
Insomnia until dawn? Sleep tricks to help you wake up naturally

Aunt Li, 58 years old, used to be a refreshed middle school teacher. However, in recent months, she has begun to suffer from insomnia. Every night, I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, and barely closed my eyes at dawn. She had become accustomed to scrolling through magazines or watching television under the lamp at four or five o'clock in the morning, trying to distract herself so that she could fall asleep faster. But even so, she still felt tired and her work during the day was greatly affected.

Insomnia can have many causes, ranging from lifestyle changes to increased psychological stress, all of which are common factors that contribute to sleep problems. Especially as we age, the body's biological clock may be disrupted, and the problem of insomnia becomes more and more obvious due to the stress of daily life.

Insomnia until dawn? Sleep tricks to help you wake up naturally

Causes and effects of insomnia

Insomnia isn't just about not being able to sleep, its effects are far-reaching and complex. Long-term insomnia may lead to decreased immunity, increased mood swings, and even an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In addition, chronic sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on memory and cognitive function, affecting all aspects of daily life.

Lifestyle modifications: the cornerstone of healthy sleep

Fixed schedules

First and foremost, establishing a regular sleep schedule is essential to improving sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help adjust the body's body clock and make sleep more stable. Even on weekends, try to maintain the same schedule to avoid jet lag affecting sleep quality.

Avoid long naps during the day

A short break in the middle of the day can sometimes boost productivity, but a long nap can interfere with sleep at night. It is recommended to limit the nap time to 30 minutes and avoid napping after 3 p.m. to better ensure the quality of sleep at night.

Limit stimulating activities at night

Avoid stimulating activities, such as watching TV, using a cell phone or computer, two hours before bedtime. These activities can over-excite the brain and interfere with falling asleep. Try to choose some relaxing activities, such as reading a book and listening to soft music, to help the brain gradually relax.

Insomnia until dawn? Sleep tricks to help you wake up naturally

Diet & Nutrition: The Stomach to Sleep

Dinner time with contents

Dinner should be arranged 2 hours before bedtime as much as possible, and greasy and heavy foods should be avoided. This contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system and prevents indigestion from affecting sleep.

Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake

Both caffeine and alcohol can interfere with sleep. Coffee, tea, and caffeinated beverages are best avoided after 2 p.m. While alcohol may make people fall asleep faster, it can affect the deep sleep stage, resulting in multiple awakenings during the night.

Sleep aids

Some foods have a sleep-inducing effect. For example, oats are rich in melatonin, which can help regulate sleep cycles; The calcium and tryptophan in milk also help improve sleep; The melatonin in cherries promotes natural sleep.

Insomnia until dawn? Sleep tricks to help you wake up naturally

Sleep environment optimization: Create the ideal sleeping space

Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and warm

A comfortable sleeping environment can significantly improve sleep quality. Make sure the bedroom is quiet and earplugs can be used if necessary; Blackout curtains can block out outside light and keep the room dark; Maintain a comfortable room temperature, usually between 18-22 degrees Celsius.

Comfortable beds and pillow options

The comfort of mattresses and pillows has a direct impact on the quality of sleep. Choose a mattress and pillow that works for you and provides adequate support without discomfort. Changing bedding regularly and keeping it clean and hygienic can help reduce the impact of allergens.

Relaxation Techniques & Mind-Body Conditioning: Preparing for Sleep

Deep breathing with progressive muscle relaxation

Deep breathing can help relax the body and brain. Practice deep breathing techniques for 4 seconds each inhale and exhale for 6 seconds, repeating for a few minutes. The law of progressive muscle relaxation helps reduce tension in the body by tensing and relaxing the muscles.

Relaxation activities before bed

Some light activities such as gentle yoga practice, reading paper books can be done before bedtime. These activities can help relieve tension and prepare you for sleep.

Management of psychological factors: overcoming inner obstacles

Coping with anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are often the source of insomnia. Manage stressors in your life and reduce anxiety through proper relaxation techniques and time management. Learning to deal with problems in daily life can effectively relieve insomnia.

Keep a sleep log

Keeping a sleep diary that records the amount of sleep, the quality of your sleep, and related factors each day can help you identify specific causes of your sleep. These records can be used as a basis for communication with the doctor to help find a suitable solution.

Seek professional help: Resolve stubborn insomnia

Identify the severity of insomnia

When insomnia is seriously affecting your daily life, or when you have tried various methods and still don't work, you should consider seeking professional help. Your doctor can use an assessment to help determine if there is an underlying health problem and provide professional treatment recommendations.

Common treatment options

There are many ways to treat insomnia, including medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. Medication can provide short-term relief of symptoms, but long-term use may have side effects. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help improve long-term insomnia by changing poor sleep habits and cognitive patterns.