
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?


Fashion is a diverse and open field, it should not be defined by any standard, but should become a stage for everyone to show their personality and unique charm. In real life, many times people's understanding of fashion is subject to various restrictions and prejudices, especially in the workplace and specific social occasions, there seems to be a unified set of "dress guidelines", requiring everyone to dress "properly" in order to conform to the so-called "professional image".

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

And today I want to share with you is a fashion blogger from Japan - Misako Aoki, she shows her unique Lolita style, not only has more than 500 sets of Lolita skirts and more than 50 pairs of matching shoes, but also is a professional nurse, insisting on wearing a cake dress every day, although it has nothing to do with Lolita style. Her story is not only a deconstruction of fashion, but also a subversion of "age" and "professional image".

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

1. Unique dressing style

Misako Aoki, a fashion blogger from Japan, can see from her social platforms that her love for Lolita style is unimaginable. Lolita, originally originated in Europe, is a fashion style that emphasizes sweetness, cuteness and romance, usually including tufts, lace, bows and other elements, and the overall look is like a girl who has come out of a fairy tale.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

And Mei Sazi, not only Lolita's loyal fans, but also interpret it to the extreme, her wardrobe, not only a variety of Lolita skirts, but also matching socks, shoes, hair accessories, etc., can be said to be a lot, according to her, her Lolita clothing has more than 500 sets, with more than 50 pairs of shoes, such a degree of collection, can be described as "crazy".

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

What is even more surprising is that despite being a professional nurse, Misako still insists on wearing a cake dress to go out, whether it is working in the hospital or in daily life, she can always be the center of attention, as if bringing a touch of sweetness and dreaminess to this real-life world.

2. An attitude to life that is not defined

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Mei Sazi's dressing style is indeed very recognizable, but it is not suitable for the needs of various occasions, especially in the workplace and social occasions, Lolita's style is obviously "out of place", which may bring a negative impression of "unprofessional" or "immature" to others.

And indeed, in Mei Sazi's personal experience, she has been rejected by her blind date many times because of her dressing style, and the other party bluntly said that she felt that such a dress was "very strange" and "not suitable for marriage and children", and some people even wondered if she was "mentally ill", it is conceivable that as an ordinary person, she has encountered such rejection and prejudice one after another, and there must be a lot of pressure and confusion in her heart.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

However, Misako did not change her dress because of this, she still firmly believes that everyone has their own choice, should not because of the outside world and prejudice, and change their lifestyle and hobbies, no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges, she hopes to use her own way, to bravely pursue her inner love, such an attitude to life, but also deeply infected and inspired the people around her.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

3. Convey the power of positive energy

Perhaps it is because of her love and persistence in Lolita's style that Misako has today's achievements and influence, at the age of 17, she became a reader model of the well-known fashion magazine "KERA", began her own fashion path, and later founded the first Lolita Association in Japan, hoping to communicate and share with more people with the same hobbies.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

Through her own efforts and influence, Misako has gradually changed some people's prejudices and misunderstandings about Lolita's style, so that more people understand that fashion should not be defined by any standard, every style has its meaning and beauty, and most importantly, it is to be brave to be herself and not affected by external factors, such an attitude to life has also made her one of the top ten bloggers of the year and one of the cultural ambassadors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

Through the story of Mei Sazi, it can be seen that what she conveys is not only a unique understanding of fashion, but also a positive attitude and values towards life, she uses her own personal experience to show the world the spirit of "not being defined" freedom, encouraging everyone to find their deep love and dreams, bravely pursue, and use practical actions to realize.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

Fourth, diversified aesthetics and lifestyles

In addition, through the story of Misako, it can also be seen that in different cultural backgrounds, people's understanding of fashion and beauty may be very different, for example, in Japan, Lolita style is accepted and loved by more and more young people, and even evolved into a variety of different branches and styles, becoming an indispensable part of fashion culture.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

In other countries, some people may feel "strange" or "eccentric" about this style of dressing, and even have all kinds of negative emotions, such examples actually reflect a common phenomenon in today's society, that is, people tend to "judge" and "define" others through their own aesthetics and values, and try to make others live and behave according to their own standards.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

The story of Mei Sazi echoes the spirit of "not being defined", she uses her life to show the world a diversity of beauty and possibilities, whether in the field of fashion, or in her career and life, she can use her own unique way to balance and express her various needs and loves, such an attitude to life, but also to the people around her great inspiration and touch.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

5. The power of persistence and balance

In addition to her love and persistence in the Lolita style, it may also be inseparable from her work experience as a professional nurse, nurse is a profession that requires a strong sense of responsibility and love, and there are various challenges and pressures to face at work, and it is precisely in this kind of work that Misako may have found a balance between herself and the Lolita style.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

Through her experience, we can also see that no matter what kind of hobbies and dreams, they should become a beautiful part of life, and the so-called "professional image" should not be the only criterion for people to "define" others, everyone is multifaceted, with a rich inner world and unique interests and hobbies, only when these aspects are satisfied and expressed, can we have real happiness and a sense of achievement.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?
The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?


The story of Misako Aoki has given us a lot of conjecture and reference, she uses her life to convey a variety of beauty and positive energy to the world, inspiring everyone to be brave enough to be themselves, pursue their inner love, no matter what difficulties and obstacles, they can move forward firmly and become the most shining star in their lives.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

Perhaps on the way to pursue our dreams, we will encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges, and we will also be questioned and criticized by the outside world, but it is through such experience and tempering that we can become stronger and more mature, and find a lifestyle and life goals that are truly suitable for us.

The 38-year-old Japan nurse was hit by a blind date for her anti-aging beauty! 12 rejections just because "too young"?

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