
Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

The movie "731" was forced to be postponed, and it is said that a large number of unknown people reported it, and there is also the fierce opposition of parents to the "731" movie, saying that children are not suitable, is it really too cruel?

Parents' opposition to the 731 movie focused on the film's violent content, which they found unacceptable to children. The movie reveals the bacteriological experiments and various brutal biological weapons tests carried out by Unit 731, and the plot is extremely shocking. In the experiment, living people were used to carry out various cruel experiments, and even tied people to wooden stakes in a frozen environment, waiting to be infected and killed after being blown up. The images were deemed too gory and upset parents. They fear that the children will be traumatized by seeing these images.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Are these parents' concerns justified? From their point of view, the level of violence in the film is indeed impossible to ignore, but the filmmakers seem to have intended to remind the audience of the truth and tragedy of history through these images. They hope to bring back memories of the past by presenting history in an authentic way. This is not so much a trauma to the psychology of children as it is an exposure of history. In these controversies, the real question may not be the violent content of the film, but whether we will be able to accept these brutal truths on the basis of respect for history.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

The film "731" has triggered a violent response to the presentation of historical events, especially the strong opposition of parents to the content of the film, reflecting the disagreement of society on the true representation of history. While parents' concerns have their grounds, the educational implications that the film seeks to convey are equally noteworthy. Should this authentic representation of history be seen as part of history education, rather than being rejected solely because of violence? The issue remains open.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Uncovering the scars of history or inciting hatred?

The controversy over the release of the film "731" raises an important question: is it necessary to re-reveal these historical scars? Opponents believe that the content of the film may stir up anti-Japanese sentiment and affect relations between the two countries. They believe that mentioning these past atrocities can rekindle hatred and may have a negative impact on modern society. But can this really count as "incitement to hatred"?

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Facing history squarely is an attitude that conceals the pain of the past but cannot change the facts of history. There is an old Chinese saying, "learn from history", which means to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past through the lessons of history. The movie "731" tries to let more people understand the truth of these events by reproducing history in a real way. Those who have suffered, their stories and experiences should not be forgotten. History education is not about reproducing hatred, but about enabling future generations to better understand and respect history by understanding the truth of the past.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Sometimes, a proper understanding of history is more important than forgetting. What is the point of history education if the truth of history is ignored simply for fear of touching sensitive topics? The goal of the movie "731" is not to inspire hatred today, but to remind everyone that no matter how much time passes, the lessons of history are still worth remembering. The real challenge is how to balance respect for history with peace with reality, ensuring that the purpose of education is not misinterpreted as incitement to hatred.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Denying history or distorting facts?

The most ridiculous thing is that some people with intentions question the historical authenticity of the movie "731", believing that the film is distorting history. In particular, some so-called scholars and history professors claim that the existence of Unit 731 and the bacteriological warfare experiments are fictitious. However, is this really the case?

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

The Japan government has released photos of Unit 731 in 2018, and in 2020 it also confirmed the production of bacteriological weapons for Unit 731. Historical archives of Korea and the Soviet Union also record details of experiments on living humans in Japan. These have been verified by all parties, why would anyone stand up and deny the authenticity of these historical events? Is it because the facts of history are too difficult for some people to accept?

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Some of the professors' statements are confusing, and they may be challenging the truth of history, but there is already plenty of evidence for the existence of these events. This situation has not only raised public questions about history, but also unease the voices of those who seek to cover up the truth. In the face of these challenges, it is essential to understand the historical truth. Although the movie "731" presents a disturbing picture, its purpose is to reveal the dark side of history, not to make up false stories.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

The debate between questioning historical facts and defending historical truths highlights the complexity of historical understanding. The movie "731" was released not to create disputes, but to let more people know about that hidden history. In the face of these conflicts, shouldn't the truth of history be more clearly confirmed? In the face of history, denial cannot change the truth, but should be based on the truth to explore the deep meaning behind history.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Contemporary young people's indifference and reflection on history

In recent years, there has been a worrying increase in the disrespect for history by some young people. In the area of the Nanjing Massacre Victims Memorial Hall, there were young people wearing military uniforms from the Second World War era to take pictures, completely ignoring the seriousness of history. In Dali, girls wearing Japanese-style headscarves with the words "Japan will win" openly promote such remarks, causing strong social resentment. On the streets of Chongqing, a woman in a kimono shoots a video at the request of a gift from the "big brother", and these behaviors touch the bottom line of society's respect for history.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

These events have sparked a wide range of discussions: Are contemporary young people really so dismissive of history? Or are they just not knowing enough about history? These seemingly indiscreet actions are not only ignorant of history, but also reflect the inadequacy of history education in society. Many believe that these actions may mislead more people and make the true understanding of history more obscure.

Reported by more than 1 million people! Japan penetration rate is too high, is it to expose the truth or to incite emotions?

Behind the controversy of the movie "731" is a deep division over history. The film tries to make more people aware of the pain and lessons of history by reproducing history in a real way. These disrespectful behaviors in modern society reveal the lack of history education. In the face of these challenges, should more attention be paid to history education for young people? How can history become not only a memory of the past, but also a warning and inspiration in reality? These issues affect not only individuals, but also the attitude of society as a whole towards history and the direction of the future.


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