
Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

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Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

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The clash of light and shadow: behind the popularity of a domestic film before it was released

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

Film, as a powerful art form, carries the weight of history, the temperature of reality and the brilliance of human nature, when the camera is aimed at that painful history, when the light and shadow intertwine to reproduce the cruelty of war, a movie is no longer just entertainment, but also a mirror, reflecting the complexity and profundity of human nature, a domestic film focusing on the crimes of Japan's "731" troops during World War II, has not yet been released on the Internet, causing heated discussions and expectations among netizens What kind of movie is this? Why does it tug at the heartstrings of countless people?

"731": A history that should not be forgotten

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

"Unit 731", the name is as heavy as a nightmare for every Chinese, during World War II, this demonic army dressed in the cloak of science, committed unspeakable crimes on the soil of China, they used living people to carry out inhumane bacterial experiments, human dissection, created a horrific human tragedy, brought indelible pain to the Chinese nation, this history, is the scar of the Chinese nation, but also the shame of human civilization, but also the alarm bell that cannot be forgotten

It is reported that this film directed by Zhao Linshan, Jiang Wu, Wang Zhiwen, Li Naiwen, Wang Junkai and other powerful actors co-starred in the film, with a documentary approach, truly reproduces the crimes of the "731" troops, exposing the cruelty of war and the annihilation of human nature

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

Rumors and Responses: A storm of public opinion around the movie

Just when the movie "731" was about to be released, news suddenly came out on the Internet, saying that the film was reported due to scale problems, and was even ordered to be taken off the shelves

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

In the face of surging public opinion, the film's director Zhao Linshan made a positive response in an interview, he said that the movie "731" had obtained the "Dragon Mark" issued by the National Film Bureau as early as early May, that is, the film release license, which proves that the content of the film has passed the review, and the rumors about the film being reported and removed from the shelves are even more nonsense

Director Zhao Linshan further explained that the post-production work of the movie "731" has not yet been completed, so there is no such thing as finalization and removal, and he also revealed that the post-production of the film requires a lot of time and energy to ensure that the final presentation to the audience is a high-quality film work

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

Netizens are hotly discussed: expectation, questioning and thinking

The director's response undoubtedly reassured the fans who were looking forward to it, but the public opinion turmoil surrounding the movie "731" triggered deeper thinking among netizens

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

On social media, many netizens expressed strong expectations for the movie "731", they believe that this history should not be forgotten, but should be put on the screen, so that more people can understand the truth, remember history, cherish peace, a netizen left a message: "I look forward to the early release of this film so that the world can see the heinous crimes committed by Japan's militarism!" ”

At the same time, some netizens expressed concerns about the final presentation of the film, they believe that shooting such a film with a sensitive theme and a large scale requires a very high artistic standard and a sense of historical responsibility, and how to not only truly restore history, but also avoid excessive rendering of bloody violence is a big test

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

Some netizens sharply pointed out that this public opinion turmoil may reflect from the side that there are still some dilemmas and challenges in the face of historical themes in domestic films, and how to respect history and remember history to create excellent works that are both applauded and popular is a difficult problem in front of all filmmakers

The Future of Domestic Anti-War Films: Moving Forward in Reflection

Jiang Wu Wang Junkai's "731" was taken off the shelves? The director responded to refute the rumors, and netizens said that there were dark forces

The picture comes from the Internet

In recent years, with the vigorous development of the Chinese film market, more and more domestic films have begun to pay attention to historical themes, and a number of excellent anti-war works have emerged, such as "Nanjing! Nanking! ", "Eight Hundred", etc., these films have won the recognition and praise of the audience with their profound themes and excellent production

It is undeniable that domestic anti-war films still face many challenges in the creation, how to balance the relationship between historical truth and artistic creation? How to avoid over-commercialization and entertainment? How to tell China's story to the world with a more international perspective? These are all questions that filmmakers need to constantly explore and think about

The emergence of the movie "731" may be able to provide some new ideas for the development of domestic anti-war films, which allows us to see that in the face of history, filmmakers can be more courageous, more determined, and use the power of light and shadow to expose the darkness, protect the light, and convey the belief of peace and love

I believe that in the near future, there will be more excellent domestic anti-war films, which will go to the world with a more confident attitude, so that the world can hear China's voice and see China's strength

Are you looking forward to this movie? What do you think of domestic anti-war films? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your views

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