
Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

Lang Ping, a legend of Chinese volleyball, her name is not only a coach, but also a symbol of a legend. Recently, a remarkable piece of news has spread both inside and outside the volleyball community: Lang Ping will become the head coach of the grassland village volleyball team in Erdos, Ningxia, and she will take on this position with zero pay. The story behind this decision is not just a choice of coaches, but a true response to love and emotion.

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

The word "Lang Ping", in the long history of Chinese volleyball, stands as a towering and unshakable monument, symbolizing excellence, tenacity and immortal glory. In her coaching career of the Chinese women's volleyball team, she has led the team through glory and ups and downs, and behind the countless gold medals is her infinite love and focus on volleyball. After retiring, Lang Ping never left the sight of volleyball, although she received high-salary invitations from European national teams and clubs, she chose a completely different path - to become the head coach of the grassland village volleyball team, and work with zero pay.

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

Why did Lang Ping make such a choice? Throughout her illustrious career, volleyball has always been an integral part of her life, whether as an athlete or a coach. For Lang Ping, volleyball has long gone beyond the scope of simple sports, it has turned into her unique interpretation of life and the affectionate expression of infinite love, and has become a bright color in her life. This love doesn't come out of nowhere, it's built up through countless challenges and victories. Now, she has chosen zero pay in order to devote herself more deeply to the cause she loves, and she hopes to use her experience and teaching to teach young players more skills and wisdom, so that they can shine brighter in the future.

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

In addition to love, Lang Ping has a special affection for the Chinese women's volleyball team. Under her excellent guidance, the Chinese women's volleyball team has written a series of remarkable legendary chapters and achieved an immortal and glorious history. Even after bidding farewell to the national team, in the face of the sincere invitations of many teams, Lang Ping's heart is still tightly tied to the hot land of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and the deep friendship has not wavered in the slightest. She hopes that through her efforts, she can continue to contribute to the cause of Chinese volleyball, both in terms of technical guidance and spirituality. For her, the grassland village volleyball team is not only a team, but also a platform where she can continue to dedicate her efforts.

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

Choosing grassland village volleyball, Lang Ping also has the desire to promote volleyball. Volleyball, as a high-profile sport, continues to expand its influence in China and even around the world, increasingly demonstrating its unique charm and value. As a well-known figure in the volleyball world, Lang Ping hopes to direct more attention and resources to the development of volleyball through her influence. As an emerging force, she hopes to lead this team to become a new highlight in the volleyball world, so that more people can understand and love volleyball, and let the development of volleyball in China flourish.

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

For Lang Ping, this is not only a choice of coaches, but also an expectation for the future. She hopes that through this decision, she will not only be able to cultivate more excellent players, but also influence more young people, so that they can dare to pursue excellence on the road to pursue their dreams. As a coach, she is willing to use her actions and dedication to interpret her love for volleyball and unremitting feelings for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Official announcement! Lang Ping returned to the handsome position and signed a grand appearance with the new owner, and Zhu Ting affectionately sent blessings to arouse heated discussions

Lang Ping chose to become the head coach of the Ningxia Ordos grassland village volleyball team, in the way of zero salary, this decision is not only a career choice, but also her responsibility and commitment to volleyball, the Chinese women's volleyball team, and the future. I hope that Lang Ping's love and dedication can inject more vitality and hope into the cause of Chinese volleyball, and let us look forward to the grassland village volleyball team blooming with new light under her leadership.

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