
Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure


Recently, with the frenzy of entertainment sweeping, the TV drama industry can be described as mushrooms after a rain, and there are endless works.

However, not every work can firmly catch the audience's attention, just like the recent high-profile "Sauvignon Blanc II", compared with the previous work, its popularity seems to have "cooled down", and the number of viewers has stabilized at about 27,000, and it seems that the audience's enthusiasm has been somewhat "exhausted".

This begs the question, is this just the result of the hype effect? From the instant hit of "Sauvignon Blanc" to the slight weakness of "Sauvignon Blanc II", this strong contrast may hint at a certain "shortcoming" of the production team in terms of content innovation and emotional depth of the sequel.

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

This is also a wake-up call for audiences and producers alike: even a successful model needs constant innovation to maintain its charm and competitiveness.

To be honest, the first part of "Sauvignon Blanc" was "reluctantly acceptable", but the second part disappointed the audience.

The "hollowness" of the plot and the "shallowness" of the conspiracy make the whole series seem "bland", which is very different from the "wonderful" of the first season.

Large-scale "exit" and dissatisfaction of the audience have become the norm, and all this discussion and media hype seem to be somewhat "out of touch" with the actual situation, and this "gap" may be a "subtle reflection" of market operation.

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

It can be seen that even popular dramas need to maintain high-quality production and plot development in each sequel in order to continue to attract the audience's "eyeballs" and "enthusiasm".

Let's talk about Yang Zi again, her performance in "Sauvignon Blanc II" is also "controversial".

Why is there such a big "gap" in her performance in different quarters of the same drama? For Yang Zi, this is undoubtedly a "big test" of her acting skills and image.

However, even in the face of "doubts", Yang Zi's career has not "stagnated".

starred in two dramas one after another - "Green Hairpin Xing" and "National Beauty", both of which demonstrate her "perseverance" and continuous exploration of new roles.

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

Especially in "National Beauty", the expectation of this series is simply "soaring", which may be seen as a kind of "re-recognition" of Yang Zi's performance ability by the audience, and it also reflects the audience's willingness to give artists room for "correction" and "adjustment".

"The Glory of the Country" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Yi Qianzhong, and the series will lead the audience into the life of He Weifang, a "legendary woman".

From an ordinary peony cultivator to a hero who saved the country and the people, her story can be described as "ups and downs".

Yang Zi's "Tang style" in the play was widely acclaimed, and she played He Weifang who was smart and resolute, showing a female image of "outstanding business acumen".

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

The depth and complexity of this role not only brings a "fresh perspective" to the audience, but also provides a stage for Yang Zi to show the "diversity" of her acting skills.

Through the comparison of these different works, it is not difficult to find that even in the face of "setbacks" and "criticisms", real artists and production teams can still win the hearts of the audience through "persistence" and "innovation".

Although "Sauvignon Blanc II" "fell out of favor for a short time", Yang Zi's new work "National Colors" may once again prove that as long as the content is "rich and material", the audience's enthusiasm can still be "ignited".

This is not only a "challenge" for her personally, but also an opportunity for the entire production team to "reflect" and "grow" in the face of "criticism".

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

With the "ready to go" of dramas such as "National Beauty", Tang style is expected to become a major "highlight" in future TV dramas.

This kind of styling is not only "retro and elegant", but also "adds color" to the series, so as to attract the "attention" of more audiences.

In addition to Yang Zi, Zhao Lusi and Tan Songyun will also "plunge" into this costume "trend", indicating the wide acceptance and "popularity" of this "trend".

Especially Li Xian, who "incarnates" Jiang Changyang in the play, is a "forbearant and thoughtful" and "suave" character.

Li Xian's image, coupled with Yang Zi's "hand in hand again", will undoubtedly "add lustre" to the series.

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

This kind of "chemistry" between actors may not only enhance the "eye-catching" of the whole play, but also stimulate the audience's expectation of "interaction" between their characters.

"The Glory of the Country" is not only a "simple" love conspiracy drama, but also "incorporates" "intricate" elements such as family grievances, showing the production team's "ingenuity" and "ingenuity" on the "level" and "depth" of the plot.

At the same time, Yang Zi's performance in "Green Hairpin Xing" has also "attracted much attention", compared with "Sauvignon Blanc", the latter's "narrative texture" is obviously "better", showing that content and expressiveness are "pivotal" to the success of TV series.

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

Although the popularity of "Sauvignon Blanc" is "disappointing", it also "highlights" the "importance" of high-quality content.

Works that rely solely on "marketing methods" without "substance" support will ultimately find it difficult to attract audiences "for a long time".

Talking about Yang Zi's new drama "National Beauty", the audience's expectations are still "high".

Although the performance of the actors may be "different" depending on the play, what the audience "values" more is the "attractiveness" of the script and the "depth" of the story.

Although Li Xian's costume image was a little "unsatisfactory" before, this time the modeling and character setting seem to have "regained" the audience's favor, showing his "unremitting efforts" and "growth and transformation" in the role "transformation" and acting "display".

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

"Having said that", the reason why "National Beauty" can"

Yang Zi is attacking another big heroine drama, and the character design is not losing Sauvignon Blanc, and Mango Station has picked up a treasure

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