
Bao'an Industrial Development Group: Party building empowers development and serves thousands of enterprises in hundreds of gardens

In order to better implement the spirit of the Third Party Congress of the Seventh Party Congress of Bao'an District, Shenzhen, as well as the general requirements of the District Party Committee on the work of "two all, two good, and four sentences" for grassroots party building, and help the industrial transformation and upgrading of the park and the quality and efficiency of enterprise development, on the afternoon of July 19, under the careful guidance of the Party Committee of the Finance Bureau (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau) of Bao'an District, Shenzhen, the special action of "Party Building Empowering Development and Serving Hundreds of Gardens and Thousands of Enterprises" of Bao'an Industrial Development Group was officially launched in Huizhi Specialized and New Headquarters Base.

The purpose of this special action is to visit more than 1,300 settled enterprises in nearly 100 parks under the guidance of party building and through the form of party members' linkage with investment promotion and operation teams, so as to fully understand the current situation, difficulties and blocking points of the development of enterprises in the park, improve the operation service level and service quality of state-owned enterprise parks, create a "one-stop" all-round enterprise service system, establish a new benchmark for state-owned assets and state-owned enterprise services, and empower enterprises to transform and upgrade, develop and grow.

Bao'an Industrial Development Group: Party building empowers development and serves thousands of enterprises in hundreds of gardens

Bao'an Industrial Development Group's special action to serve 100 gardens and thousands of enterprises was officially launched.

The service set sail, and the whole group has strong strength, excellent service, and excellent environment to promote development

Bao'an is Shenzhen's industrial region, and now it has entered a new stage of industrial transformation and upgrading, system remodeling, anchoring the development goal of building a world-class advanced manufacturing highland, Bao'an is making every effort to build new quality productivity, promote new industrialization, and make every effort to expand new competitive advantages. In this context, it is particularly important to help enterprises take the road of stable transformation and upgrading.

At the launching ceremony, the relevant person in charge of Bao'an Industrial Development Group mentioned that the key direction of the group's efforts is to give full play to the advantages of land and property resources, adhere to high-standard factory construction, high-standard park operation, and high-standard property management, so as to help Bao'an create a world-class business environment and empower enterprises to develop with high quality.

In this special service action, Baoan Industrial Development Group will achieve three "persistence", namely: adhere to the leadership of party building, cohesion, strengthen the strength of the whole group to serve, optimize the environment, and promote development, and be a good "shop second" for enterprises in the park, help enterprises in the park reduce costs and increase efficiency, and provide "five-star nanny" all-round services for enterprises to settle in, office and operate. Insist on solving worries for enterprises and helping them develop, set up a special service class, go deep into the front line of enterprises, fully understand the development needs of enterprises, and help enterprises solve the blockages and difficult problems encountered in the development process. Adhere to building platforms and sharing resources, promote in-depth cooperation between enterprises and international industrial resources, universities and scientific research institutions, promote the integrated development of production, education and research, help enterprises promote technological innovation, management innovation and model innovation, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises with innovation, and achieve higher-quality development.

Subsequently, Dr. Li Jia, the general convener of the industrial service platform of Huizhi R&D Center, made a wonderful introduction from the aspects of "strategic consulting, resource introduction, digitalization, and characteristic financing of the park" of industrial services, which not only broadened the academic horizons of entrepreneurs, but also injected new ideas into the future innovation and development of enterprises.

"We promise to provide one-stop service and be a warm-hearted person for the development of the enterprise; We promise to make every effort to expand resource docking channels and be a solution to the worries of the enterprise; We promise to make every effort to create a high-quality business environment and be the escort for enterprises to take off. When everyone read the service statement, it was even more sonorous and powerful.

Bao'an Industrial Development Group: Party building empowers development and serves thousands of enterprises in hundreds of gardens

The representative of the service class read out the service declaration.

In the process of carrying out the action, Bao'an Industrial Development Group will be guided by the innovative model of "1123+N", that is, 1 main line runs throughout, 1 brand leads the way, 2 teams go deep into the front line, and 3 major service platforms are fully supported, with diversified "N" measures, vowing to send all-round and high-quality services to the heart of every enterprise in the park, and strive to use the temperature of service, the speed of problem solving, and the strength of responsibility, so that entrepreneurs and employees can feel warm, intimate and assured.

In addition, in the early stage of the event, Bao'an Industrial Development Group also made careful preparations in all aspects, from the construction of the platform to the release of service packages and service manuals, from the exterior walls, light signs and billboards of Huizhi's specialized and special new headquarters base, light signs, and billboards pasted to widely warm-up to carry out special training for the operation team, every detail reveals Bao'an Industrial Development Group's firm determination and forward-looking layout for serving enterprises in the park.

Precise docking, the service team will go to the front line to listen to the voice and solve the problem

It is a highlight of this special action that party members link up with the investment promotion operation team and the service class composed of experts to accurately connect with service enterprises on the front line, listen to the voice of enterprises, and solve the difficulties encountered in the development of enterprises. In order to truly serve the special action of 100 gardens and 1000 enterprises, Baoan Industrial Development Group has formulated a visit schedule to refine the division of responsibilities, so that the "big visit" can be "greatly improved".

"Seeking common development for enterprises, whether it is our state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, are an important part of the market economy, and they are all facing the same production development problems and pain points. Therefore, we are more empathetic, proactive in front of the service, and strive to be a good 'pusher' of the enterprise. A party member representative of the service class said that by participating in the enterprise service training meeting organized by the group in the early stage, he solved a lot of confusion in the communication and docking with the enterprise when he visited the enterprise, and he was confident that he could provide more accurate, professional and comprehensive services for the enterprises in the park.

During the visit, the service team will also invite enterprises to fill in questionnaires to timely grasp the development status, business difficulties and needs of enterprises, so as to serve enterprises efficiently; Invite enterprises to pay attention to the relevant official accounts of the group, so that enterprises can quickly obtain various policy information and industry docking exchange information...... Each step aims to establish a closer connection with the enterprise, fully grasp the "industrial map" of the enterprise, and lay a solid foundation for the follow-up accurate service.

It is reported that the special action will last until October this year, with a total duration of nearly three months, and it is planned to explore and practice the path of state-owned enterprises with park enterprises through the establishment of party member pioneer demonstration posts, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the "progress" of the group's cause with high-quality party building. At the same time, Bao'an Industrial Development Group will also accumulate a large amount of first-hand information and data, and make every effort to analyze, refine and summarize, and strive to provide important data support for the high-quality development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Bao'an District and even the wider region, so that the business environment can be continuously optimized, and help Shenzhen build an economic center city with more global influence and a modern international metropolis.

The relevant person in charge of investment promotion and operation of Bao'an Industrial Development Group said that while planting a good plane tree to attract a phoenix, serving enterprises wholeheartedly, and striving to optimize the business environment, Bao'an Industrial Development Group also made full use of the space carrier of the Sino-German-European International Exchange Center to help enterprises go to sea by holding a series of "Let the World See" series of Chinese and foreign industry exchange activities; Actively implement the investment promotion work deployment of the Bao'an District Party Committee and District Government, resolutely shoulder the mission and responsibility, work hard, promote the advantages of Bao'an and the group park, and go all out to do a good job in attracting investment, so that more high-quality enterprises can take root and develop in the fertile soil of Bao'an.

Huizhi industry service platform

The main content of the service manual

1. Core services of the park

Specialized, special and new → little giant→ individual champion

Echelon cultivation escort service

●Pre-application and review services

●Navigation and protection of intellectual property rights at home and abroad

●The quality management level of the enterprise is upgraded

●Standard system construction

●Improvement of characteristic indicators

●Assist in establishing/co-building R&D institutions

●Industrial chain docking to boost the growth of enterprises

●Precise financing to accelerate the capitalization process

●Listing path planning and counseling

2. Industrial services

●Strategic consulting

● Resource import

● Digital services

● Major projects

●Financing of park characteristics

3. Enterprise services

●Comprehensive financing


● Government funding

● Intellectual property services

●Finance and taxation legal affairs

Fourth, brand service

● Industry Forum

●Technical seminars

●Resource matchmaking

●Special training

●Study tour of large factories

● Salon activities

● Project roadshow day

● Corporate Exhibition Week

"1123+N" innovative service model of Industrial Development Group

1 main line

With the party building leading the investment operation as the main line, and the Huizhi R&D center as the carrier, an industrial corridor is formed through the construction of the party-mass service center, government service center, enterprise exhibition hall, etc., to provide service positions and advertising display space for enterprises.

1 brand

Build the industrial service brand of Huizhi R&D Center, develop and launch a series of IPs such as Huizhi mascot "Tiezai (Huidazhi)" and Huizhi industrial platform "Conspicuous Bag" to establish a brand image, radiate and drive the steady development of surrounding projects, and enhance Huizhi's influence and communication.

2 teams

●The first is to set up a demonstration post for party members and form a vanguard team of party members;

●The second is to set up a special service class and adopt the "10+2" group model (i.e., 10 working groups + 2 expert groups).

3 service platforms

First, it provides strong support for "one-stop" all-round service enterprises by signing strategic framework agreements with relevant service providers (universities, scientific research institutions, qualification accreditation, banks, law firms, etc.);

The second is to provide enterprises with a series of services including industrial going overseas, investment and financing services, specialized and special new echelon cultivation, enterprise growth diagnosis, etc., and provide basic free service packages for more than 1,300 enterprises. (That is, an opportunity for a five-star Huizhi Hall to be the master, an expert-level think tank to answer questions about the all-round development, and a world-class appearance of the Bay Area ABP);

The third is to establish an online service community, integrate basic data, conduct user portrait analysis, and improve the activity of the community through various methods such as online release of offline activities, official account video account push, policy push, supply and demand docking, etc., and form the basic plate of industrial marketing of Baoan Industrial Development Group.

N special services

Diversified value-added services and characteristic innovation measures continuously broaden the service boundary, improve service quality, and meet the diversified and personalized needs of enterprises.

Bao'an Industrial Development Group: Party building empowers development and serves thousands of enterprises in hundreds of gardens

Bao'an Daily All-Media Reporter Huang Dongmei Correspondent He Linqiang Wu Shouhuan/Text Reporter Li Bingrong/Photo

Edited by Wang Wencheng

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