
Cultural China Tour丨"Crooked Nuts" Check-in Southeast and Northwest China: Delicious, Fun, "Not Outside"


With the continuous optimization of China's 72/144-hour transit visa-free policy, more and more "crooked nuts" can't wait to open China Travel. What is the unique charm that made our four foreign friends travel all over China, shouting "Amazing"!

Cultural China Tour丨"Crooked Nuts" Check-in Southeast and Northwest China: Delicious, Fun, "Not Outside"

"Sigh" Lao Guang morning tea, taste the authentic Shanghai xiaolongbao, taste the "Ba Shi" Chengdu old hot pot, and then take a bite of the Dalian seafood that has just been caught...... "crooked nuts" praise again and again, and be amazed.

Cultural China Tour丨"Crooked Nuts" Check-in Southeast and Northwest China: Delicious, Fun, "Not Outside"

Wear Hanfu, make lacquer fans, watch panda "flowers", and experience the cloisonné enamel process of copper tires...... The charm of traditional Chinese culture makes the "crooked nuts" linger and be happy.

Cultural China Tour丨"Crooked Nuts" Check-in Southeast and Northwest China: Delicious, Fun, "Not Outside"

Foreign tourists also benefit from the facilitation service measures for foreign visitors to China that have been actively launched in recent years, such as "silky" payment for taxis, shopping, catering, etc., and they can feel China's hospitality as soon as they enter the country.

Cultural China Tour丨"Crooked Nuts" Check-in Southeast and Northwest China: Delicious, Fun, "Not Outside"

Up to now, the number of ports applicable to China's 144-hour transit visa-free policy has increased to 37. The design of various systems has made China's opening up more vivid and palpable. When "City does not City" becomes the top stream, when "China Travel" becomes the trend, "my door is always open" is not only the door, but also a more vibrant, more convenient and more technological China!

Cultural China Tour丨"Crooked Nuts" Check-in Southeast and Northwest China: Delicious, Fun, "Not Outside"

Choreographer: Zhang Jiao, Fan Wenyun, Yu Yue

Reporter: Wei Qian, Fan Zimeng, Chang Peiqi, Chen Jiayi, Yang Yi, Fan Wenyun, Hu Sheng, Jia Lixin, Luo Peipeng

Video Editor: Huang Lei

Produced by SSE Audio and Video Center

Jointly produced by the audio and video department of Xinhua News Agency and Shanghai Securities News

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