
Yue Fei ordered the killing of 40 deserters, and the one who was left behind with a soft heart has achieved a generation of famous generals who have attracted worldwide attention


In the Southern Song Dynasty, the choice of a famous general rewrote the trajectory of history. Yue Fei, the anti-gold hero who frightened the Jin people, is not only known for his bravery and resourcefulness, but also because of a soft-hearted move, he unexpectedly achieved a world-renowned general - Li Bao. When Yue Fei was faced with the need to enforce military law and ordered the execution of 40 deserters, in a fortuitous moment, he chose forgiveness and released a soldier who should have died in Huangquan, and this soldier eventually became the nightmare of the Jin army's naval warfare and wrote his own glorious chapter.

Yue Fei ordered the killing of 40 deserters, and the one who was left behind with a soft heart has achieved a generation of famous generals who have attracted worldwide attention


The choice between loyalty and righteousness: Yue Fei and the deserter Li Bao's indissoluble bond

In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, the country was shattered, and Yue Fei shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the family and defending the country with enthusiasm, and formed a disciplined and invincible Yue family army. In those turbulent times, military discipline was like a mountain, and anyone who violated it faced severe punishment. One day, Yue Fei faced 40 soldiers who had escaped from the battle and issued a merciless sentence - execution. However, behind this cold military order, Yue Fei's deep understanding of loyalty and righteousness was hidden.

Li Bao, a young man from a poor background and an unruly personality, chose to flee with his partners because he was dissatisfied with the strict training of the Yue family's army. After being captured, when facing the line of life and death, he shouted his determination to resist Jin, and this sincerity touched Yue Fei. Yue Fei knows very well that a true warrior, even if he is lost for a while, his heart is for the country, and he can be reused. It was this rare soft-heartedness that made Yue Fei decide to give Li Bao a second chance, allowing him to prove himself again in the Yue family's army.

Yue Fei ordered the killing of 40 deserters, and the one who was left behind with a soft heart has achieved a generation of famous generals who have attracted worldwide attention

Li Bao's counterattack: from a deserter to a famous general at sea

After being pardoned, Li Bao learned from the pain and deeply felt that Yue Fei's trust was commendable. He began to devote himself to studying, especially under the guidance of Yue Fei, and developed a strong interest in water warfare. Li Bao's natural resourcefulness and courage were fully exerted in the experience of the Yue family's army. Not only was he proficient in water warfare, but he was also adept at using firearms, skills that played a decisive role in his later battles.

Time passed to 1161, the Jin army invaded the south again, and the navy division was strong, with 70,000 people, intending to pacify the Southern Song Dynasty in one fell swoop. In the face of such a strong enemy, the government and the opposition were shaken, only Li Bao stepped forward and took the initiative to ask for help, with only 3,000 sailors, vowing to defend his home and country. In this naval battle, known as the "Battle of Tangdao", Li Bao skillfully used gunpowder and strategy to inflict heavy losses on the Jin army, creating the first large-scale gunpowder battle in the world's military history, and its name also resounded all over the world and became a legendary battle on the same level as the Battle of Chibi.

Yue Fei ordered the killing of 40 deserters, and the one who was left behind with a soft heart has achieved a generation of famous generals who have attracted worldwide attention


In the torrent of history, the story of Yue Fei and Li Bao is not only a good story of loyalty and forgiveness, but also a legend of courage and wisdom. Yue Fei's soft-heartedness seems insignificant, but in fact it sows hope for the future. Li Bao's transformation from a deserter to a famous general is the victory of his personal struggle, and it is also a perfect interpretation of Yue Fei's way of knowing and employing people. In that era of heroes, they jointly wrote an indelible history, inspiring future generations to continue to move forward, not forgetting the national shame, and having the courage to take responsibility.

Yue Fei ordered the killing of 40 deserters, and the one who was left behind with a soft heart has achieved a generation of famous generals who have attracted worldwide attention