
United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Video introduction

In the long river of time, Kazuko's childhood is like a colorful but somewhat mysterious picture. Every birthday, her father's brush dipped in red paint left not only handwriting on her young face, but also a unique memory deeply imprinted in the depths of her soul. Those red brushstrokes seem to be the silk threads of fate, weaving the complex lines of her future life.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Kazuko grew up in a traditional environment full of patriarchal authority. Since childhood, the seeds of literature have taken root in her heart, and her inner world is like a rich treasure, full of independent and profound ideas. However, the fence of reality relentlessly restrained her, making her thoughts eager to express freely like birds trapped in a cage, unable to soar to their heart's content.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Under such repression, Kazuko's first marriage inevitably broke down. It was a tragedy that the heart and the heart could not match, and her search for self was consumed in the triviality of marriage, and in the end only endless loss and confusion remained.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

With a broken heart, Kazuko came to the bustling and unfamiliar Hong Kong. In this city full of opportunities and challenges, her wheel of fortune began a new turn. Here, she meets the publisher and his unusual gay lover, Xie Lang.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Xie Lang, a soul who seemed to come from another world, his appearance was like a bright lightning bolt, instantly illuminating the corners of Kazuko's heart that were hidden by darkness. His deep eyes were full of understanding and encouragement, which made Kazuko feel the warmth she hadn't felt for a long time.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Kazuko named her work "Pillow Grass", and each time she wrote it was a volume. And Xie Lang has become a bridge between her and the outside world. Every time Kazuko finishes a volume, Xie Lang will carry this unique art to the publisher, so that the words hidden under the skin will show their unique charm.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

However, the trajectory of fate is always full of twists and turns. As time passed, the relationship between Kazuko and Xie Lang also gradually became delicate and complicated. Xie Lang's busyness and negligence made Kazuko feel unprecedentedly cold. Her sensitive heart was hurt again, so she chose to avoid Xie Lang.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

And Xie Lang, after realizing his mistake, is determined to save this precious relationship. He knows that Kazuko is not only a creative partner for him, but also a resonator in the depths of his soul. In order to regain Kazuko's heart, he made an extreme decision - to force him to the death.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

It was a stormy night, and Xie Lang stood in front of Kazuko's door, letting the rain soak through his body. His eyes were full of despair and determination, and his voice trembled in the wind: "Kazuko, if you don't show up again, I'll end all this." ”

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Kazuko heard Xie Lang's cry in the house, and her heart was instantly tightened. The fond memories of the past flooded back her mind, and she could no longer remain indifferent. She rushed out of the door and hugged Xie Lang tightly, tears intertwined with the rain.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste
United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Since then, Kazuko and Xie Lang cherish each other even more. Together, they face the doubts and difficulties of the outside world, and use each other's love and support to protect this unique and precious artistic creation.

On a sunny afternoon, Kazuko sat in front of the window, the brush in her hand sliding lightly, writing a beautiful line of words on her arm. Xie Lang watched quietly from the side, his eyes full of appreciation and love. They know that no matter how many storms there are in the future, as long as they move forward hand in hand, they will be able to write a beautiful chapter that belongs to them.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

As the years go by, Kazuko's "Pillow Grass" has attracted more and more attention and appreciation. Her name has become a legend in the art world, and the story of her and Xie Lang has also become a good story in people's mouths.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Kazuko and Xie Lang's lives gradually calmed down after the twists and turns, and they devoted more energy to the creation and dissemination of "Pillow Grass".

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Kazuko's words became more and more dynamic and profound, as if each stroke contained the whispers of her soul. Xie Lang is no longer just a bridge to convey, he has begun to deeply participate in the discussion of creation, bringing new inspiration and perspective to Kazuko.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

In the quiet of the night, with the dim light, they will discuss the themes and expressions of the next volume. Sometimes, for a brilliant idea, they will argue red-faced; Sometimes, they hug and cheer because of a sudden inspiration.

With the fame of "Pillow Grass", Kazuko received invitations from all over the world. They embark on a journey together, drawing nourishment from different cultural soils and enriching the content of their works.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

In Paris, they strolled along the Champs-Élysées and felt the artistic atmosphere of the romantic capital; In New York, they weave from exhibition to exhibition of modern art, pondering how to integrate avant-garde ideas into the traditional art of writing.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

However, behind the success is also jealousy and doubt. Some conservative critics have accused their work of being too deviant and contrary to traditional artistic norms. There are even people who maliciously speculate about their relationship and try to create a scandal.

But Kazuko and Xie Lang were not disturbed by these voices. They firmly believe that the value of art lies in innovating and expressing inner truth, not in catering to the expectations of others.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

At an important art exhibition, Kazuko decided to present her latest volume of "Pillow Grass" herself. When she slowly peeled off her coat to reveal her well-written body, the audience was silent at first, and then erupted in applause. At that moment, all doubts vanished, and people were impressed by her courage and talent.

In the days that followed, Kazuko and Xie Lang continued their unique artistic journey. They bought a small house in an old town, surrounded by green hills and green waters, peaceful and peaceful.

United States' large-scale "tertiary film" "Pillow Book" was released in 95, don't miss it if you like heavy taste

Every morning, Kazuko writes in the garden in the sunshine, while Xie Lang prepares paints and tools for her. In the evening, they will walk hand in hand on the country lanes, sharing their experiences and insights for the day.

They also adopted a child, whose innocence added more warmth and joy to their lives. The child grew up in a family full of artistic atmosphere, and gradually showed a strong interest in Kazuko's creation.

As time passed, Kazuko and Xie Lang's hair gradually turned white, but the light in their eyes never went out. Their love and dedication to art have become a beautiful scenery in the hearts of the people around them.

When they look back, those difficulties and setbacks have turned into precious memories. They know that life is like the words written on the body, there are ups and downs, thick and light, but as long as there is love and dreams in the heart, the most wonderful chapters can be written.

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