
In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

Content Sources:

1. Gao Shiqi, Li Lanjuan. Research Progress on the Mechanism of Salvia Miltiorrhiza in Resistant to Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases[J]. China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information, 2020, 27(2): 5-9.

2. Li Ming, Wang Xiaoli. Research Progress on the Cardio-Cerebrovascular Protective Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Its Active Components[J]. Chinese Herbal Medicine, 2021, 52(9): 2510-2518.

3. Zhang Xinyu, Zhou Huiming, Zhang Zhiyong. Effect and mechanism of Salvia miltiorrhiza on angiogenesis in coronary heart disease[J]. Chinese Journal of Modern Medicine, 2019, 29(4): 45-49.

Li Xu, a 42-year-old man from Anhui Province, is an ordinary enterprise worker with a meager income, and the pressure of housing and car loans overwhelms him. When his wife watched this scene, she felt very uncomfortable.

In 2016, Li Xu participated in the physical examination organized by the unit as usual. After examination, it was found that the blood pressure was high, with a value of 150/100mmHg, which belonged to the ranks of hypertension. At the doctor's suggestion, Li Xu began to take a blood pressure medication called nifedipine, although the price is affordable, but long-term medication is still a large expense. For this reason, Li Xu always has a match in taking medicine.

In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

This afternoon, Li Xu was working in the unit, got up and was about to go to fetch water, the person didn't take two steps and began to be in a trance, the things in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of white fog, the world was upside down, fortunately there was a wall around, which made it difficult for him to stabilize his body.

After returning home that night, Li Xu remembered that he had not taken blood pressure medication for several days, and hurriedly made up the amount of medicine for the previous days. His wife saw that he grabbed a large handful of medicine, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "What's the use of you making up for it, you have to do what the doctor says, but you just turn a deaf ear, I see that you are not far from entering the hospital if you go on like this!" ”

After speaking, his wife walked away angrily, leaving Li Xu stunned in place. It's not that he doesn't know the truth in these words, it's just that he knows that it's not easy to support his family, and he thinks that he can save a little bit, so he doesn't listen to his wife's words in his heart.

A few days later, Li Xu had a rare rest, and several children were clamoring to go to the amusement park. couldn't bear the children's pleading, so Li Xu had no choice but to agree. His wife went with him. After the basic amusement project, Dabao proposed to take a roller coaster, but because he was not old enough, he had to choose a family member to accompany him.

His wife's fear of heights is naturally ruled out, and Li Xu has high blood pressure and cannot go up according to reason. But in order not to disappoint the child's interest, Li Xu quickly followed and lined up. After playing in a circle, Dabao clapped his hands excitedly, but Li Xu suffered a big crime, holding on to the trash can and vomiting, and on the way home, people had no energy, leaning against the car window without saying a word.

After arriving home, Li Xu went straight back to the bedroom, and his wife followed closely to check the situation. As soon as he entered the door, he found Li Xu leaning against the wall, panting heavily, covering his chest with one hand, looking pained. After hearing the movement, his wife wanted to ask about the situation, but the next second Li Xu fainted directly to the ground.

In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

After being taken to the hospital, doctors learned from family members that they had a history of high blood pressure and that they had exercised vigorously before being taken to the hospital. Subsequently, the doctor arranged an electrocardiogram and found that there was abnormal elevation of the ST band, which was judged to be an acute anterior myocardial infarction.

Later, the doctor performed a coronary angiography examination, which showed that the patient had 70-80% stenosis of the distal right coronary artery; Completely occluded distantly to the middle of the anterior descending artery, 70-80% stenosis of the first diagonal ramus; The proximal circumflex branch is 60% stenosis, and the middle and distal segments are long, with the heaviest 70-80%.

After understanding the situation, the doctor first discussed with the family to place the stent, and after obtaining consent, emergency rescue was carried out, and a stent was successfully implanted, and the blood flow was restored.

In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

In the past few days of hospitalization, Li Xu has recovered well. When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor prescribed him a box of salvia tablets. Danshen tablets are Chinese patent medicines made with salvia as the main raw material. Salvia miltiorrhiza is a long-term herbal medicine used in traditional Chinese medicine, widely used in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular related diseases such as angina, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, etc., with a complex mechanism of action, mainly including dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, antiplatelet aggregation, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Salvia contains a variety of active ingredients, including tanshinone IIA, protocatechuic acid, etc., which play an important role in unclogging blood vessels. Tanshinone IIA is thought to be able to improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure by directly acting on the smooth muscles of blood vessels, inducing blood vessels to dilate.

In addition, the antioxidants in salvia can scavenge free radicals in the body, slow down the oxidative stress response of vascular endothelial cells, and protect the inner wall of blood vessels from damage. Salvia can also inhibit the aggregation of platelets and reduce blood viscosity, effectively prevent the formation of blood clots, and further ensure blood patency.

In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

After the doctor's introduction, coupled with the fact that I had been closed from the ghost gate, I naturally understood the importance of coming and taking medicine. For what the doctor said, I wrote it down word for word. After arriving home, he strictly followed the doctor's instructions and took medication regularly every day. His wife was glad to see the change in him.

Half a year after being discharged from the hospital, Li Xu noticed that something was wrong. That morning, he got up and brushed his teeth and found that his gums were bleeding, and he thought it was a fire that he didn't take to heart, and he did so for several days. Usually a little bit of activity is out of breath, just like a small thing like holding a child, and within five minutes he will be weak.

In order to avoid his wife's worry, Li Xu did not say these things. Seeing the Mid-Autumn Festival, his wife took her two children to make handmade mooncakes, Li Xu washed his hands and was about to participate, but he fainted directly because he accidentally tripped over the chair.

When the doctor learned that the patient had a history of myocardial infarction, the first thing he thought about was this disease, but after examination, he found that it was completely incorrect. Then I thought of cerebral infarction, but the results of cranial CT surprised everyone present, and the disease turned out to be cerebral hemorrhage.

Under the emergency treatment of the doctor, Li Xu can be regarded as picking up a life. When I wake up, it's just in time for the doctor's rounds. Seeing that he woke up, he stepped forward to check the situation, and after confirming that it was okay, the doctor said regretfully: "Why don't you learn a long lesson for such a simple thing as taking medicine, and still maintain these two habits of taking medicine, it is undoubtedly a chronic suicide!" ”

In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

Although Danshen tablets are helpful in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, these two wrong medication habits will not only reduce the efficacy of the drugs, but may even increase the health risks of patients, especially the risk of cerebral infarction.

1. Increasing the dosage without authorization or taking it uninterrupted for a long time

Some patients believe that the effect of the drug is directly proportional to the dose and frequency of taking, so it is very dangerous to increase the dose taken on their own or take it continuously without taking the doctor's advice.

Although Danshen tablets are derived from natural herbs and are relatively safe, any medicine has its own appropriate dosage and cycle. Taking Danshen tablets in high doses may lead to an increased risk of bleeding, especially in patients who are taking anticoagulant medications. The increased tendency to bleed causes the formation of small blood clots in the blood vessels that can move with the bloodstream and block the blood vessels in the brain, leading to cerebral infarction.

In addition, long-term uninterrupted overdose of Danshen tablets may interfere with the balance of drug metabolism in the body, affect the normal function of the liver, and further increase the risk of cerebral infarction. Therefore, adherence to a doctor's guidance dosage and medication cycle is essential to reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

In 2016, a 42-year-old man took Danshen tablets for a long time to dilate the heart blood vessels, and what happened after half a year

2. Mixed with other medications without consulting a doctor

The ingredients of Danshen tablets can interact with some medications, which may reduce the effectiveness of the medication or, in some cases, increase the risk to the patient.

For example, salvia itself has some anticoagulant effect, which may be enhanced if the patient is taking other anticoagulant medications, such as aspirin or warfarin, greatly increasing the risk of bleeding. Hemorrhage may occur not only on the surface of the body, but also in the body, such as cerebral hemorrhage, which can lead to cerebral infarction in severe cases.

Certain drugs may speed up or slow down the metabolism of Danshen tablets by affecting enzymes in the liver, altering the concentration of the drug in the body. This change may lead to a weakening of the drug's effect or an increase in side effects, increasing the risk of cerebral infarction.

In short, the correct habit of taking medicine is very important for the efficacy of Danshen tablets. Patients should take Danshen tablets strictly according to the doctor's prescription when using them, and should not adjust the dosage or taking cycle by themselves. At the same time, patients should take the initiative to inform their doctor when using other drugs so that the risk of possible drug interactions can be assessed in a timely manner.

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