
's father was critically ill, and he gave the money to Bai Yueguang to help her fight the divorce lawsuit, but she refused to leave (1)

Chen Siya came out of the conference room after the meeting, and her boss Liang Jianming called out to her.

"Chen Siya, there is a party in the evening, you can go with me."

Chen Siya just turned on her mobile phone at this time, and saw dozens of missed calls from her mother, her right eyelid jumped, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Director Liang, wait a minute."

Liang Jianming saw her walk away with a solemn face, and worry flashed in his eyes.

"Siya, come back soon, your father is ...... He fainted......"

As she spoke, Chen Siya's mother cried and couldn't say a complete word.

"Don't worry, Mom, you talk slowly, what's wrong with Dad?"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Siya rushed to the office and cried in a hurry.

"Director Liang, I have to take a leave of absence, my dad is hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage."

When Liang Jianming heard this, he picked up the key on the desk, and when he turned around, he found that Chen Siya was in place.

"What are you doing? It's not good to take a taxi near the company, I'll send you there. ”

Chen Siya wanted to refuse, but when she thought that he was reasonable, she didn't refuse.

On the way, Liang Jianming looked at Chen Siya's anxious and worried look, and he comforted, "Don't worry, your dad will be fine." ”

When she arrived at the hospital, Chen Siya went straight to the operating room.

"Mom, how's Dad?"

Usually, Chen Siya's father is worried about the big and small things in the family, and when she encounters this kind of emergency, Chen Siya's mother doesn't know what to do at all, except to cry or cry.

"Still inside, the doctor said to do the operation as soon as possible, otherwise your dad will ...... He couldn't wake up. ”

"It's okay, Mom, don't worry, Dad, he'll be fine, I'll pay the money."

"Where did you get so much money, didn't you just buy a house with your money?"

"Zhang Lei still has 100,000 yuan there, I'll ask him for it."

Chen Siya walked to the stairwell to call Zhang Lei, but no one answered, and she called several times in a row but no one answered.

She couldn't do it in a hurry, Zhang Lei, as her boyfriend, couldn't contact anyone, she was very helpless.

She tried to call again, and this time someone finally answered, but it was a girl's voice.

"Hello, is it Zhang Lei's girlfriend? He's talking to somebody else.

I see you've been making a lot of calls, is there something urgent? Do you need me to call him? ”

Hearing the girl's voice on the other side of the phone, she was stunned for a moment.

But at this time, Chen Siya didn't care to ask who she was, she only said that she would give Zhang Lei the phone, and she was looking for him urgently.

"Excuse me, interrupt. Zhang Lei, your girlfriend called you and said that she was looking for you in an emergency. ”

The phone finally arrived in Zhang Lei's hand, and Chen Siya hurriedly said, "Zhang Lei, my dad was hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage and needed 100,000 yuan for surgery."

Don't you still have 100,000 yuan in your hand? Transfer it to me, I pay for the operation, my dad can't wait. ”

thought that Zhang Lei would promise to give her the money, and her father was saved.

Unexpectedly, he said hesitantly, "Yaya, can you tell the people in the hospital that the operation will be done first, and the money will be paid after a while." ”

"No! The doctor said that it is necessary to pay the fee first and then do the operation! What are you waiting for?

That's my dad! In the future, when we get married, you will be half of his son! ”

Zhang Lei was talking about him left and right over there, but he refused to give Chen Siya the money.

Chen Siya guessed something, she held her breath and asked, "Zhang Lei, is the money gone?" ”

After waiting for a long time, she heard Zhang Lei say, "Yaya, I'm sorry, I just used the money." ”

"Where did you spend it?"

"I ...... I can't tell you. ”

"Zhang Lei, even if you don't say it, I guessed it. I heard that Lan Yandan was recently divorcing her rich second-generation husband, did you give the money to Lan Yandan? ”

"Yaya ......"

Zhang Lei wanted to say something, but Chen Siya shouted and interrupted him directly.

"Just tell me, don't you?!"

Zhang Lei was silent for a long time before saying, "Yes." ”

"Zhang Lei, do you still want to marry me?"

Zhang Lei didn't hesitate, "Of course I want to." ”

"Okay, you go and get the money back."

As soon as he heard this, Zhang Lei was embarrassed again, "Yaya, is this good, I'll go to someone else to borrow money to pay for my uncle's surgery......"

"No need!" Chen Siya didn't want to listen to him anymore, "Zhang Lei, okay, you're good!" And so we conclude. ”

Chen Siya hung up the phone after saying this, her father was still waiting for money for surgery, and she didn't have much time to be sad.

She immediately called her relatives and friends to borrow money, but when they heard that they were borrowing money to see a doctor, they all said that they had no money.

After borrowing a circle, she only borrowed more than 10,000 yuan, plus the salary of more than 20,000 yuan she just paid, it was only more than 30,000 yuan, which was still a big gap from the 100,000 yuan for surgery.

She collapsed on the ground and wept bitterly.

Zhang Lei is her boyfriend who has been talking for three years and is ready to get married, and she and he met at work.

They are not from the same company, Zhang Lei is from another company.

When he came to Chen Siya's company to talk about things, he was harassed by others, and Chen Siya helped him out.

Zhang Lei chased her first, she didn't like him at first, but then she was moved by his persistence and slowly accepted him.

They met with their parents, and before they got engaged, they said they would buy the house first.

Zhang Lei has no savings, and a year ago, in a car accident, his father died, and his mother became a vegetative person, dragging him down.

Chen Siya did not break up with him because of this, and stayed by his side and never gave up.

"I love you, Yaya, fortunately with you by my side, don't worry, I won't let you down."

I still remember what he looked like when he made that promise a year ago.

Today, he ignored her critically ill father for the sake of his first love in high school.

Zhang Lei and his first love Lan Yandan, she also learned about it not long ago.

Some time ago, Zhang Lei took her to his high school reunion.

When she went to the bathroom, she heard two of his high school female classmates talking about Zhang Lei and Lan Yandan.

"Didn't Zhang Lei fall in love with the campus goddess Lan Yandan when he was in high school? Why aren't they together? ”

"You don't know this, I heard that it seems that Lan Yandan's parents disliked Zhang Lei's poor family and disagreed, forcing them to break up."

"I see."

"I also heard that Lan Yandan married a rich second generation, but it seems that she is getting a divorce recently."

"Why are you so well-informed?"

"Can I not know? My husband is a small leader in Lan Yandan's husband's company. ”

"Eh, then you say, if Zhang Lei knew about Lan Yandan's divorce, would he break up with his current girlfriend?"

"No, aren't they all ready to buy a house and get married?"



The conversation she heard in the bathroom that day, she felt a little fluctuating in her heart, and she didn't ask Zhang Lei in the end.

When she heard the girl's voice, she actually thought of Lan Yandan from the mouth of his two high school female classmates for the first time.

To be continued...... If you think the story is okay, give it a thumbs up......#长文创作激励计划#