
Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

The character settings and dilemmas in War of the Roses create a sense of familiarity among the audience.

On the set of "War of the Roses", Yuan Quan devoted himself to the interpretation of the role of Gu Nian. She plays Gu Nian, who returned to the workplace after experiencing her husband's cheating and divorce, and finally achieved success in her career.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

However, when the director shouted "card", a trace of imperceptible exhaustion flashed in Yuan Quan's eyes.

The role was all too familiar to her. Recalling his works in the past few years, Yuan Quan couldn't help but fall into deep thought. In "The First Half of My Life", she played a strong woman Tang Jing with a successful career; In "Meeting Season", she created a successful career woman through her own hard work.

Now, in "War of the Roses", she once again plays the image of a working woman.

These characters seem to be carved out of the same mold - they are all working women, they have all experienced emotional twists and turns, and finally realized their self-worth. Yuan Quan couldn't help but feel a trace of helplessness, she was eager to break through, eager to try different types of roles.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

However, reality doesn't seem to give her that chance.

This is not only Yuan Quan's predicament. She thought of Liu Tao, Liu Mintao, Ma Yili, and even the great beauty Zeng Li of the same age. They all face a similar dilemma: either playing a working woman or a housewife, it seems that middle-aged women have only two options in life.

Yuan Quan sighed deeply. There is no doubt about her acting skills, and her performance has been highly praised by audiences and critics alike. But she prefers to be able to show the diverse side of middle-aged women, rather than being confined to a fixed role type.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Just as Yuan Quan was deep in thought, the director's voice brought her back to her senses: "Yuan Quan, prepare for the next scene!" She quickly adjusted her condition and smiled professionally. Although her heart was full of doubts and unwillingness, she understood that as a dedicated actor, she must devote herself to the role at this time.

This may be the true portrayal of many middle-aged actresses - with confusion about the industry, they still insist on their love for acting.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

In the entertainment industry, the age of 30 seems to have become an invisible threshold, especially for actresses. This age should have been a golden age for actors with rich experience and mature acting skills, but it has become a "cliff" in the careers of many actresses.

Yuan Quan recently learned by chance at a private party that the heart of the popular little flower Dan Di Lieba was full of anxiety. The actor, who is in her early thirties, is worried: "I haven't received a new play contract for more than a year.

Di Lieba's confession made everyone present fall silent, and she continued: "I used to have scripts sent every day, but now I suddenly quieted down, and I feel like I have fallen into a black hole after I am thirty years old."

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

This passage reminded Yuan Quan of the helplessness expressed by Da S in an interview. At that time, Da S's eyes were full of confusion: "Except for playing the mother of a male star who is a few years younger than me, there seems to be no other role for me to choose from."

This sentence caused a general resonance in the entertainment industry at that time, and also expressed the hearts of many middle-aged actresses.

What's even more poignant is that Song Dandan, a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala and known for his comedy performances, once publicly said: "After the age of 30, there is no longer a chance to shoot works, probably because the drama is beautiful and useless, and directors and investors are reluctant to take a second look."

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Song Dandan's words were full of helplessness and disappointment about the current situation of the industry.

The voices of these actresses of different ages and styles echoed repeatedly in Yuan Quan's mind. She is keenly aware that this is not just their personal experience, but a common problem in the entire industry.

Thirty years old, originally the age when an actor begins to shine in his true light, has become a turning point in the careers of many actresses.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan Quan fell into deep thought, and she asked herself: Why does age become a shackle that restricts the development of female actors? Why can't rich life experience and mature acting skills become their strengths, but instead become obstacles to their career development? These issues are not only about personal fate, but also reflect the prejudice and injustice against women in the film and television industry as a whole.

Faced with this situation, Yuan Quan was both helpless and unwilling. She understands that it will not be easy to change this situation, but she believes that only by keeping her voice out and working hard can she win more opportunities and respect for middle-aged actresses.

In this industry full of age anxiety, every actress who persists is fighting against this invisible "thirty-year-old cliff" in her own way.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan Quan saw the scene of the actor Huang Xiaoming in the same group discussing the script with the director on the set of "War of the Roses", which made her can't help but think: is also an actor in his forties, why are the circumstances of middle-aged male and female stars so different?

In recent years, the career of middle-aged male stars has seen a "second spring". They can not only play the role of emperors and generals in costume dramas, but also play wise detectives in suspense dramas, and even play an important role in tribute films.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

What's even more amazing is that some middle-aged male stars can even play romantic love stories with young actresses who are nearly 20 years younger than themselves in idol dramas, which makes the career of middle-aged male stars show a vigorous trend.

When watching the works of middle-aged actresses, you will find that they seem to only be able to play in workplace dramas and family dramas, and the types of roles are very limited. Yuan Quan recalled what Wu Qilong once said in an interview: "Actresses should cherish the opportunity to cooperate with him, they used to just play their sister, girlfriend, and wife, but they may play their mothers in the future."

This sentence caused a lot of controversy on the Internet at the time, but I have to admit that this sentence shows the helpless status quo of many middle-aged actresses.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan Quan recalled these things, and his heart couldn't help but feel a bitterness. It's not just a matter of roles, it's a reflection of the prejudice and injustice against women in the industry as a whole. She thought of the casting in "Da Qin Fu", and Zhu Zhu, who was over 30 years old, actually played the mother for Zhang Luyi, who was four years older than her.

This kind of screen combination makes people feel ridiculous, but it is not uncommon in the industry.

Yuan Quan thought indignantly in his heart: "Why can middle-aged male stars play various roles, even teenagers, but we can only play their mothers?" "This double standard not only limits the development space of actresses, but also deprives the audience of the opportunity to appreciate diverse roles.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan Quan understands that this situation is not an isolated phenomenon. Some of her actress friends of the same age are suffering from similar problems. Liu Tao, Liu Mintao, Ma Yili, and even Zeng Li, who is known as the "Great Beauty", are all struggling with the singleness of the role.

They are eager to break through and show the multifaceted nature of middle-aged women, but the reality has given them the fixed label of "working women" or "housewives".

Faced with the existing industry predicament, Yuan Quan felt helpless and angry. She is well aware that changing this injustice requires an industry-wide concerted effort. Not only do actresses need to insist on breaking through themselves, but they also need the support and change of screenwriters, directors, producers and other aspects.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

When he re-engaged in filming, Yuan Quan's eyes were more determined. She knows that every outstanding performance, every successful role, is to fight for more opportunities and respect for middle-aged actresses.

In this sexist film and television industry, Yuan Quan and her peers are silently fighting for change in their own way.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Although facing many obstacles, many middle-aged actresses did not choose to leave silently, but fought silently in their own way. When Yuan Quan recalled Haiqing's speech at that award ceremony, she sighed that it was a rare public shout.

Haiqing stood on the stage, her voice was a little trembling but firm and powerful: "Please take a look at us middle-aged actresses, we are not only cheaper than Hu Ge, but also easy to use." Although these words attracted ridicule from some people and were called "begging" on the spot, it was more the resonance and support of industry insiders.

Haiqing's courage deeply touched Yuan Quan, and also made her more determined to continue to persevere.

In "Sudden Holiday", although Ni Hongjie played the role of a mother with few scenes, she created an image with personality, advanced thinking, and exquisite dress. Despite only appearing in the memories of the heroine, her performance left a deep impression on the audience, showing the charm and depth of a middle-aged woman.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Wu Yue successfully proved the strength and value of middle-aged actresses through her outstanding performances in "The First Half of My Life" and "Sweeping the Black Storm". In "The First Half of My Life", Ling Ling played by her was called "the strongest junior in history" by the audience, and her inferiority, forbearance and later black-hearted bottomless performance was vividly interpreted by Wu Yue.

In "Sweeping the Black Storm", Wu Yue plays the deputy director He Yun is a complex character, and she shows the inner entanglements and struggles of the characters through delicate performances.

These examples are gratifying and inspiring for Yuan, who realizes that despite the difficult circumstances, as long as she persists in her professionalism and love for art, she will eventually be discovered by audiences and industry insiders.

Middle-aged actresses have proved in their own way that age is not a shackle that restricts their performance, but rather a richer and deeper boost to their performances.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan is well aware that this silent protest may not immediately change the status quo for the entire industry. However, she firmly believes that every wonderful performance and every role successfully created is to strive for more opportunities and respect for middle-aged actresses.

She and her peers are silently promoting the development of this industry in a fairer and more diverse direction with strength and persistence.

In the face of the many restrictions faced by middle-aged actresses in the film and television industry, Yuan Quan did not choose to remain silent, but like his peers, he spoke up for himself and actresses of the same age in various ways, calling for changes in the industry.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

In an interview, Yuan Quan expressed her view that we need more diverse roles, and that middle-aged women's life experiences are rich and colorful, and they cannot be authorized to be confined to a fixed model.

She said that she is eager to challenge different types of roles and show the multifaceted nature of middle-aged women, and her words are full of dissatisfaction with the status quo of the industry and expectations for the future.

Yuan Quan's appeal is not a one-man fight. More and more people in the industry are beginning to realize the importance of this issue. A veteran screenwriter responded on social media: "Indeed, we should create more diverse roles for middle-aged actresses.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Their experience and acting skills are a valuable asset, and we have a responsibility to tap into and show this value" This unanimous voice gradually formed, allowing us to see the possibility of change.

At the same time, some young directors have also begun to create more challenging roles for middle-aged actresses in their works, in order to break the restrictions of age on actors' performances. In an interview, the cutting-edge director said: "Age is not a shackle that restricts an actor's performance.

We need to look at each actor with a more open mind and give them the opportunity and respect they deserve."

These voices gave Yuan Quan hope, and she firmly believes that as long as she continues to work hard, more people will recognize the value of middle-aged actresses and provide them with more opportunities for development.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan Quan recalled Haiqing's speech at that award ceremony, which did spark widespread discussion in the industry, although it caused some controversy at the time. She is deeply aware that even though every voice and every attempt may be accompanied by controversy, these are contributing to the progress of the entire industry.

At the same time, Yuan Quan also found some positive changes. Some production companies have begun to experiment with scripts featuring middle-aged women, exploring their real dilemmas and growth in career, family, emotion, etc.

These attempts, while not enough, have shown that the industry is moving towards greater diversification.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

Yuan Quan knows that change cannot be achieved overnight, but everyone's efforts are a powerful driving force to promote the progress of the industry. She and her peers will insist on promoting the progress of the Chinese film and television industry with strength, and strive to bring more opportunities and respect to middle-aged actresses.

Yuan Quan stood on the set, looking at the busy crew, his heart was full of expectation and determination. She knows that changing the paradigm of an industry is not an easy task, but everyone's efforts are a force for progress.

Yuan Quan looks forward to the day when age and gender are no longer the main criteria for judging actors, and everyone can get equal opportunities. She wants to see more scripts that reflect the real lives of middle-aged women, showing their intelligence, strength, and charisma.

This is not only for the career development of the actors, but also to present a more real and rich screen world to the audience.

Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is also the "sorrow" of the film and television industry!

She firmly believes that only by truly showing the diversity of society can film and television works truly touch the hearts of the audience. Yuan Quan and his peers will continue to give full play to their own strength and firm belief to promote the healthy development of China's film and television industry.

In this challenging industry, Yuan Quan's "sorrow" is the "sorrow" of the entire film and television industry. However, it is also a new beginning full of hope and possibility. Although the road ahead is full of difficulties, we are also full of expectations.

Every middle-aged actress who sticks here is interpreting her professionalism and love in her own way, and she is also contributing to the progress of the entire industry.

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