
Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere

A few days ago, Joe Bryant, the father of NBA legend Kobe Bryant, died of illness at the age of 69. Kobe Bryant's father may not be familiar to everyone, but he was also a star-level figure in the NBA back then, was drafted by the Warriors that year, and then traded to the 76ers, and reached the Finals with the team here, although he is not a top star, but he is also a qualified rotation, averaging about 10 points per game in his NBA career. He then ended his career in the Italy league, where he was a great success, becoming a local hero for a time. Similarly, Kobe Bryant's ability to become a top superstar in the NBA is inextricably linked to his father's training.

Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere
Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere

Of course, the relationship between Kobe and his parents is also ups and downs, after Kobe met Vanessa, their relationship was at an impasse, Kobe fell in love with Vanessa that year, but was strongly opposed by his parents, they thought that Vanessa and Kobe were together because of money. In the face of his parents' beating of mandarin ducks, the stubborn Kobe Bryant chose Vanessa, which also led to their parents not attending their wedding ceremony. Later, Kobe's parents auctioned off some of Kobe's personal memorabilia, which led to a court confrontation...... It wasn't until Kobe's eldest daughter Natalia was born that Kobe Bryant realized that it was not easy to be a parent, and the relationship between him and his parents eased.

Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere
Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere

But the good times didn't last long, and just when the family was developing well, Kobe Bryant suffered a helicopter accident and finally died at the age of 41. As the only son of the entire family, Kobe's death hit his parents hard, especially Kobe's father who couldn't come out of his grief for a long time. Previously, Kobe's sister had said that her father was depressed all day long because of Kobe's death, and he also suffered from depression. Not long ago, Kobe's father suffered from serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and he was not cured later at the age of 69. I believe that Kobe's father went with regret, and it was a pity that the white-haired man sent the black-haired man......

Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere
Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere

It is worth mentioning that according to media reports, during Kobe's father's serious illness, Kobe's wife Vanessa and three daughters never visited, only accompanied by their lovely mother and sister. For Vanessa's approach, many fans said that she was a little impersonal. Although there is a conflict between herself and her in-laws, it is understandable that she does not visit, but as a granddaughter, she does not visit her biological grandfather, which is a little impersonal. And after Kobe's death, all the property obtained by Kobe Bryant's career was in the hands of Vanessa, which was also unfair to Kobe's elderly parents. And after the news of Kobe's father's death broke, Vanessa, as a daughter-in-law, did not visit, but just made a memorial post on social media, just like remembering a stranger.

Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere
Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere
Impersonal! NBA Kobe Bryant's father's memorial service Vanessa responded indifferently and went on vacation everywhere

According to media reports, Kobe's father's memorial service has been carried out in a low-key manner, during which Vanessa's three daughters have not appeared, and according to her social media dynamics, Vanessa took her eldest daughter to watch the concert together, and then appeared on the beach with the children on vacation, and posted a photo with a sweet smile, it can be said that Kobe's father's death has nothing to do with herself. What do you think about this?

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