
Experience the adjustment of Pangu II's skill disarming, and heroes such as Sun Wukong and Liu Bei have one less nemesis

Recently, the Honor of Kings experience server has undergone an adjustment, involving multiple heroes. Among them, Pangu's second skill disarming was changed to reduce the damage to Pangu by 25%, and increase by 5% for each level of promotion, for two seconds. This adjustment is better for Pangu when playing mages, because mages mainly rely on skills to deal damage, so that Pangu has a stronger ability to save his life when fighting mages.

Experience the adjustment of Pangu II's skill disarming, and heroes such as Sun Wukong and Liu Bei have one less nemesis

However, the disarming skill is missing, and there is also less threat to some of the following heroes who rely on basic attack damage.

One: Monkey King

Although Sun Wukong relies on skills a lot, after he uses skills, he strengthens the basic attack, that is, once he is disarmed, he will not be able to cause damage except for the ultimate. Therefore, in front of Pangu, Sun Wukong can only run away, which is completely Tianke. The second skill is disarmed for two seconds, and the ultimate move is disarmed for another two seconds, and it is simply impossible to fight.

Experience the adjustment of Pangu II's skill disarming, and heroes such as Sun Wukong and Liu Bei have one less nemesis

Two: Liu Bei

Master Liu Bei Tianke, because his ultimate can set a shield and be immune to control. Many of the mage's life-saving abilities rely on control, and once the target cannot be controlled, it is the lamb to the slaughter. In the early stage, Liu Bei's shield is difficult to break, so the heads-up ability is particularly strong, but in the later stage, many heroes' skills can break Liu Bei's shield with one set, so the later stage is a little weak.

Experience the adjustment of Pangu II's skill disarming, and heroes such as Sun Wukong and Liu Bei have one less nemesis

Liu Bei mainly relies on general attack damage, and the closer the distance, the higher the damage. But he is also very afraid of disarming, and once he is disarmed, he can only be punished.

Three: Yunzhongjun

Yun Zhongjun is not very hot in the jungle, but the win rate is very good, and the characteristic of this hero is that he ignores the terrain, so the support ability is very good. However, Yun Zhongjun also mainly relies on general attack damage, so he is also afraid of Pangu. In the past, when Yun Zhongjun was a rooster, once he was beaten down by Pangu, he had no power to fight back at all.

Experience the adjustment of Pangu II's skill disarming, and heroes such as Sun Wukong and Liu Bei have one less nemesis

Four: Secret letters

There are fewer people who play the secret letter now.,This hero has a very strong ability to stand and masturbate.,And the development speed is very fast.。 Even if he was pressed too hard in the early stage, as long as he didn't care for a while, he could quickly surpass his opponent financially. This is because the secret letter is extremely capable of stealing wild, and it can escape with all its body if it is discovered.

Experience the adjustment of Pangu II's skill disarming, and heroes such as Sun Wukong and Liu Bei have one less nemesis

There are many heroes in the early secret letter who can't beat him, but as long as there is an electric knife and some defensive equipment, there are very few heroes who can defeat him. However, if there is Pangu on the other side, there will be no fun in secret letters, and it will be difficult to fight. But if you can run, you can run with a skill, and if you have enough defense, there is no problem with survival.

Many players feel that playing Pangu is to disarm, and if there is no disarming, its restraint ability is not so obvious. However, there are disadvantages and advantages, and Pangu has a higher strength when dealing with heroes who rely on skills to deal damage.