
Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!


Liu Bei, the founding emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, had ups and downs in his life, although he was known for his benevolence and righteousness, but in the end he failed to dominate the world.

The ancients said: "Win the king and defeat the king". Behind Liu Bei's failure, there are many unknown details and profound lessons. Today, let's talk about Liu Bei's legendary but regretful life, and see why he failed to have the last laugh in the crowd.

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

The hero said goodbye and misplaced Xu Shu

Back then, Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang out of the mountain, and before that, he actually had an extraordinary military advisor - Xu Shu, known as "Shan Fu". Xu Shu's talent, even Cao Cao's adviser Xun Yu was full of praise, saying that he was ten times more than himself.

Heaven did not fulfill people's wishes, Xu Shu's mother was captured by Cao Cao, and the filial Xu Shu had no choice but to defect to Cao Ying. Although Liu Bei was reluctant to give up, he also knew that loyalty and filial piety were difficult to achieve, and finally let Xu Shu go.

This parting is not only a break in the personal feelings of Liu Bei and Xu Shu, but also a big loss in his career. After all, in that era of heroes, talent is the greatest capital. Liu Bei's "letting go" is undoubtedly a major mistake on his life path.

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

The dilemma of benevolence and righteousness, mistakenly killing Pang Tong

Liu Bei is known for his benevolence and righteousness, but the word benevolence and righteousness sometimes become a shackle on his way forward. When facing Liu Zhang, a fellow sect, Liu Bei was in a dilemma: on the one hand, he wanted to seize Yizhou as his base in order to realize his dream of supporting the Han family; On the other hand, he was worried that he would be stigmatized as "unjust".

Just when he hesitated, Pang Tong stood up and paved a path of "justice" for Liu Bei with his life. Pang Tong designed suicide to make Liu Beishi famous, but this also became an eternal pain in Liu Bei's heart. He indirectly killed this talented military advisor and laid the groundwork for his future defeat.

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

Mistakenly believed in Yizi, Liu Feng was derelict in his duties

Liu Bei's acceptance of Liu Feng as his righteous son was originally a beautiful conversation, but he didn't expect this righteous son to become a thorn in his heart later. Liu Feng is brave and fierce, but he is also brave and unscrupulous. When Guan Yu was in danger, Liu Feng not only did not lend a hand, but turned a deaf ear.

This not only led to the defeat of Guan Yu, but also made Liu Bei lose an important part of seizing the world. Liu Bei's wrong letter to Liu Feng not only made him lose a loyal assistant, but also put a heavy psychological burden on his back. This mistake made Liu Bei's Shu Han regime difficult in later days.

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

doted on Adou and left Liu Chan by mistake

In the battle of Changbanpo, Zhao Yun entered and exited seven times, and sacrificed his life to rescue Liu Chan. Liu Bei hugged the infant baby and threw Adou to the ground while crying, this scene seemed harsh, but in fact revealed his deep doting on this son. After Liu Bei's death, Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, but he did not inherit his father's business, but let Shu Han decline step by step because of incompetence.

Some people say that it was Liu Bei's throw that made Liu Chan stupid, but this is actually just a joke for later generations. The real reason lies in Liu Chan's own weakness and incompetence. Liu Bei's mistake in keeping Liu Chan not only made his own life's efforts go to waste, but also ruined Shu Han's foundation.

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

【Sublimation at the end】

Liu Bei's life is a life of struggle and a life full of regrets. His failure was not entirely due to "misplacing one person, killing one person by mistake, believing one person wrongly, and keeping one person wrongly", but the result of a combination of factors. But it is undeniable that these four mistakes did affect his fate to a large extent.

Liu Bei made 4 major mistakes in his life, which led to failure, which is inevitable and still has educational significance today!

Liu Bei's story tells us that on the road of life, we must not only stick to our principles and beliefs, but also learn to judge the situation and be flexible. At the same time, we should cherish the talents and resources around us, and not miss the opportunity because of the momentary will.

The most important thing is that we take responsibility for our choices, accept them and take them for granted, no matter what the outcome is. In this way, we can live up to our time and live without regrets!

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