
Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?
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Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

In the Chinese film and television industry, Chen Baoguo is a well-known name. The 66-year-old national first-class actor, with his superb acting skills and unique personal charm, has created countless unforgettable roles on the screen.

From the majestic Mr. Cheng in "Mansion Gate" to the complex character who won him the actor crown in "The Whip", Chen Baoguo conquered the audience and industry insiders with his performance.

However, just when his career was in full swing, this "old drama bone" chose to quietly quit. His departure was not a sensational farewell, no grand ceremony, as if it were a silent curtain call.

This sudden silence sparked questions and speculation from many viewers.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

Chen Baoguo's growth story is an epic of struggle from poverty to success. Born in an ordinary family, 14-year-old Chen Baoguo had to face the harsh reality of life.

In order to reduce the burden on his family, this sensible teenager had to drop out of school and start his part-time career.

In a restaurant, Chen Baoguo found his first job as a dishwasher. Every morning at 5 a.m., when the city is still asleep, young Chen Baoguo has quietly gotten up, carefully avoided his sleeping neighbors, and came to the restaurant to start the day's work.

Wiping down tables and chairs, washing piles of dirty dishes, and cleaning the bathroom are all strenuous physical tasks that are not easy for a thin teenager.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

The work environment was not friendly, and the supervisor and colleagues in the store often scolded the taciturn boy for no reason. After school, he had to endure the ridicule of other children, and "dishwasher" became synonymous with him.

However, in the face of these difficulties, Chen Baoguo chose to remain silent and persistent. He understands that in order to survive, he has no choice.

But Chen Baoguo was not bound by the predicament in front of him. Outside of work, he has shown an amazing aptitude for learning and mechanics. Starting by repairing his bike, he gradually mastered skills such as changing brake cables and adjusting transmissions.

As he gained knowledge, he began to study motorcycle and car repair techniques. This boy, who had never touched a car before, was able to complete the maintenance and repair of the car independently, easily identifying and solving problems.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

Despite the hardships of life, Chen Baoguo's dream of acting has never been extinguished. At the age of 19, he made a surprising decision - to apply for the performance department of the Central Academy of Drama.

This decision meant that he was giving up a steady income and taking huge risks to chase his dreams.

In order to achieve this seemingly unattainable goal, Chen Baoguo has made unimaginable efforts. During the day, he worked hard in the garage and earned a small income; At night, he huddled in a cramped rental house, studying his acting skills tirelessly.

In order to save money, he often buys only the cheapest bread to satisfy his hunger. In that dim light, he focused on practicing expression management and language expression, fully preparing for the upcoming exam.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

On the day of the exam, Chen Baoguo took a dilapidated bus from a remote village in the western suburbs of Beijing to the college. In the competitive examination room, he heard other candidates boast about their rich experience in drama performances.

However, Chen Baoguo did not feel inferior or uneasy because of this. He quietly waited for his own opportunity, believing that his efforts would eventually pay off.

In the end, with his excellent appearance and tenacity honed in a difficult environment, Chen Baoguo successfully stepped into the door of the Central Academy of Drama. This marks the end of his arduous part-time job career and the beginning of a new chapter full of hope.

From a dishwasher to a student at the Central Academy of Drama, Chen Baoguo uses his own experience to explain what is the spirit of never giving up.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Chen Baoguo joined the Beijing Repertory Theatre with a passion for acting. It has become the cradle for him to hone his acting skills, and it is also the stage for his dream to take off.

Chen Baoguo, who is just starting out in the workplace, started from the most basic role, playing an ordinary and inconspicuous little person in the drama "Newsboy". But it was this role that gave him a deep understanding of life and accumulated rich material for future performances.

With the passage of time, Chen Baoguo's talent was gradually discovered by industry insiders. He has played the leading role in many dramas such as "Red Orange, Yellow Green, Blue and Purple", "Guanyin Six-character Mantra", and every time he takes the stage, he shows amazing performance skills.

These stage experiences not only honed his acting skills, but also allowed him to go further and further on the road of acting.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

The turning point in Chen Baoguo's acting career was in the TV series "Mansion Gate". A discerning director invited him to play the role of Mr. Cheng, which became his first step into the film and television industry.

In the face of this huge challenge, Chen Baoguo did not flinch in the slightest. In order to perfectly interpret this role, he made an amazing effort.

For a whole month, Chen Baoguo locked himself in his home and devoted himself to the creation of the role. He watched a large number of historical materials and related images, and tried to restore the charm of the merchants of that era.

Every micro-expression, every gesture, he practiced repeatedly and tried to achieve perfection. He delves into the psychological state of businessmen, thinks about the various situations that Mr. Cheng may face in his family and career, and integrates these details into his performances.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

This dedication and hard work paid off in the end. As soon as "Mansion Gate" was broadcast, Mr. Cheng played by Chen Baoguo immediately became the focus of heated discussions among the audience. He interprets this complex role so well that the audience feels as if they have traveled through time and space, and truly feel the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of the business giants of that era.

This drama not only made Chen Baoguo famous in one fell swoop, but also established his status in the film and television industry.

However, fame did not stop Chen Baoguo. On the contrary, he is in awe of every new character and never dares to slack off. Whether it's a TV series or a movie, he puts his heart and soul into it, carving every detail with his heart and soul to bring the characters to life.

Chen Baoguo's efforts finally received the highest recognition in the movie "Divine Whip". For this role, he paid unimaginable hard work. The filming conditions were extremely difficult and even caused him to suffer an eye injury.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

But Chen Baoguo always insisted and did not back down because of any difficulties. His professionalism and outstanding performance finally won him the crown of actor and pushed his acting career to a new peak.

When his career was in full swing, Chen Baoguo still maintained his love and awe for acting. Every time he receives a new role, he puts his heart and soul into it, as if he is back to the passionate young man he was when he first entered the industry.

He constantly challenges himself, tries a variety of different types of roles, and uses his performances to interpret the complexity of human nature and the diversity of life.

Chen Baoguo's success is not only a display of talent, but also the result of hard work and perseverance. From the drama stage to the big screen, from obscurity to winning the best actor, he used his experience to interpret what a real actor is.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo has used his strength and persistence to create a legend of his own.

Behind Chen Baoguo's brilliant acting career, there is a partner who silently supports him - his wife Zhao Kui'e. Their love story can be called a good story in the entertainment industry.

Chen Baoguo's fate with Zhao Kuie began on the campus of the Central Academy of Drama. The two studied together and fell in love with each other because of their common artistic pursuits. Although their interests are different – Chen Baoguo is passionate about drama and Zhao is obsessed with education, but this has not become a barrier between them.

On the contrary, they appreciate each other's love and dedication to their careers, which becomes a solid foundation for their relationship.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

After graduating from university, Chen Baoguo devoted himself to his acting career without hesitation and joined the local repertory troupe. Life in the early days was not easy, the troupe had a poor environment, few performance opportunities, and a meager income.

At the same time, Zhao Kui'e has become a Chinese teacher in a well-known key middle school, with a stable job and a good salary. Although the circumstances of the two are very different, their relationship has not been affected in the slightest.

They often go on dates to encourage each other and face life's challenges together.

As Chen Baoguo gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, he finally married the love of his heart. After getting married, Zhao made an admirable decision - she quit her beloved job as a teacher and devoted herself to supporting her husband's career and taking care of the family.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

This decision is not easy for a career-minded woman, but Zhao Kui'e understands that this is the best way for her husband to pursue his acting dreams without worries.

With Zhao Kuie'e's silent dedication, Chen Baoguo's career is thriving. But he never forgot the importance of family. Every time he finished filming, he always rushed home as soon as possible and dedicated all his spare time to his family.

As his son grew up, Chen Baoguo found a balance between family and career, which allowed him to dedicate himself to his work and create a series of critically acclaimed classics.

Chen Baoguo knows that every achievement he has made is inseparable from the firm support and selfless encouragement of his wife behind him. It is with Zhao Kuie'e's understanding and dedication that he can move forward in his acting career without any worries.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

This deep affection is not only an important backing for Chen Baoguo's career to take off, but also a spiritual pillar for him to face the ups and downs of life.

In this Vanity Fair, the marriage of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e is undoubtedly a good story. They use their actions to interpret what it means to be close to each other and what it is to grow together.

This touching love story has also become the most beautiful footnote in Chen Baoguo's acting career.

As Chen Baoguo's position in the entertainment industry became more and more solid, he began to look at the industry through the eyes of a veteran artist. However, what he saw made him deeply worried.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, some "vase" actors with glamorous appearances but poor acting skills emerge in endlessly, they were once popular with their appearance, but they seem to be unable to perform.

Regarding this phenomenon, Chen Baoguo chose to speak out. As an artist who sees acting as a lifelong pursuit, he cannot tolerate this disrespect for the performing arts.

On many occasions, he publicly criticized these "vase" actors for their serious lack of acting skills, and even the most basic line skills are lacking.

Chen Baoguo's remarks quickly attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Surprisingly, however, instead of receiving universal support, his voice of justice has attracted a lot of criticism.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

In particular, the fans of those "vase" actors expressed strong dissatisfaction with Chen Baoguo's remarks, and even launched a cyber attack.

The turning point came at a movie premiere. Chen Baoguo publicly criticized the film's actor for his mediocre acting skills, and he can play important roles just by relying on his appearance.

He sees this phenomenon as a disgrace to the entire show business industry. However, the remarks immediately caused an uproar. The fans of the actor attacked him and lashed out at Chen Baoguo.

After this incident, Chen Baoguo obviously felt the pressure from the industry. His job opportunities began to dwindle, and some of the projects that had been negotiated were inexplicably put on hold.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

This made him deeply aware that in this complex entertainment industry, "vase" actors often have strong capital support behind them.

Faced with this situation, Chen Baoguo did not choose to compromise or retract his remarks. He insists that as a responsible artist, he has an obligation to speak up for the healthy development of the industry.

He once confessed that he did not regret making those remarks, because he regarded acting as his life and could not watch it go down.

However, this insistence also cost Chen Baoguo. He has gradually been marginalized, from a once hot "old drama bone" to a "marginal artist" who rarely shows up today.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

Despite this, Chen Baoguo still sticks to his beliefs, believing that only by insisting on truth and respecting art can he leave real value in this glitzy world.

Now 66-year-old Chen Baoguo has basically withdrawn from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry. He no longer appears frequently at various events, and can only be seen on some important occasions.

Surprisingly, however, despite fading out of public view, Chen Baoguo has not been forgotten by the audience. On the contrary, the classic roles he created are still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his acting skills and artistic ethics are still praised by industry insiders.

In stark contrast, those "traffic" stars who used to be beautiful have now gradually faded out of the public's sight.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

Chen Baoguo's experience teaches us a vivid lesson. He tells us with his actions that only by sticking to the essence of art and maintaining the love and awe of performance can we leave eternal value in this flashy world.

Although he paid a price for sticking to his principles, his spirit and attitude undoubtedly set a respectable example for the entire industry.

In this era of rapid success, Chen Baoguo's story reminds us that true success does not lie in temporary brilliance, but in consistent perseverance and persistent pursuit of art.

His precipitation and reflection have left us with valuable thoughts: in the impetuous entertainment industry, how to keep one's original intention, how to balance business and art, and how to maintain oneself in Vanity Fair.

Chen Baoguo, a "national first-class actor" who is nearly 70 years old, why did he retire from the circle?

These questions deserve deep consideration by everyone who is engaged in artistic creation.

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