in her acting career.

Yongmei's acting career has just started, but her love has faced a severe test. Luan Shu, a rock star who once dominated the music scene, suddenly decided to follow his "knight dream", resolutely left the Black Panthers, and devoted himself to the racecourse.

This decision caused a lot of shock in the outside world, and there were constant voices of doubt and incomprehension.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

The running costs of the horse farm far exceeded their expectations, and the huge expenses soon put the lovers in financial trouble. In 1998, the bad news came, and the horse farm was declared bankrupt due to poor management.

Luan Shu and Yongmei had to embark on a long and arduous road to repay their debts.

Faced with huge economic pressure, Luan Shu lost his inspiration and motivation for creation. Friends persuaded him to recompose music to improve his financial situation, but Luan, who was heavily in debt, was never able to raise his interest.

In this difficult time, Yongmei showed extraordinary courage and tenacity. In the face of her friends' accusations, she stood beside Luan Shu without hesitation and said firmly: "Luan Shu's talent is not a flash in the pan, he needs time to prove himself."

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

In order to pay off her debts, Yongmei began to work hard to film. She worked tirelessly to make a number of films, and almost all of the proceeds were used to pay off debts. Yongmei's dedication and persistence deeply touched Luan Shu, and he also regained his strength and returned to work in the band.

The husband and wife work together to face this great test of life.

In this difficult process, Yongmei's acting skills have been significantly improved. In 2004, the opportunity finally came. In the TV series "Chinese-Style Divorce", the role of Xiao Li played by Yongmei shined, making her stand out in the entertainment industry.

What followed was overwhelming praise and various tempting opportunities, and for a while Yongmei seemed to be standing at the pinnacle of her career.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

However, just when Yongmei was about to lose herself in the temptation of fame and fortune, she remembered her father's teachings in time: "Don't be led by the nose by desire." This sentence was like a slap in the face, which made Yongmei sober up instantly.

She made a surprising decision – she would no longer answer phone calls and only contact the outside world via text message. Although this decision seemed a bit extreme at the time, it helped Yongmei maintain a rare sobriety and independence in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

In 2006, after paying off all their debts, Yongmei and Luan Shu finally entered the palace of marriage. However, unlike many celebrities, they didn't have a big wedding and didn't move into a mansion.

Instead, the couple chose to continue to live in a simple and happy life in the humble hut that witnessed their suffering.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

The story of Yongmei and Luan Shu is a moving hymn to love. They used practical actions to explain what it is to truly share weal and woe, and what is unswerving love.

Under the test of fame and fortune, in the economic predicament, they always support each other and grow together. This low-key and simple lifestyle, in stark contrast to their status in the entertainment industry, has become a clear stream in the circle, and also shows us a rare attitude and values towards life.

The road of life is always full of ups and downs, and even a strong person like Yongmei will inevitably encounter unbearable blows. In 2013 and 2014, bad news followed, and Yongmei's parents passed away one after another.

This heavy blow caused her, who had always been strong, to fall into deep depression.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

The once glorious movie star seems to be shrouded in sadness at the moment. Yongmei was immersed in the pain of losing her loved ones all day long, and she was physically and mentally exhausted. She gradually realized that she was no longer capable of doing the heavy acting work.

On a calm afternoon, Yongmei sent a brief message to her agent: "I may have to say goodbye to showbiz for a while. In this way, this once high-profile actor quietly disappeared from the public eye.

Faced with his wife's depression day after day, Luan Shu was anxious. He knew that if Yongmei was allowed to indulge in grief, she might never be able to get out of the gloom. After careful consideration, Luan Shu made a decision: to return to the vast grassland of his hometown with Yongmei.

He hopes that the green grass in his hometown will awaken the desire for freedom in his wife's heart and let her regain her enthusiasm for life.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

For the next four years, Luan Shu was like a loyal guardian, accompanying Yongmei day after day. They walked across the vast grasslands, listened to the chirping of cattle and sheep, and felt the pulse of nature.

Gradually, Yongmei's stiff face began to soften, and her eyes regained brilliance. With the company of her husband and the nourishment of the grassland, Yongmei finally got out of the psychological haze and embraced life again.

Yongmei, who has returned to her daily life, is not in a hurry to make a comeback. She wrote on social media: "I'm waiting for that character that really belongs to me. This sentence is a promise to himself and to fans.

In 2017, the opportunity finally came. The director of the movie "The Earth is Long and the Sky is Long" extended an olive branch to her and invited her to play the heroine.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

Stepping on the set again after four years, Yongmei was both excited and apprehensive. She worries about her state and fears that she won't be able to handle this important role. At this time, Luan Shu gave her strength again, and he encouraged: "Try bravely, you can definitely do it!" With the support of her husband, Yongmei accepted the challenge and devoted herself to the character.

In 2019, "The Earth Lasts Forever" was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival. Yongmei attended the award ceremony with the mentality of "running together". However, fate once again gave her a surprise.

When the presenters announced the winner of Best Actress, Yongmei's name resounded throughout the venue. At that moment, her face was full of incredulity. In his acceptance speech, the actor who had just won the actress crown still said in disbelief: "I never thought I would win this award.

From an unknown supporting actor to an international actress, Yongmei has proved her acting skills with her strength. However, what is even more commendable is that after experiencing the low point of her life, she still maintains a humble and sincere attitude.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

This kind of calmness and calmness after going through hardships has won Yongmei wide respect and love in the entertainment industry. Her story is not only an actor's path to success, but also a hymn to humanity about rebirth and strength.

Winning the title of Berlin actress should have been an important turning point in Yongmei's life. However, the 53-year-old actor has chosen an unexpected path.

Although they are worth more than 100 million, Yongmei and her husband Luan Shu still live in a small house many years ago, living a simple and indifferent life.

In this entertainment industry that pursues eternal youth, Yongmei calmly faces the traces of time. She once said to the photographer: "Please don't fix my wrinkles, that's a testimony of my upbringing."

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

This open acceptance of natural age shows Yongmei's unique attitude towards life.

After 20 years of marriage, Yongmei and Luan Shu have no children. Faced with the concerns and questions of relatives and friends, Yongmei said frankly: "It is not my regret that I have no children, but I choose to devote more energy to artistic creation."

Although this decision is not understood by most people, Yongmei always adheres to her choice and interprets her life values with actions.

From an ordinary family to a first-line star in the entertainment industry, Yongmei has always maintained a clear mind. She does not follow the crowd and is not trapped by fame and fortune, but enjoys her own tranquility and beauty.

The 53-year-old low-key actress, married for 20 years without children, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, rents a house and lives in a horse farm, which is too sassy

As her father expected, Yongmei is as gentle and tenacious as a plum blossom, and her heart is full of strength.

Yongmei's story tells us that true success lies not in the outer aura, but in the inner abundance and perseverance. She used her own way to interpret what is the "most low-key actress", and also showed us a different kind of life wisdom.

In this impetuous era, Yongmei's choice undoubtedly gave us a profound inspiration: to maintain the original intention and pursue the true self in order to find your own peace in the hustle and bustle.

Her philosophy of life is not only her dedication to acting, but also her deep understanding of the essence of life. Yongmei uses her choices to tell us that true happiness is often hidden in ordinary daily life.

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