
Nie Rongzhen was Xu Xiangqian's superior, and what happened made him miss the chief of the General Staff

Nie Rongzhen was Xu Xiangqian's superior, and what happened made him miss the chief of the General Staff

Nie Rongzhen, formerly known as Nie Yuntai, is also one of the outstanding leaders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He also had outstanding military command skills during the revolutionary war years, especially in the Long March, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Nie Rongzhen played an important role. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Nie Rongzhen was appointed deputy chief of general staff to assist Xu Xiangqian in his work and jointly promote the modernization of the army.

Nie Rongzhen was Xu Xiangqian's superior, and what happened made him miss the chief of the General Staff

As deputy chief of the general staff, Nie Rongzhen's responsibility is to assist Xu Xiangqian in his work, and he is also responsible for some specific military command and management work. Nie Rongzhen needs to have good organizational and coordination skills to ensure that the army's orders and plans are effectively implemented. At the same time, he should also pay attention to the military's ideological and political work and ensure that the army always maintains a high degree of political consciousness and combat effectiveness.

Under the leadership of Xu Qianqian and Nie Rongzhen, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has continuously strengthened military training and modernization, improving the overall quality and combat effectiveness of the army. They attach importance to strengthening the armed forces through science and technology, promote the construction of informationization and mechanization of the armed forces, and enable the Chinese armed forces to gradually move toward modernization. At the same time, they have also paid attention to the military's ideological and political work, strengthened the education of officers and men in patriotism and revolutionary heroism, and cultivated a people's army that obeys the party's command, can win battles, and has a fine work style.

Nie Rongzhen was Xu Xiangqian's superior, and what happened made him miss the chief of the General Staff

At the beginning of the Liberation War, the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched a nationwide offensive against the Kuomintang army. During this period, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, as an important strategic region, undertook important military tasks. However, in the Datong and Jining battles, due to the influence of various factors, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region suffered a defeat, which had a considerable impact on the internal affairs of the Military Region.

Nie Rongzhen was Xu Xiangqian's superior, and what happened made him miss the chief of the General Staff

The Datong and Jining Campaigns were an important battle in the early stage of the Liberation War, and their strategic goal was to liberate the two cities of Datong and Jining, so as to cut off the communication lines of the Kuomintang army in North China and create conditions for further strategic offensives. However, due to erroneous intelligence judgment, ineffective command and coordination, and deficiencies in the use of tactics, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region failed to achieve the expected victory in this campaign, but instead suffered relatively large losses.

The news of the defeat in the battle reached the military region, causing extensive discussion and reflection within the region. As the leader of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, Nie Rongzhen is facing tremendous pressure and challenges. He had to deal not only with the immediate consequences of the defeat in the campaign, but also with the resulting internal contradictions and command problems. Some officers and men questioned the decision-making of the command level, believing that the defeat in the campaign was related to improper command. This sentiment gradually spread among the troops, adversely affecting the unity and morale of the army.

Nie Rongzhen was Xu Xiangqian's superior, and what happened made him miss the chief of the General Staff

In the face of this situation, Nie Rongzhen showed firm leadership and a high degree of political wisdom. First of all, he organized and convened an enlarged meeting of the party committee of the military region, conscientiously listened to the opinions and criticisms of all quarters, and conducted an in-depth analysis and summing up of the reasons for the defeat in the campaign. Nie Rongzhen believed that there were many reasons for the defeat in the campaign, including inaccurate judgment of the enemy's situation, mistakes in the use of tactics, and insufficient coordination among the troops. He stressed that it is necessary to face the problems squarely and draw lessons, but we must not shake our confidence because of this, still less can we affect the unity and combat effectiveness of the armed forces.

In order to solve the command problem, Nie Rongzhen adopted a series of measures. He readjusted the posts of some command personnel, strengthened the training and education of command personnel, and enhanced the decision-making ability and coordination ability of the command level. At the same time, he also strengthened the political work of the troops, and enhanced the organizational discipline of officers and men and enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the troops through carrying out ideological and political education.

Under the leadership of Nie Rongzhen, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region gradually stepped out of the shadow of defeat in the campaign, the morale of the troops was restored, and the internal contradictions were alleviated. Nie Rongzhen also actively summed up lessons and lessons, adjusted strategic deployment, and made preparations for the follow-up campaign. He knew very well that only by constantly learning and making progress could he achieve victory in the war.

Under the leadership of Nie Rongzhen, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region has continuously strengthened military training and political work, thus enhancing the overall quality of its troops. Nie Rongzhen also attached importance to the training and use of young cadres, thus injecting new vitality into the army. Thanks to his efforts, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region has gradually developed into a powerful army capable of fighting tough battles and winning battles.

In the follow-up process of the Liberation War, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region won a series of important victories under the command of Nie Rongzhen. These victories not only proved Nie Rongzhen's leadership and military talents, but also demonstrated the tenacious combat effectiveness of the troops of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. Nie Rongzhen and the officers and men of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region have made indelible contributions to the cause of liberation of New China with their practical actions.

After conducting in-depth investigations and studies, Zhu De and Liu Shaoqi discovered that there were some problems in the command structure of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, and these problems affected the combat effectiveness and combat efficiency of the troops to a certain extent. Specifically, there are too many layers of command structures and cumbersome decision-making processes, which leads to the lack of rapid transmission of orders, which affects the mobility and reaction speed of the troops. At the same time, some commanders are not accurate in their judgment of the battlefield situation, and there is a certain degree of conservatism and rigidity in the application of tactics.

This reorganization has received a positive response from the vast number of commanders and fighters of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. Under the new command structure, the combat efficiency of the troops has been markedly improved, and the command has become more flexible, and it has been able to adapt to changes on the battlefield more quickly and make correct tactical decisions.

As a senior general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Nie Rongzhen played an irreplaceable role in the daily management and political work of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region. His leadership skills and political wisdom played a key role in enhancing the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the armed forces and ensuring the stability and development of the armed forces.

In terms of daily management, Nie Rongzhen pays attention to the strict management of the army, emphasizing discipline and organization. He knew very well that in order for an army to achieve victory on the battlefield, it must first be strict and orderly in its daily management. Therefore, he vigorously promoted military training and discipline education, and constantly improved the military quality and discipline concept of officers and men. Under his leadership, the troops of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region have always maintained good military appearance and discipline, and have displayed a high degree of organization and discipline.

In terms of political work, Nie Rongzhen has played an important role. He is well aware that political work is the soul of the armed forces and an important way to enhance the combat effectiveness of the armed forces. Therefore, he attached great importance to political work, vigorously carried out ideological and political education, and strengthened the ideological and political building of officers and men. He paid attention to bringing into play the role of political work in rallying the morale of the army and boosting morale, and strengthened the revolutionary consciousness and fighting will of officers and men through various forms of political education and propaganda activities.

Nie Rongzhen's work in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region has laid a solid foundation for the stability and development of the troops. His leadership and efforts have made the troops of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region more politically firm, more organizationally tighter, and more powerful in terms of combat effectiveness.

However, in terms of large-scale campaign command, there is indeed a certain gap between Nie Rongzhen and Xu Xiangqian. As an experienced military commander, Xu Xiangqian's talent and experience in campaign command are even more prominent. Xu Xiangqian accumulated rich experience in campaign command during the long-term revolutionary war, especially during the War of Liberation, he commanded a series of battles that achieved major victories and showed outstanding military talent.

Xu Xiangqian's characteristics in campaign command are decisiveness, flexibility, and creativity. He is good at adjusting his tactics in a timely manner and flexibly using his troops in light of changes in the battlefield situation in order to achieve the best combat results. His command style attaches importance to actual combat and innovation, and he is able to formulate practical and feasible combat plans according to the actual conditions of both the enemy and us.

In contrast, Nie Rongzhen may have been more steady and cautious in command of the campaign. His command style may be more conservative and conservative, with more emphasis on the layout of the overall strategy and long-term planning. To a certain extent, this style of command may affect the flexibility and adaptability of the campaign.

Of course, this does not mean that Nie Rongzhen does not have an advantage in campaign command. In fact, in some specific situations, Nie Rongzhen's conducting style may be more suitable. For example, in some battles that need to be held on for a long time and steadily advanced, Nie Rongzhen's steadiness and prudence may play a greater role.

In general, Nie Rongzhen's contribution to the day-to-day management and political work of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region is irreplaceable, and his leadership and efforts have laid a solid foundation for the stability and development of the troops. In terms of large-scale campaign command, although he may not be as suitable as Xu Xiangqian, this does not affect his overall contribution to military command. In different historical periods and different battlefield environments, Nie Rongzhen and Xu Qianqian both gave full play to their respective characteristics and advantages, and jointly made important contributions to the victory of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Xu Qianqian, as one of the outstanding generals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, is known for his superb military ability and strategic vision. In the protracted revolutionary struggle, he not only accumulated rich experience in actual combat, but also won the respect and love of the vast number of commanders and fighters with his outstanding command art and profound strategic thinking.

Xu Xiangqian commanded the Red Fourth Front Army, the main force of the Red Army that played an important role in the Long March. Under his leadership, the Red Fourth Front Army overcame many difficulties, accomplished the feat of the Long March, and laid the foundation for the victory of the Chinese revolution. Xu Xiangqian's military talent and leadership have been fully embodied and tempered in this process.

In terms of military capabilities, Xu Xiangqian has keen battlefield insight and decisive decision-making ability. He is able to accurately judge the enemy's situation, respond quickly, and adopt effective tactics and strategies. In many battles, he has demonstrated superb command skills, enabling the troops to win more with less and the weak to defeat the strong. His military talent has not only been affirmed by his superiors, but has also won the admiration of the vast number of commanders and fighters.

In terms of strategic vision, Xu Xiangqian has a far-sighted vision and a holistic outlook. He was able to examine the war from a strategic perspective and draw up operational plans and strategic arrangements that conformed to the laws governing the development of war. His strategic thinking was often able to foresee the development trend of the war and point out the direction for the actions of the troops. This kind of strategic vision enabled him to seize the initiative and seize the opportunity in military command.

Compared with Nie Rongzhen, Xu Xiangqian does have an advantage in personal prestige and military ability. Although Nie Rongzhen has made irreplaceable contributions to the daily management and political work of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, Xu Xiangqian's experience and ability in commanding large-scale campaigns are even more prominent. Xu Xiangqian's military talent and strategic vision enabled him to better grasp the fighter planes on the battlefield, mobilize and use troops, and win battles.

However, this does not mean that Nie's contribution is not important. At different stages and in different fields of the revolutionary war, Nie Rongzhen and Xu Xiangqian both played their respective roles and jointly contributed to the victory of the Chinese revolution. Nie Rongzhen's contributions to political work and daily management have provided a solid guarantee for the stability and development of the troops. Xu Xiangqian's ability in campaign command and strategic decision-making provided key support for the victory of the troops.

In general, Xu Xiangqian's superior military ability and strategic vision give him a unique advantage in military command. His personal prestige and military ability were above Nie Rongzhen, but this did not affect the joint contribution of the two in the revolutionary war. In the history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Xu Qianqian and Nie Rongzhen were indispensable and important figures, and their military skills and leadership made indelible contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

As another senior military leader, Nie Rongzhen also has rich military experience and a high degree of political literacy. He performed an outstanding job in the daily work and political work of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and won the respect and trust of the vast number of commanders and fighters. Nie Rongzhen's agent not only ensured the continuity and stability of the work of the General Staff, but also provided Xu Xiangqian with valuable time to recuperate.

During his tenure as Acting Chief of General Staff, Nie Rongzhen demonstrated outstanding leadership and strategic vision. He not only ensured the smooth progress of the army's operational command and military construction, but also actively promoted the army's modernization, reform, and innovation. Nie Rongzhen is well aware that as chief of the General Staff, he shoulders not only the task of commanding operations, but also the responsibility of promoting the development and progress of the army.

During his tenure as an agent, Nie Rongzhen paid special attention to military training and strengthening the army through science and technology. He promoted a series of military training reforms and improved the quality of training and actual combat capability of the troops. At the same time, he also vigorously advocated scientific and technological innovation and encouraged military scientific research personnel to carry out research and development of new technologies and equipment, so as to raise the level of modernization of the armed forces.

In addition, Nie Rongzhen also attaches great importance to the cultivation and use of military command personnel. He realized that the strength of an army lies not only in the advanced equipment but also in the quality of its commanding personnel. Therefore, he actively promoted the educational reform of military academies and universities, strengthened the training and selection of young command cadres, and reserved qualified personnel for the long-term development of the army.

During his tenure as Acting Chief of General Staff, Nie Rongzhen faced tremendous challenges and pressures. Although he had rich military experience and a high degree of political literacy, he still encountered some difficulties and problems in the work of the General Staff. To a certain extent, these problems have affected the efficiency and quality of the work efficiency of the General Staff, and have even attracted the attention and criticism of Chairman Mao.

As the great leader of the Chinese revolution, Chairman Mao had extremely high requirements and expectations for military work. He had strict standards and a clear guiding ideology for the work of the General Staff. During Nie Rongzhen's tenure, Chairman Mao found that the General Staff had deficiencies in some aspects, such as the lack of thorough formulation of operational plans, the inaccurate judgment of the war situation, and the lack of effective command and coordination of troops. These issues, if not resolved in a timely manner, can adversely affect the course of the war as a whole.

In the face of Chairman Mao's criticism, Nie Rongzhen felt a great responsibility. He conscientiously reflected on the problems existing in the work of the General Staff and actively sought ways to improve and enhance them. He strengthened the education and training of the staff of the General Staff, improving their operational capabilities and professional qualities. At the same time, he also intensified his study of operational plans and strategic deployments, striving to make the work of the General Staff more scientific, rational, and effective.

Su Yu was an outstanding general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, who accumulated rich military command experience in the long revolutionary war, especially during the Liberation War, and won major victories in a series of battles he commanded, showing outstanding military talent. His succession brought new vitality and impetus to the work of the General Staff.

Under Su Yu's leadership, the work of the General Staff was gradually put on the right track. With his keen strategic vision and decisive decision-making ability, he carried out a comprehensive rectification and reform of the work of the General Staff. He intensified the review and evaluation of operational plans, ensuring that each plan was fully researched and demonstrated. He also strengthened the command and coordination of the troops and improved the combat efficiency and combat effectiveness of the troops.

Su Yu also paid special attention to the development and application of military science and technology. He realized that with the change in the form of warfare, the role of military science and technology in warfare is becoming more and more important. Therefore, he vigorously promoted military scientific research and encouraged military scientific research personnel to carry out research and development of new technologies and equipment, so as to raise the level of military modernization.

Under Su Yu's leadership, the work of the General Staff Headquarters has been markedly improved and enhanced. Chairman Mao affirmed and praised the work of the General Staff Headquarters, saying that under Su Yu's leadership, the General Staff Headquarters had worked more scientifically, rationally, and effectively, and had made important contributions to the victory of the war.