
Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

In the historical process of film development, the appearance of kiss scenes often represents a change in the audience's aesthetic needs.

Especially before the conservative thinking, the kiss scene would never appear on the big screen.

Until the appearance of the movie "Lushan Love", the shocking kiss between Zhang Yu and Guo Minkai made the audience intuitively feel the "sweetness of love" for the first time.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

In this pioneering way, Zhang Yu deeply imprinted his name into the history of Chinese film.

In fact, before "Lushan Love", there was a movie that tried a kiss scene, and the heroine's appearance was not inferior to Zhang Yu.

In "The Trill of Life", which was released in 1979, the heroine boldly faced the camera with cold eyebrows and dedicated her first kiss.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

The background of the era of the filming is somewhat complicated, everything is in the old and welcoming the new, and the appearance of the kiss scene is undoubtedly the first step in the liberation of the tide of ideas.

The heroine Shanshan played by Leng Mei is a young woman with progressive thoughts, and her cold appearance and rational qualities impress the audience.

Her acting career is not very long, and she has only filmed seven or eight films, such as "Xu Beihong", "Sun and Man" and so on.

However, most people only remember that "Golden Deer".

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

"Golden Deer" tells the growth process of a salesman named Jin Minglu in a supply and marketing cooperative.

Netizens who have not experienced that era will probably not understand the status of salespeople.

In the past, the salesperson of the supply and marketing cooperatives was a profession respected by everyone, far from being comparable to today's counter sisters.

Jin Minglu performed well in the company and won the title of the best employee, but the leader was suspicious, feeling that she usually dressed flamboyantly, frivolous and charming, and especially liked to dance, and did not look like an honest employee.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

The company sent the old-fashioned Wang Shuxian to conduct an in-depth investigation, and only then did she discover Jin Minglu's shining point.

Today's netizens estimate that it is difficult to understand the supply and marketing cooperatives in the 80s, and they will not understand why the shopping guide is the protagonist of the movie.

Similar to the plot of this movie, there is also the movie "White Dove", which tells the life experience of ordinary workers.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

The cold eyebrows are simple, and the natural acting skills have touched many audiences.

Her face has the simplicity of traditional Eastern women and the delicacy of Western women.

Although the filming of the kiss scene can be achieved by borrowing a position to achieve a "fake kiss", it was also a huge breakthrough back then.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".
Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

In today's film and television works, kiss scenes have long been regarded as commonplace, and many movies have greatly upgraded their scale.

For example, movies such as "Evil Does Not Prevail", "The Legend of the Demon Cat", "The City is Full of Golden Armor" and other movies, these movies use these shots as a publicity gimmick, and they are also a great magic weapon to attract audiences to the cinema.

Actor Xu Qing is actually only famous, but through the scenes in the two movies "Lao Paoer" and "Evil Does Not Prevail", he has become a hot actor in recent years.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".
Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

Feng Xiaogang said that these scenes were needed by the plot, but the audience didn't understand it very well, but they were shocked.

The evolution of emotional scenes and kiss scenes is also the result of the continuous development of movies.

But now that everyone is open-minded, it is difficult to find a simple love story.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

The older generation of filmmakers like Leng Mei do not regard getting ahead as their primary goal, and how to make the movie move people's hearts is what they are pursuing.

And now most filmmakers take the box office results too seriously, and various large-scale shots take turns to hit the audience's eyeballs, ignoring the spiritual connotation of the movie.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

As long as the shooting is in place, the gentle hug of "Shanghai Tang" is enough to move people's hearts.

The sincerity of the actor's love can be conveyed through the big screen, and the kiss scene is more of an embellishment of love, not necessarily how realistic and real it is.

What do you think? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment.

Leng Mei: The first kiss scene in the history of Chinese screens was not Zhang Yu in "Lushan Love".

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