
The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

In Chongqing, a city that is always foggy, in a small 13-square-meter room, young Chen Kun experiences confusion and grievances. After his parents divorced, he huddled with his mother, stepfather, and several brothers, and the hardships of life planted the seeds of melancholy in his heart.

Without his father's company, he was often bullied by other children, and the loneliness and incomprehension slowly fermented in his heart.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

On New Year's Eve, Chen Kun plucked up the courage to go to his father's new family to ask for New Year's money, but was ruthlessly expelled by his stepmother. The resentment in his heart made him make a lot of noise at the school gate, but he was unexpectedly beaten.

Chen Kun, who was squatting on the ground, could only see a pair of hurried feet, at that moment, he felt the indifference of the world, and what shocked him even more was that it was his half-brother who beat him, this movie-like scene left a deep scar in Chen Kun's heart.

At the age of 16, his sister died in a car accident before getting married, which made him experience the cruelty of life and death prematurely. After that, Chen Kun began to believe in Buddhism, meditate, and find inner peace.

This experience made him mature earlier and think more deeply about the relationship between people, people and society, and people and the world.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

Under the pressure of life, the young Chen Kun chose to be strong. When he was in high school, he worked part-time in a nightclub, starting as a waiter, earning a lot of money every day with a salary and tips. He once fantasized that one day he could go from a waiter to a foreman, and then to a lobby manager, buy a house in Chongqing, let his parents move in, and live a stable life.

Under the dim light, Chen Kun silently observed all kinds of people, accumulating materials for performing various roles in the future. This experience gave him a deeper understanding of life and also cultivated his unique temperament – cold, melancholy, disdainful and cynical.

These qualities are deeply rooted in his bones and laid the foundation for his future career as an actor.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

In 1996, the god of fate began to cast a concerned eye on Chen Kun. was originally accompanied to the film school exam, but it suddenly became a turning point in his life. The teacher who happened to pass by was attracted by his melancholy temperament and encouraged him to sign up together.

After three exams, Chen Kun was admitted with the first place among boys, and since then he has started his acting career, which not only surprised Chen Kun, but also made him a step higher than others at the starting point of the entertainment industry.

In 1999, Chen Kun was still in his third year of college, and he was lucky to star in his debut film "National Anthem", although it was only a small role, it made him deeply feel the charm of acting and became the seed of his future development.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

However, what really made Chen Kun stand out was the drama "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind" in 2000, which not only allowed him to meet Zhou Xun, who became a close friend in the future, but more importantly, let him meet director Zhao Baogang.

Interestingly, if it weren't for Zhao Baogang's promise, Chen Kun might have become an interior designer by now. In the fourth year of college, the classmates all found a script to shoot, but Chen Kun was arrogant and unwilling to be picked around by the crew, and was ready to gradually fade out of this circle.

Just when he contacted foreign universities to prepare to change the track, Zhao Baogang promised that he would be found in the next play, which made Chen Kun give up the idea of changing careers and firmly embarked on the road of actor.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

"Like Fog, Like Rain, and Like Wind" came as promised. Chen Kun created a hesitant, amorous, sad, and clear character in the play, laying the foundation for his future "Chen Kun-style" interpretation. Although this drama did not become a classic at that time, and the ratings were not as good as the later "The Family of Gold Powder", it became the audience's initial impression of Chen Kun.

After the play was broadcast, the media called Chen Kun a new generation of students with strong momentum. At that time, there were also rumors that Zhao Baogang "praised Chen Kun and pressed Lu Yi", and Director Zhao's explanation of this was intriguing: "Lu Yi is a horse, and Chen Kun is a wild horse."

People will definitely like horses at first, but wild horses will be good horses if they are tamed" These words not only show Chen Kun's potential, but also indicate his unique position in the entertainment industry in the future.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

In 2003, Chen Kun became famous overnight by starring in the TV series "The Family of Gold Powder". Jin Yanxi played by him is both handsome and innocent, with warm emotions, and the character creation is also very good, almost perfectly showing the image of the son and brother of the Republic of China in that era.

This drama not only won the ratings championship in the central eight sets, but also was named a classic in the hearts of fans, and Chen Kun also emerged in the entertainment industry, no matter what role he plays in the future, in the hearts of the audience, he will always be the distressing Jin Yanxi The line in the drama "People who can easily say it for a lifetime will be hot for a while" seems to express Chen Kun's attitude towards his acting career.

In the year when "The Family of Gold Powder" became popular, 24-year-old Chen Kun showed his unruly side. When the reporter asked him about the scandal with Dong Jie, he had a dark smile, neither affirming nor denying, revealing his disdain for the rules of the entertainment industry.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

He even publicly stated that he disdained the behavior of some seniors in the entertainment industry who were in their teens and still maintained a single personality, which left a deep impression on Chen Kun in the hearts of the audience.

After that, Chen Kun's acting career ushered in a new peak. His works such as "Balzac and the Little Tailor", "The Ballad of Yunshui", "The Barber", "Painted Skin", "Painted Skin 2", "Dragon Gate Flying Armor", "Looking for the Dragon", "Let the Bullets Fly", etc., each of which is unique, shows his changeable acting skills and unique temperament.

At this stage, Chen Kun gradually established his position in the film and television industry and became a high-profile powerful actor.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

In 2010, Chen Kun made an important decision: to leave the agency he had followed for ten years and set up his own studio. This not only marks a new height in his career, but also expresses his strong desire to break through himself.

Chen Kun began to reflect on his previous way of acting, looking for his original intention and sense of awe as an actor, and he admitted frankly that God's favor for him kept handing him good scripts, but it also made him gradually lost and fell into the whirlpool of fame and fortune.

In order to regain his awe of acting, Chen Kun took the initiative to play some small roles to let himself be tempered. This attitude of self-challenge shows his seriousness and dedication to the profession of actor.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

He is not satisfied with playing the male lead all the time, but hopes to improve his acting skills through different types of roles, and this attitude also laid the groundwork for his later transformation attempts.

Chen Kun's acting career is thriving. Despite this, in the case of fame and fortune, he did not indulge in glitz and luxury, but began a unique spiritual journey.

Since the death of his 16-year-old sister, Chen Kun has begun to believe in Buddhism, meditate, and pursue inner peace and growth, which has become more and more intense after he became famous, and has become a symbol that distinguishes him from other stars.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

In 2011, Chen Kun launched the "Power of Walking" project, advocating "stop talking". This project aims to encourage participants to find themselves and feel inner in their walks. However, some saw it as a "show" and questioned Chen's piety.

Chen Kun said that he believes that only in quiet walking can he always introspect and be aware, thinking about whether he has fallen into the rules of the game in the entertainment industry, and whether he is invisibly chasing fame and fortune Despite this, Chen Kun still persevered, and 12 years later, this project is still ongoing.

Chen Kun, who is looking for himself, is also challenging the limits of his acting skills. After 2010, he began to try masochism, looking for scripts that made him uncomfortable and small roles. In "Let the Bullets Fly", he took the initiative to win over the villain Hu Wan, which was a change to his previous image.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

Relying on a little wine, he asked Jiang Wen at the dinner table: "Director, do you dare to use the idol pie?" The next day, Jiang Wen called, saying that there was a small role, and asked him if he wanted to come to this attempt, so that Chen Kun found a new joy in acting, and he liked the state of his performance from the bottom of his heart, which also made him regain his awe of acting.

Subsequently, Chen Kun had the courage to try a completely different tough guy image in "Looking for the Dragon", showing his multi-faceted acting skills. Although he completed this mission very well, he said that working with Huang Bo and Shu Qi is his most valuable asset.

He was full of praise for the performances of Huang Bo and Shu Qi, and bluntly said that he found his awe for the performance in them.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

During this time, Chen Kun not only pursued breakthroughs in acting, but also continued to improve his personal accomplishment. He tried to live a Puritan life, not smoking or drinking, and having strict rules about his routine and daily behavior.

This attitude of pursuing self-improvement and continuous challenge has allowed Chen Kun to always maintain a unique charm and depth in the entertainment industry.

After entering middle age, Chen Kun's acting career encountered unprecedented challenges. In recent years, he has starred in several excellent works, such as "Get Out", "Serving the God Order", "Tiansheng Long Song", "Win or Lose", etc., but they have not achieved the expected good results.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

The successive defeats have aroused the public's doubts about his acting skills, and Chen Kun has to face the professional dilemma of a middle-aged actor.

Especially when trying costume dramas and Xianxia dramas, Chen Kun suffered a lot of setbacks. His performance in "The Order of the Gods" was not ideal, which also triggered people's reflection: Is Chen Kun's acting skills really that good? Are the few classic works he made when he was young just acting in his true colors? However, this dilemma is not unique to Chen Kun alone.

Zhou Dongyu's "Eternal Dust", Qin Hao's "Splendid Nange", Zhang Zhen's "Chenxi Yuan", Zhang Ziyi's "Shangyang Fu", etc., these powerful actors also encountered Waterloo when they tried similar themes.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

This phenomenon reveals a brutal truth: middle-aged male actors are difficult to be accepted by audiences in certain types of dramas. The face engraved with some traces of time does not seem to be suitable for interpreting those pure and pretentious love stories.

As netizens said when commenting on "Win or Lose": "The plot is suspended and the intelligence is reduced, and the script is so bad that Chen Kun can't save it."

In the face of many difficulties, Chen Kun did not choose to give up, he still actively explored the role that suited him, and at the same time tried to maintain his acting career in the environment of the market downturn and the scarcity of good scripts.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

Although this process is full of challenges, it also gives Chen Kun the opportunity to experience the helplessness of ordinary actors and become part of his life practice.

Since Chen Kun stepped into the entertainment industry, the word "mysterious" has always been with him. He has a young son, but the child's biological mother remains a mystery. His son Chen Zunyou was born in 2002 and is now 21 years old.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

In the face of these, Chen Kun can always face them with a peaceful attitude. He told his son that this was fate, just like his parents divorced, everything was a fact and could not be changed. This attitude reflects Chen Kun's unique understanding of life and way of doing things.

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, Chen Kun always adheres to his pace and rhythm. He is not keen on building a persona, let alone following the trend, but firmly adheres to his own principles.

When he first debuted, his interviews were more difficult than other newcomers, and he didn't seem to be willing to participate in the games of the entertainment industry, which is not only his unique charm, but also confusing and incomprehensible.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

Chen Kun's interviews are often puzzling, and his speeches often contain inadvertent Buddhist quotations, showing a unique and detached temperament. No matter what kind of interview he faces, he can play as he pleases, talk endlessly, and often open and close his movements.

However, he describes himself as a "scattered" person, and this contradictory performance makes people feel peculiar.

Chen Kun's uniqueness lies in his attitude towards fame and fortune. He is keenly aware of these effects on himself and is constantly adjusting his state through walking and introspection. In this world where everyone is profit-seeking, Chen Kun interprets another attitude to life in his own way, although it seems to be asking for hardships, but it has also won the respect of many people.

The mysterious life of Chen Kun, the "literary and artistic ageless male god"!

Chen Kun is a very sensitive actor in the circle, he is well aware of the influence of Li on himself, and is committed to internal cultivation through walking. To some extent, this kind of behavior can be said to be self-inflicted, but it also reflects Chen Kun's unique philosophy of life.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing fame and fortune in itself, but Chen Kun has shown us another way of life, and this attitude itself deserves our respect.

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