
The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

In the group drama "Flowers", there is a character named Mr. Fan who is impressive, he is starring Mr. Dong Yong. The success of this role is inseparable from the careful design of director Wong Kar-wai, and Mr. Dong Yong's acting skills are also a key factor.

Dong Yong's screen image in the past was more of a righteous and selfless character. However, in "Flowers", he plays Mr. Fan, who is both funny and poignant as a Zhejiang businessman.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

This contrast made the audience's eyes shine, and at the same time, it also brought a lot of challenges to Mr. Dong Yong.

Mr. Fan's classic line "Everyone is a friend" and the scene where Miss Wang jumped on the table to ask the factory to take orders impressed the audience. Dong Yong used his unique performance method to vividly interpret the role of Mr. Fan.

From Mr. Fan, who gave people a noisy impression at the beginning, to the love and righteousness he later showed, Dong Yong successfully created a three-dimensional and plump image of a small person.

It is worth mentioning that the role of Mr. Fan is not only loved by the audience, but also favored by the director. Some netizens observed that it is easy to see the director's preference in group scenes. Director Wong Kar-wai obviously prefers the role of Mr. Fan and gives more shots and space, which is undoubtedly an affirmation of Dong Yong's acting skills.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Dong Yong's acting skills have not only been recognized by the director and the audience, but also appreciated by his peers. Among them, Tang Yan once said in an interview: "Teacher Dong Yong is Miss Wang's noble person in the play, and he is also my Tang Yan's noble person outside the play, and he has given me a lot of help in acting."

These words not only reflect the importance of Dong Yong in the play, but also show his concern and support for the younger generations as a senior.

Among the many wonderful episodes of the drama "Flowers", the sentence "Annie" sung by Mr. Fan unexpectedly became the breaking point of the whole play, which aroused widespread discussion and imitation from all walks of life. This seemingly coincidental success is actually the embodiment of director Wong Kar-wai's ingenuity.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

The story begins with the change in Mr. Fan's attitude towards the song "Annie". At first, Mr. Fan didn't like Miss Wang singing "Annie" with her old aunt at a critical moment, thinking that it was not appropriate.

However, when he understood the reason behind it, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and the camera turned, and we saw that Mr. Fan sang this song by himself, and sang very hard, this huge gap between the front and back made the audience smile.

Director Wong Kar-wai made an important decision when editing: among the four lyrics sung by Dong Yong, only the sentence "Annie" was retained. Such a decision not only subtly highlights important information, but also leaves plenty of room for imagination.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

That unique atmosphere, just one sentence of "Annie" is just right, one more point is cumbersome, and one less point is a little thin.

Director Wong Kar-wai's meticulously designed editing technique shows his high ability to control details. He captured the comedic effect of the scene with precision and brought it to life.

It is precisely because of this extreme pursuit of detail that every scene of "Flowers" is full of charm.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Dong Yong publicly said in an interview that he was very surprised by the popularity of the character of "Annie". "It's funny that I'm in it and I don't know it," he said.

This sentence not only fully reflects his deep understanding of the role, but also shows his humble attitude as an actor.

Wong Kar-wai's words when he rejected Dong Yong's proposal to "beg for death" were really in one sentence, and his sentence "You will be remembered with a sentence of 'Annie', what do you do with death" fully demonstrates his foresight.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Later facts also proved that the director's judgment was correct, and the "Annie" stalk did cause heated discussions after the broadcast, and it successfully got out of the circle, making the role of Mr. Fan deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This vignette vividly demonstrates the wisdom of artistic creation, showing us that seemingly casual details are actually the most sparkling points in the work. A great director must have the ability to spot and portray these potential highlights.

Director Wong Kar-wai's performance in "Flowers" taught us a profound lesson.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

In the process of creating "Flowers", a rather interesting thing happened. Mr. Dong Yong, who plays Mr. Fan, proposed to director Wong Kar-wai three times, hoping that his role could end with death.

This vignette not only shows the actor's unique understanding of the role, but also highlights the director's decision-making wisdom in artistic creation.

According to Dong Yong in an interview, he has repeatedly made suggestions to director Wong Kar-wai to try to change Mr. Fan's ending. His specific proposal was: after Mr. Fan said goodbye to Miss Wang, at the place they agreed, let Mr. Fan's tricycle be hit and killed at the bend, causing the items to be scattered all over the ground.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Dong Yong believes that such an ending will bring a stronger sense of excitement to the audience and make the character more memorable.

However, director Wong Kar-wai vetoed the proposal three times, and he responded: "You will be remembered for the sentence 'Annie', what do you have to do." This quote shows director Wong Kar-wai's sense of humor, but also reflects his vision as a director.

He is keenly aware that the charm of the character of Mr. Fan does not lie in the tragic ending, but in his vivid character characteristics and hilarious words and deeds.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

As it turned out, Wong Kar-wai's decision was the right one. Mr. Fan's "Annie" stalk received widespread attention after the broadcast and successfully got out of the circle. This result surprised many people, including Dong Yong, and also made Wong Kar-wai feel relieved by his persistence.

As netizens said, Mr. Fan's ending "goodbye to the rivers and lakes, leave a memory, just right!" This kind of blank treatment is not only in line with the development of the plot, but also leaves room for the audience's imagination.

This vignette vividly shows the interaction and game between the director and the actor in artistic creation. The actor may have his own understanding and expectations of the role, but ultimately need to be subordinated to the director's overall conception.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Wong Kar-wai's "Chicken Thief" not only saved a likable character, but also reserved more possibilities for the whole show.

From a broader perspective, this event reflects the creative philosophy of Blossoms. As netizens said, Wong Kar-wai is a "delicate and warm person who never pursues so-called excitement". He pays more attention to the portrayal of the inner world of his characters rather than relying on dramatic plots to attract audiences.

This creative attitude has allowed "Flowers" to maintain its artistic quality while also winning the love of the audience.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

In Wong Kar-wai's "Flowers", he reveals a unique concept: not only to depict the rich life of small people, but also to ensure the overall tone of the whole play, and strive to find the perfect balance between warmth and reality.

This creative attitude is not only reflected in the role of Mr. Fan, but also runs through the creation process of the whole play.

From Wong Kar-wai's extensive depiction of the actions and emotions of small people, it can be seen that he is a writer and director with a sensitive heart and full of warmth. He pays more attention to the subtleties of the inner world of the characters than to the thrilling plot.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Such a creative attitude makes "Flowers" not only full of rich life atmosphere, but also the artistic standard has reached a very high level.

Wong Kar-wai pays special attention to the arrangement of the ending of each character, and strives to get them to achieve an ending that is in line with mainstream values. The article mentioned: "In the whole play, only one Boss Jin passed away, and Xuezhi passed away quietly.

This is done in order to achieve an ending that is in line with mainstream values for each character as much as possible", this treatment takes into account the emotional needs of the audience while maintaining the charm of realism.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

It is worth mentioning that Wong Kar-wai showed thoughtfulness to the audience in the creative process. As one netizen said: "It can be seen that Director Wang also loves the audience." Although Blossom is a literary work, Wong Kar-wai did not make it obscure or overly heavy.

Instead, he strives to find a delicate balance between artistic pursuits and audience acceptance.

This creative concept is deeply loved by the audience. "As an audience, I have a lot of fun watching "Flowers", and I don't want to be stimulated." Wong Kar-wai has managed to find a balance between heartwarming and reflecting reality, without falling into clichés or being overly obscure.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Overall, the success of "Flowers" is largely due to Wong Kar-wai's unique creative philosophy. He depicts the changes of the times from the perspective of small people, and depicts the various situations of real life in detail with warm brushstrokes.

This kind of creative method that has both depth and temperature has made "Flowers" a masterpiece that is "so literary and artistic in the main theme TV series".

The success of "Flowers" is partly due to its excellent group building. As mentioned at the beginning of the article: "If you want to say who is the most outstanding supporting role in "Flowers", you can't count it on ten fingers, because the group building of this show is too powerful."

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

This sentence accurately sums up the outstanding achievements of "Flowers" in character building.

The play has a strong cast, including powerful actors such as Mr. You Benchang and Mr. Dong Yong, and their superb acting skills add a lot of color to the play. The rich life experience of these actors provides them with valuable wealth for shaping their roles, making them more realistic and three-dimensional.

It is worth mentioning that Wong Kar-wai clearly prefers certain supporting roles in order to give these characters more space for camera and narrative. As the article said: "Group dramas are easy to show the director's preference, such as the roles of You Benchang and Dong Yong, Mr. Fan and Uncle, although they are not the main characters, but the director is particularly willing to give the camera and space, which is undoubtedly an obvious preference."

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

This preference is not unreasonable, as the characters do add more layers and interest to the plot.

The success of "Flowers" lies not only in the brilliance of the characters, but also in the harmony and unity of the entire group portrait. The characters not only have their own personalities and charms, but also find their own place in the whole, reflecting each other, and together showing a vivid picture of Shanghainese life.

This kind of group portrait shaping art makes "Flowers" present a perfect combination of literature and art and the main theme. At the end of the article, he praised: "The main theme TV series is so literary and artistic, Director Wang is really powerful!" This balance of depth, without losing popularity, is the key to the wide acclaim of "Flowers".

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

Overall, "Flowers" successfully shows the epitome of that era through the fine portrayal of the group portraits of the characters. Each character is an integral part of the picture, and together they make up a masterpiece that deserves to be savored.

This kind of art of shaping group portraits is undoubtedly one of the important secrets of the success of "Flowers".

The success of "Flowers" lies not only in its wonderful plot and excellent acting skills, but also in the creative wisdom behind it. From the rejection of Mr. Dong Yong's "begging for death" to the unexpected popularity of the "Annie" stalk, every detail reflects the unique vision and exquisite skills of director Wong Kar-wai.

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

With its delicate character portrayal, warm and realistic tone, and skillfully balanced narrative techniques, this drama has successfully created a vivid picture of Shanghai-style life.

As stated in the article, Wong Kar-wai's creative attitude of "being willing to narrate to the little people can be seen to be a delicate and warm person, and never pursuing the so-called excitement" makes "Flowers" not only entertain the audience, but also leave people room for deep thought.

Wong Kar-wai's "chicken thief" and persistence in the creative process successfully saved Mr. Fan, a character loved by the audience. As stated in the article: "Fortunately, Director Wang is conscious, and his chicken thief and persistence successfully saved a role."

The only actor in "Flowers" who begs for "death" is fortunately Wong Kar-wai's chicken thief, otherwise it would be bloody!

This insistence not only retains the charm of the characters, but also maintains the proper style of the whole show.

The success of the drama "Flowers" is not only reflected in the text, but also in its excellent portrayal of the group. As the article said at the beginning: "If you want to ask which supporting role in "Flowers" is the most outstanding, you can't count it on ten fingers, because the group portraits created by this script are so powerful that they can't be counted.

"Each character has an independent charm, and together they create a colorful picture of life.