
Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

First, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny. Zhang Guoli ran around, but he never found a suitable way to act. His brow furrowed tighter, and the sparkle in his eyes gradually gave way to anxiety.

Seeing that his peers have stable jobs, and he is still hitting walls everywhere, Zhang Guoli feels unprecedented pressure. Just when he was about to give up, his wife Luo Xiuchun couldn't stand it anymore.

She secretly made up her mind to help her husband realize his dream. The opportunity has finally come, and the TV series "Crooked Stone Path" is in preparation. Luo Xiuchun found his father who was quite prestigious and asked him to recommend Zhang Guoli.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

The crew gave this unknown young man a chance, and Zhang Guoli grabbed it tightly. Zhang Guoli, who got this opportunity, seemed to be reborn from the ashes, he devoted himself to the role and carefully prepared every detail.

His dedication and talent were quickly recognized, and he not only opened up his own market, but also successfully transferred to the Sichuan People's Art Theater. Zhang Guoli finally stopped worrying about work, and a confident smile bloomed on his face again.

The following year, the opportunity came again. Zhang Guoli partnered with Deng Jie to star in "The Password Is Not Leaked", which took his acting career to the next level. Since then, Zhang Guoli has gradually become a hot actor, and job offers have come one after another.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

Watching himself grow from a nobody to a popular actor step by step, Zhang Guoli's eyes lit up with a blazing ambition. He began to look forward to a bigger stage and was eager to make a bigger name in the entertainment industry.

Second, he would not have imagined what path this ambition would lead him to in the future. In 1987, Zhang Guoli's life ushered in a major turning point. This year, he cooperated with Deng Jie again.

At that time, Deng Jie had already divorced, and in Zhang Guoli's eyes, she had a different charm. The two get along day and night, and the tacit understanding gradually emerges, Zhang Guoli is secretly restless in his heart, but he does not dare to cross the line.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

At the same time, Zhang Guoli and Luo Xiuchun's marriage gradually lost temperature. The pressure and contradictions brought about by the rise of his career made him reluctant to go home, but Deng Jie could understand his inner world.

Zhang Guoli fell into a painful struggle, and there was both guilt and longing in his eyes. In the end, Zhang Guoli made up his mind and filed for divorce from Luo Xiuchun. He chose to leave the house and only asked to take his son Zhang Mo away.

In the face of the resolute Zhang Guoli, Luo Xiuchun reluctantly agreed, and only begged him to treat his son well in the future. After the divorce, Zhang Guoli quickly married Deng Jie and opened a new chapter in his life.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

Life in Beijing is not easy. Due to the fact that they left the house at the time of the divorce, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie could only squeeze into a small house, and even their daily diet became a problem. I remember that on Deng Jie's birthday, Zhang Guoli cooked a bowl of longevity noodles for her in the small kitchen, and the two looked at each other and smiled, with both sweetness and bitterness in their eyes.

Zhang Guoli knew that Deng Jie had paid a lot for him, he held his wife's hand, and his eyes firmly promised: "The future will definitely get better and better." Deng Jie nodded and smiled, her eyes flashing with longing for the future.

In order to break out of the world, Zhang Guo immediately ran non-stop to various crews, looking for opportunities. His eyes burned with unyielding fighting spirit, vowing to gain a foothold in this highly competitive circle.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

This dedication will eventually pay off, but he will not think that there are still many ups and downs waiting for him in the future. 1996 was a milestone year for Zhang Guoli.

The crew of "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" threw an olive branch to him and invited him to audition for the role of Qianlong. When the director saw Zhang Guoli's audition, his eyes lit up and he decided that he was the ideal Emperor Qianlong.

Zhang Guoli took on this role, as if he had found the most suitable way for himself, and his eyes flashed with excitement and expectation. Sure enough, Zhang Guoli's performance was superb, perfectly interpreting the image of Emperor Qianlong.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

The audience was impressed by his acting skills and praised him one after another. Zhang Guoli stood in the spotlight, feeling the applause and praise of the audience, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, and his eyes were full of a sense of achievement.

This success made him realize that he had a unique talent for portraying the role of the emperor. Zhang Guoli, who tasted the sweetness, decided to take it a step further, and he came up with the idea of making his own TV series.

Deng Jie fully supported her husband's career, not only acting as the heroine, but also assisting him in preparing for the production. In this way, "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview" was born, which caused a sensation as soon as it was broadcast, and five films were produced in a row.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

Zhang Guoli won the Golden Eagle Festival Best Actor Crown with the role of Kangxi, standing on the podium, his eyes flashed with tears, recalling the hardships of the North Drift, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

This award is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also marks his complete foothold in the entertainment industry. The success of the business also brought a good economic harvest. Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie bought a luxury house in Beijing, and their quality of life has been significantly improved.

Third, Deng Jie chose to temporarily retreat behind the scenes, teach her husband and children at home, and take care of her stepson Zhang Mo. However, Zhang Guoli, who was standing at the peak of his career, did not realize that the glory in front of him would gradually lose his way.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

He began to bask in the joy of success and neglected the importance of homeschooling. This neglect will become a big regret in his life in the future. Zhang Guoli, who seems to have infinite scenery, is actually standing at a crossroads in life.

His choice will determine the direction of the future. However, at this time, how could he think of the ups and downs in the future? With the booming career, Zhang Guoli's family life is surging.

His way of educating his son Zhang Mo gradually revealed problems. As a father, Zhang Guoli always felt a trace of guilt in his heart, and in order to make up for it, he began to be obedient to Zhang Mo and meet any requirements of his son.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

However, this coddling backfires. Zhang Mo's temper is getting bigger and bigger, and he is angry with his parents at every turn. Whenever this happens, Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie can only coax cautiously, with helplessness and worry in their eyes.

Zhang Guoli planned a bright future for his son and sent him to the Central Academy of Drama to study acting, hoping that he could inherit his mantle. Unfortunately, it backfired. Zhang Mo had an argument with his girlfriend Tong Yao during school and actually started beating people.

When Zhang Guoli learned of this, his face was full of shock and disappointment. He went to apologize to Tong Yao in person, his eyes full of apology and remorse. In the end, Zhang Mo ended up dropping out of school, and Zhang Guoli's heart was filled with bitterness.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

Complete one's misery. In 2013, under the guidance of Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Guoli and Huayi Brothers reached a seemingly tempting cooperation. Huayi bought Zhang Guoli's film and television company for 252 million yuan, but attached a harsh condition: within five years, the company must earn enough 30 million yuan a year, otherwise it will have to pay out of pocket to make up the difference.

At that time, Zhang Guoli had a confident glint in his eyes and signed this gambling agreement without hesitation. He firmly believes that with his strength and connections, it will be easy to accomplish this goal.

However, reality soon hit him in the face. At the end of 2016, the company's performance was only 25 million, which was 5 million short of the target. For the first time, Zhang Guoli's face showed panic and anxiety.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

In order to complete the performance, he began to work day and night, taking on all kinds of plays and variety shows, and even stopped picking scripts, as long as the price was right. Zhang Guoli, who used to have a high pursuit of art and performance, has to fight for money at the moment.

In his eyes, the original calmness and confidence were replaced by exhaustion and pressure. This series of changes made Zhang Guoli's life track begin to deviate and slide in an unknown direction.

Fourth, as time went by, Zhang Guoli's crazy behavior to repay debts began to cause controversy. In 2021, a piece of news about celebrities' daily salary of 2.08 million sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and people began to question the star's high income.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

In such a public opinion environment, Zhang Guoli complained about the hard work on social platforms, saying that "I can't remember a few big nights". This remark immediately caused dissatisfaction among netizens.

Ordinary people work hard every day, but their income is far less than that of celebrities, and Zhang Guoli's complaints seem particularly harsh to them. In the face of doubts, Zhang Guoli once again posted an explanation, saying that "I can't be scolded and hated because an old man works happily".

However, instead of quelling the controversy, such a response has made more people question his attitude. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Guoli was involved in a crew road closure incident.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

In order to film, his crew temporarily closed an important road, affecting the normal passage of students and parents in nearby schools. Discontent among local residents quickly accumulated, eventually erupting into a conflict.

As a director, Zhang Guoli should have stepped forward to deal with it, but he chose to remain silent, which further deepened the public's negative impression of him. However, what really made Zhang Guoli's reputation collapse was an endorsement turmoil.

The Zhong'an million insurance product he endorsed, when it was advertised, said that it only cost 1 yuan to get 6 million medical insurance protection. Many consumers who trust Zhang Guoli are attracted by this seemingly preferential condition and buy one after another.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

But it soon became clear that there were a number of problems with the product: more fees to be paid later, insurance companies would deduct payments without the user's knowledge, and many common illnesses were not reimbursed.

When these problems were exposed, Zhang Guoli became the target of public criticism. Feelings of disappointment, anger and disappointment among viewers who once trusted him spread rapidly.

Fifth, Zhang Guoli's image has changed from a respected old artist to an unscrupulous spokesperson for interests. In the face of these doubts and accusations, Zhang Guoli seems to be powerless to defend himself.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

The image of the once serious and dedicated actor gradually dissipated in the public's mind, replaced by a greedy and irresponsible image. Zhang Guoli's eyes were full of exhaustion and helplessness, but he seemed powerless to change all this.

Today, 68-year-old Zhang Guoli stands at the crossroads of his life, looking back on the past, he can't help but fall into deep confusion. Once upon a time, he and his beloved wife Deng Jie worked together to create countless classic works, and they had a transcendent status in the entertainment industry.

At that time, Zhang Guoli had a love for art and dedication to his career in his eyes, and every role was devoted to his efforts. However, the passage of time seems to have changed everything.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

Zhang Guoli, who just wanted to be a good actor back then, has now become an unscrupulous "old drama bone" in order to make money. He relied on his position in the circle to receive various endorsements, even at the expense of endorsing controversial products.

Whenever he stood in front of the camera, there was only exhaustion and helplessness left in his once blazing eyes. Zhang Guoli may know his future outcome, so he wants to earn a little more while he still has some prestige and fame.

But he never imagined that this kind of behavior was accelerating the collapse of his reputation. Those viewers who used to admire him now evaluate him as "the more he lives, the more confused he becomes". has been in the entertainment industry for decades, Zhang Guoli should have achieved fame and enjoyed his old age in peace.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

Sixth, he is still struggling to pay off his debts and maintain a high standard of living. The 18-hour work day was physically and mentally exhausting, but he seemed to be unable to stop.

In the face of public doubts and criticism, Zhang Guoli seemed at a loss. He may want to explain, he wants to justify, but he doesn't know where to start. The once high-spirited Zhang Guoli can only be silent now.

Zhang Guoli's story seems to be a mirror, reflecting the glitz and reality of the entertainment industry. It tells us that even old artists of high moral standing can be lost under the temptation of profit.

Zhang Guoli, 68 years old, how can he live more and more "confused".

For the 68-year-old Zhang Guoli, how to save his reputation and how to reshape his image may be the biggest challenge he faces in this life. Life is not perfect, and everyone makes mistakes.

But the key is how to learn from your mistakes and rediscover your original intentions. Zhang Guoli's future may still have a turning point, but it will require his courage and determination.

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