
Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

Do you still remember that sweet and lovely Zhao Liying? That's right, it's the one who once played Minglan in "Know or Not", and tomorrow in "Sweet Crit". However, you would never have imagined that the role she was going to challenge this time would be...

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

A white fox who has been released from prison!

What?! You heard it right! Our Ying Bao is going to play a character who has just been released from prison! It's like throwing a docile little white rabbit into a pack of wolves, it's shocking!

But, dear readers, please don't rush to conclusions. Because behind this news, there is an even bigger secret...

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

Let's rewind the time to July 22, 2024, this ordinary but extraordinary day. On this day, an official announcement exploded in the entertainment industry like a bombshell:

Zhao Liying will star in the new movie "Sunny · Flower" directed by Feng Xiaogang!

That's right, you read that right! This is director Feng Xiaogang! That Feng Xiaogang who has created countless classics! And now, he has chosen Zhao Liying as the protagonist of his new movie. It's like... It's as surprising as McDonald's suddenly announcing that it will sell xiaolongbao!

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

But wait! The story isn't over yet!

The movie is called "We Girls" in English, and it sounds like a movie with a deep sense of sisterhood. However, the plot is unexpectedly related to "going to jail"!

The role that Zhao Liying wants to play is a white fox who has been released from prison. She will return to society with her "sisters". This setting is like a mix of "Prison Break" and "Ode to Joy"!

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

Can you imagine? That once sweet and lovely Zhao Liying is now going to play a role that has just been released from prison? It's like seeing Snow White suddenly transform into Black Widow!

But, dear readers, please don't be fooled by appearances. Because behind this seemingly crazy decision, there is an even bigger secret hidden...

This could be a huge adventure directed by Feng Xiaogang!

You must know that Feng Xiaogang is a director who is famous for shooting realistic themes. And this time, he chose such a special perspective to tell women's stories, which can't help but make people sigh: Lao Feng, you have finally opened your mind!

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

Think about it, how can a group of women who have just regained their freedom reintegrate into society? What kind of challenges do they face? What kind of discrimination will you encounter? This theme is like a time bomb that could detonate the discussion of the whole society at any time!

And Zhao Liying, an actor who was once thought by many people to only play sweet roles, is it not a gorgeous turn to challenge such a deep role this time?

It's like a butterfly that is finally about to break out of its cocoon and show its most beautiful side!

But, dear readers, the story is not over yet!

On the day of the official announcement, the Internet exploded. Some people are so excited that they seem to have won the lottery, and some people are so sour that they feel like they have eaten a hundred lemons.

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

Someone said, "Wow! Zhao Liying is finally going to play a big production! "

Some people also ridiculed: "Heh, another 'gang girl' was born." "

In the face of these different voices, Zhao Liying chose to respond with practical actions. It is reported that she has already joined the group and started shooting. Moreover, the filming location was selected in Changsha, Hunan, and the estimated shooting time is 40 days.

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

40 days, what a magic number!

Do you know? In many cultures, 40 days is considered a cycle of transition. 40 days can change a person's habits, 40 days can make the seeds germinate and grow, 40 days... Maybe it can make an actor reborn!

And this may be the common ambition of Zhao Liying and Feng Xiaogang - to create a work that amazes everyone in 40 days!

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

But, dear readers, do you think they will succeed?

Can Zhao Liying handle this role? Will Feng Xiaogang's adventure end in failure? Will this movie become another classic?

It's like a thrilling gamble, and the stakes are the reputation and future of two people!

Regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain: the film will definitely spark buzz. Because it touches the most sensitive and overlooked group of people in our society – those who have made mistakes in the past but want to start over.

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

It is like a mirror that reflects the prejudices and inadequacies of our society.

So, dear readers, let's look forward to the release of this movie together! Perhaps, it will change the way we think about certain things, and maybe, it will teach us to be more tolerant and understanding.

Finally, a word for everyone: don't be fooled by the brilliance of the surface, and don't be bound by the shadows of the past. Everyone has the right to start over, and the key is whether you have the courage to take that step.

Sunflower is officially announced! Zhao Liying starring in Feng Xiaogang's new movie! The comment area is sour

So, what do you guys think of this film? Do you think Zhao Liying is up to the task? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and let's discuss together! Maybe your opinion will be the next hot topic!

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