
Gusu District explores a new path for the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta

On July 19, the joint meeting of the high-quality development alliance of the central urban area of major cities in the Yangtze River Delta (hereinafter referred to as the "C9 Alliance") was held in Shushan District, Hefei City. As a member of the alliance, Gusu District of Suzhou City met in Shushan with various districts to discuss and exchange ideas around "opening up the road of scientific and technological innovation and leading new quality productivity" and seek common development. At the scene, the "2023 White Paper on the High-quality Development Alliance of Major Cities in the Yangtze River Delta" was released. All districts of the alliance jointly signed the "Agreement on Innovation and Collaboration and Cooperation in the Alliance Industrial Park". Chunli (Suzhou) Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. from Gusu District won the winning award of the "C9 Alliance" New Energy and Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Scenario Innovation Competition.

Gusu District explores a new path for the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta

Since the establishment of the "C9 Alliance" in 2021, nine districts, including Huangpu District of Shanghai, Gulou District of Nanjing, Gusu District of Suzhou City, Shangcheng District of Hangzhou, Yinzhou District of Ningbo City, Luyang District of Hefei City, Shushan District of Hefei City, Liangxi District of Wuxi City, and Chongchuan District of Nantong City, have strengthened linkage and gone hand in hand to carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-field cooperation to jointly explore a new path for high-quality integrated development of the central urban area of the Yangtze River Delta. Since the beginning of this year, the "C9 Alliance" has actively carried out various activities, promoted a number of project cooperation in key areas, formed a number of innovative and visible achievement cases, and injected new vitality into the high-quality development of the central urban area of the Yangtze River Delta. Relying on the advantages of the high-level platform of the "C9 Alliance", Gusu District has actively communicated and interacted with various districts around the five major actions specified in the Alliance's 2024 work plan, and has achieved good results in various tasks.

Gusu District explores a new path for the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta

It is reported that since the beginning of this year, Gusu District has joined hands with Shanghai Huangpu District to innovate and launch the Yangtze River Delta government service "one network for all" interconnection and integration model, expand the radius of cooperation, and consolidate the achievements of the integration of government services between the two places. At present, there are more than 4,000 items that can be self-inquired and handled by Shanghai and Suzhou. The registration of enterprises in the two places, the establishment of domestic enterprises and branches, the filing of trademark licenses and other services can be handled online, effectively solving the problems of "running in multiple places" and "turning back and running".

Gusu District explores a new path for the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta

Actively deepen the brand building of "C9 First Phalanx". In June this year, Gusu District held the "C9 First Phalanx" Yangtze River Delta Party Building Exchange Activity, focusing on the theme of "Practical Exploration of Institutional Party Building Empowering the Protection of Ancient Cities and Urban Renewal", sharing and exchanging work experience and results, and jointly releasing the joint training plan for party cadres of C9 organs and the joint sharing library of C9 party building resources, building a joint training base for C9 party member education, and promoting the alliance to improve the cooperation and exchange mechanism in terms of mutual learning in teaching, mutual assignment of teachers, and training interaction.

Gusu District explores a new path for the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta

Since the beginning of this year, Gusu District has also comprehensively strengthened docking and cooperation with other urban areas of the alliance, carried out deeper and more dimensional cooperation, and jointly formed a number of leading, visible and influential achievement cases. The People's Congress of Gusu District went to Huangpu District, Shanghai to participate in the work seminar of the People's Congress of the High-quality Development Alliance of the Central Urban Area of Major Cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and jointly signed the "C9 Alliance" People's Congress Cooperation and Exchange Agreement; Gusu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau went to Liangxi District, Wuxi City to participate in the first Yangtze River Delta Human Resources Service Industry Development Conference, and participated in the establishment of the "Yangtze River Delta Human Resources Service Industry Development Alliance"; The Gusu District Development and Reform Bureau organized the new building Xinzhan Building, and went to Huangpu District, Shanghai to participate in the "C9 Alliance" building city walk activity, learn the advanced practices of Shanghai's building operation and management, and connect with high-quality investment resources.

Gusu District explores a new path for the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta

In addition, Gusu District also actively integrates the advantages of the cultural and tourism resources of the ancient city, strengthens the supply of high-quality tourism products for tourists in the Yangtze River Delta, strengthens the interconnection of "scenic spots + business districts", develops 15 innovative tourism circles such as "Shiquan Zicheng", and continues to launch the "water upstream" route of the new ancient city, so that tourists can immerse themselves in the water charm of Gusu, improve the convenience of tourists, and contribute more Gusu strength in the integrated and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta. (Su Daily Financial Media Reporter Hu Yujing Correspondent Zhang Tianyu Text/Photo)